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:: Welcome Back ::

Well, I am going to be dead honest. I never thought I would be bringing Mercs Inc. back
into the internet gaming world ever again. Things seemed to go downhill when we split
up into so many factions. So to say the least, I, Viral Rain, will not condone any factions
of Mercs Inc. So should you see a Mercs Inc. faction somewhere don’t bother e-mailing
me or IMing me asking me about it. When Stinger and myself built Mercs Inc. way back
when we never planned for it to be an organization with a whole bunch of sister factions.
Mercs Inc. is one entity and from here on out it will remain that way. The reason we had
so many member branching off and creating factions is because people wanted to play
other games. While I am still unsure what game I will put Mercs Inc. back on (perhaps
we should REALLY go back to the basics and go back to Delta Force One or Land
Warrior.) you can rest assured that Mercs Inc. will stay there, or at least in that games
series. Right now I am highly considering going back to the Medal of Honor franchise
because quite frankly Mercs Inc. had the most success and fun there. Who knows, for
right now I just want to get the site up and start looking for possible people interested in
playing for one of the best squads in the world.
Viral Rain out!

:: 8:26:03 ::
Well, I have finished the site and have added a hit tracker that give me all kinds of juicy
information about all of you visiting this site. This way I can taylor the site to what most our
visitors use. Paradox is coming home for the weekend from the Army so I doubt I will be
organizing any kind of games until the following week, plus Soul Calibur II comes out today
and people will be playing included.

<BGSOUND src="/il/MercsInc/MI_THeme.wav">