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Camp Juniper Knoll - An Unofficial Site

This is an Unofficial Site of Juniper Knoll.

JK is an all girls residential camp on the outskirts of East Troy, WI. It is run by the Chicago Council of Girl Scouting. It has it's own lake and island and many camp sites with different themes. The camp runs for various lengths of time all through the summer. During the winter, troops can winter camp at one of four cabins with council permission.

During the time period of 1989 through 1996, Lou McLeod was a camp counselor in various stages. She is the one creating this site.

Lou is looking for other camp counselors and campers who might be interested in giving a helping hand to this site. Make it good enuf and it can be offered to the Girl Scouts of Chicago to become an Official Site.

Also, She is interested in hosting an essay page. Subjects to include: "Why I love/d JK", "Why I hate/d JK", "The BEST summer at JK", Etc. you can get the idea.

There are various things that need doing (as of April 2002; updated February 2005):
  • I would like to get a copy of the current Summer Camp Program... Do you have one? I found one it online, I will try to update it to this site when spring is in full swing Email me to help.
  • I need pictures. All I have is a few pictures that I scanned in from when I was a Counselor-In-Training. I will be finding my old pictures and scanning them in when I have a chance.
  • Anyone know the rates for renting a Unit in camp? For Winter? Any regulations or anything that is needed? Found the answer at the Official GS of Chicago Site. Will link it here later.
  • What is the camp's policy on males camping in the off season?
  • Camper and counselor Comments about their experiences and their Ideas for this site.
  • Camper and Couselor Poetry, Memories and Pictures.
  • Is there anyone willing to support a Yahoo Group? Watch here for a Link. See below for ability to subscribe!
  • I am CERTAIN there is more.

Here are some other links to help you along:

See some Pictures of Camp:-)
Valdemar Girl's Camp?
A Songbook


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