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Our Mission and Genreral
FeLV Information

In dedication to:

(1988 - 1997)

Our mission in presenting the information on these web pages is intended to help those whose feline babies are not responding to traditional veterinary methods of treating feline leukemia. People should be forewarned that many vets are skeptical and will resist using these newer treatments. We urge folks that encounter such opposition to seek out another vet that is willing to administer these medications as recommended below. In July of 1997, the Central States Veterinary Conference held in Kansas City, Missouri held discussions on these newer methods and were optimistic about their use in treating FeLV+ cats. For more details on the protocols for these drugs, please review the book, The 5 minute Veterinary Consultant: Canine and Feline by Tilley and Smith 1997.
If only we (and our vets) had known about these treatments when our precious babies became ill, they'd quite likely still be with us today.

Although feline leukemia remains an incurable viral disease that threatens the lives of thousands of domestic as well as wild cats each year, newer methods for treating this disease have become more readily available. The most effective drugs used today include: ImmunoRegulin, Acemannan, Interferon Alpha, Baypamun, as well as Holistic Treatments. Click here to find out more about these drugs and their usefulness in fighting off feline leukemia. Also included there is a "protocol" list for administering each of these drugs. If you have any further questions or comments, please contact me at:

For those that would first like an overview of what feline leukemia (FeLV) is, how it is transmitted, and how to protect their feline babies from it, please visit the Feline Leukemia Virus FAQ by Erin Miller. This is a very informative compilation of facts relating to FeLV, and it is recommended reading for those that are just starting their research into feline leukemia.

If you'd like to view our FeLV information sheet for more information about feline leukemia and the contents of this page, please visit:
Be sure that you've read the contents of this page first, though.

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