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The Official Kathleen Sage Home Page

In my signed copy of Out of Eden Kathy wrote, "To my brother Scott: who accompanied me on many many a ramble." In acknowledgements of Many Fires she wrote, "To my sons Todd, Tim, and Tony. And to my father and brothers. Their indulgence of my passion was made all the more precious by the fact that they couldn't believe I wanted to do this."
And now this is an exciting time. Kathy's NEW BOOK, Heart of Alaska, has just been released.  It is in the bookstores now.  In fact, it is the 27th most requested romance novel in the U.S. right now.  That isn't a surprise to me after reading Dad's review.
Kathy, I read Heart of Alaska in, of all places, Alaska.  Your best work yet.
In all seriousness, the book is selling out of the bookstores so quickly that Kathy is having trouble getting enough copies for her book signings.  So if you see it, get it.

As always, I dedicate this WebPage to my sister so I can further indulge her passion for writing by creating and regularly updating her Official Home Page. 


Books My Sister Wrote
Many Fires Out of Eden Heart of Alaska 
Links to Other Places
  • Kathy's Biography
  • Amazon.Com: One Place to buy Kathy's Books
  • alt.bookstore: Another Place to buy Kathy's Books
  • The Publisher Smart Enough to Publish My Sister
  • Angelfire - Free Home Pages
  • All text is copyrighted and used
    by permission of the publisher
    Updated on November 30, 1999

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