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My Schooling

I attended Pecatonica highschool. I enjoyed the experience, except for all the homework and tests. I was not exactly a part of the "in crowd", but in the small school of 230, everyone knew who I was. I was very involved activities. I served as Class of '98's Vice President all four years and was also on the Student Council four years. I was a member of the Academic Bowl and WYSE/JETS teams. As a sophomore I was inducted into the National Honor Society and as a senior was selected to be an Illinois State Scholar. During my senior year I joined Key Club - thanks to my friend Naomi, and was named to the newly-formed Principal's Advisory Board. I played softball four seasons and enjoyed co-oping with Durand. I made some good friends there.

I mostly enjoyed participating in music classes. I played the Euphonium in band and sang both Soprano and Alto in choir. I was a much better singer than instrumentalist. I went to IMEA three years in a row as an alto and won the senior choral award. I graduated in May of '98. I was 4th in class rank out of a class of 50, received the Senior Spanish award, and was given the Principal's Award for outstanding senior female overall. Plus I received a Rotary scholarship and two scholarships through Rock Valley College. Whew!

After graduating high school, I attended Rock Valley College in Rockford, Illinois and graduated in the spring of 2000. At RVC I was very active on campus. I sang in three choirs, served as the vice president of Scholarship in the Phi Theta Kappa honors society, served as a Sophomore representative in RVC's student government, was a member of SHAPE - a social studies service organization, and worked at the RVC bookstore. (I still work as a seasonal employee at the bookstore during my breaks from school).
After I obtained my Associate in Arts from RVC, I transferred to Illinois State University in the fall of 2000. I'm now majoring in English and am minoring in History. After graduating in 2002, I might obtain my masters degree in Library Science or become an editor, who knows... Any way, I'm really liked junior college life and am getting to like my large four-year school as well. My favorite part is making new friends along the way.
So far I've been very active at ISU, continuing the trend from my previous schools. I am a member of the Honors Student Organization and helped plan the Spring Honors Formal in April of 2001. I am also the floor president in my residence hall government and basically represent the views of my floormates on key issues. As far as singing goes, I am in the University Choir with 120 fellow singers. I've enjoyed some of the music, but miss being the big fish in a little pond as I was in high school and at RVC. I attend a campus ministry called the Wittenberg Lutheran Center. The congregation is comprised entirely of students from ISU and Illinois Wesleyan. I spent a productive Spring Break in 2001 by going on a mission trip to Mexico with the "Wittenbergians." Read more about it in My Mexican Mission Story.

My Favorite things about ISU
