Roseann (Middleton)Lloyd

May 11, 1954-May 31,1998
This page and its contents are dedicated to the memory of my mother Roseann (Middleton)Lloyd who recently passed away and is very much missed by everyone.

Quiet and gentle was her way
Tears fell as she slipped away.
Called to God before we were ready,
Loved and respected, strong and steady.
Heaven made a special place
Where she watches us with grace.
She keeps a vigil in the night
To comfort those awake with fright.
Kisses soft amid the moonlight
Singing gently through the night.
When we've lost our peace of mind,
We always know her love is kind.
Each and every day we face
We seek her spirit to embrace.
We love you, mom, now and ever
Dearest Angel, leave us never.
-Author Unknown
I love you always and miss you more than you'll ever know! Until we meet again....

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