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Hi, My name is Ron, I and my wife Brenda, along with our children
Joshua and Nicole, welcome you to our web pages
We live in Central Illinois here in the good ole United States

Please sign my guestbook, I like to see who has been here, and if you have a web site, place it in my guestbook
I would love to come visit your site - and come back, since I am on the net on a limited basis,
these web pages are always under construction. Someday ??? they will be completed.
This site is best viewed with Netscape 4.0
There's no monkey business going on at this ranch

Ranch Photo's
The Ranch, pets, and other pictures

Shady's Page
Our Congo African Grey

A must read if you have lost a loved one

Check out PJ by the Lake
If you like to look at the lake effect pictures

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