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News Flashes

This page is devoted to interesting news of current events in my life. Last updated: July 11, 2001

The biggest news of my summer of 2001 is that I am the recipient of a full tuition scholarship to ISU for a full year. I received this Illinois 64th district General Assemblies Scholarship from State Representative Dave Winters. I was especially grateful to receive this scholarship since I found out that only five are given out by him - four go to U of I attenders and one goes to another state school. The scholarship even covers next summer (2002) so I could take summer courses for free.
I am pleased to announce that as of April 27, 2000 I am an honorary Aunt. Gordon and Cindy Volkert are the proud parents of daughter Valerie Anne. She was born at 10:40 pm and was 7 1/2 lbs. and 20 1/2 inches long. I'm very happy for the new family.
I have become very active at RVC. I am now the Vice President of the scholarship hallmark in Phi Theta Kappa. PTK is the Jr. college honor society. I have already attended three conferences and will attend the International conference in Orlando, Florida during Easter weekend. I also joined Student Commission as the chair of the Lecture/Films Committee. I am enjoying meeting new people and feel like I really belong at RVC.
Hip Hip Hooray! I got a job! The job is at the Barnes & Noble bookstore on campus for the spring, summer, and through 2000. The wage isn't the best, but I receive a "generous discount" on my college books. :) This is cool. It is very convenient to work on campus. The money also is a perk. Every little bit helps!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I just received news that I may have an opportunity to spend New Year's Eve 1999 in New York City. Yep, that means I'll be there during the big Millenium celebration (I know that it technically isn't the real millenium, but most people don't care.) Besides just being in New York, I'll be singing at Carnegie Hall on Dec. 30th. The reason I may get to do this is because my choir director at Rock Valley (Mr. Durst) sent in an audition tape of the community chorale (mainly older non-college singers) to a contest and the group was selected to be one of four choirs to sing at Carnegie Hall. I'm in the Chamber Choir and we were also invited to go along with the other choir. I'm looking forward to this exciting experience and hope everything works out to allow this to happen. - note: see Carnegie page for news about the trip
Wedding! In February of 1999 I was asked by Cindy Sarver to be her Maid-of-Honor at her wedding. This was a big surprise for me. I've known Cindy for about seven years. She was first my church choir director, my confirmation mentor, "big sister" and friend. She met her fiancee, Gordon Volkert while working at Topway (Pec's grocery store). They dated for about three months before Gordon popped the question on New Year's Eve 1998. It was a rather quick courtship, but each knew what they wanted - each other. The wedding was on the evening of June 12. I'm very happy for them both and excited about their expected baby in May of 2000.
