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Kevin Sinclair

Hello, this is my personal webpage. Here you will find a list of various bands I have been in over the years. Each link may have various pics and sound clips. I will be updating the page a little at a time over the next few weeks. So check back for updates.

Me in `92

Dr. Jeckyl
Radical Dude
Government Cheese
Beer Money
Blind Reason
Fake Jan

What I am Doing Now!

I am currently writing and recording new material for the 2nd Fake Jan album & I have just became the new bassplayer for the "Jam Band" from Paris.
Troy plans to come up sometime this summer to do some vocals (maybe some drums too). I hope to have some of the same people playing on the album as well, plus a few more people.
Plus I am producing a cd for "The Free Spirit Band" from Paris IL. I`m looking foward to hearing the final mix from that.
You can also find me running sound for the band Class Reunion check out their schedule for a complete listing!

Seven D`s Records
My own record label
