Islam (understood & wisdom) is the point power of Peace, has a claim upon the attention of every thinker, not only because it is the most civilizing and the greatest spiritual force of the world but also because it offers a solution of the baffing problems which confront mankin-today. I present this "spiritual thought" base upon of Islamic thinking, because after I discussed it to my Suhu that he suggested me it is better to provide The SolomonPower in the way of Islamic life, because not a mere of me is Moslem but the teaching of Islam is really absolute and the ideal one for this subject, who wants to learn about The SolomonPower must have strict confidence of his own self religion because this study is free for anyone not only the Moslem but also you, whoever, so I will not present this "spiritual drill" base upon of The Other's thought. Materialism, which has become humanity's ideal in modern times, can never bring about peace and mutual trust among the hearts of mankind.
Shohib & Bapak-Bapak yang budiman, diharapkan Anda memberi "Saran", "Kritik", dan memberi masukan dengan mengirim bahan-bahan atau materi-materi tentang Islam dihalaman ini, tinggal klik Box Your Ideas dibawah, materi yang Anda kirim akan terlampir dihalaman ini. Perlu Shohib ketahui, materi-materi yang ada dalam Islam Understood and Wisdom adalah mang Ali dapat dari email-email, mailing list, seperti IsNet, Spritual, Tasawuf dsb-nya. Ditunggu Your Ideas dan Dialog Antar Kita, banyak terima kasih atas partisipasinya. |
In this site Brothers and Sisters can read some of the interesting articles, those are I got from many sources, such as from my peers' email, Islamic mailing list or from the islamic good books. Hope, all of you will fill this site with your articles, so please do not hesitate send me some. The other case, we can make some dialog for any topic of articles, I think it is better you join the dialog, because as the expert one on the religious field you will be the advisor among us to solve the problem that we have, or if you have any problem in your life, please let us know in this forum, as you know among us are the experts, those we call The Amazing One!