Hi, welcome to the new and improved, Cherie's Backstreet World! Look around and please bookmark beacuse I am always adding new things! Don't forget to sign my guestbook! Check out my UPDATES page for...well UPDATES!!
About Cherie How Cherie Met the BSB UPDATED 1/15 How Cherie met Christina Aguilera
(JANUARY)Well, I updated the news section, with news on all the awards our boys have won and also, just who is Johnny Suede?...
Alright so I know this has nothing
to do with the boys but ..I met Christina Aguilara at Zero Gravity! <--www.dancegravity.com..Check out the page about it!
met the BSB! I was on TV for the fan
conference they held in Chicago! So check out my
review section and the news and see what is up with
the best
guys alive! You can contact me at cherie@mtco.com!
MY NEW ONELIST The-Backstreetgirls
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