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Lauren's N'SYNC Mania Page

Hey ppl!! Welcome to my N'SYNC Mania Page!! This page is dedicated 2 one the best boy bands out there!! On this page you'll find info on how the band came to be, info on each the members, pictures, and much, much more!! So, please look around and enjoy! Please sign the guestbook if you have a chance!!! I hope everyone had a happy new year and I wish N'SYNC the best of luck in 1999! The N'SYNC concert rocked! It was sooo awesome! I'll be writing a review of it l8er! Also, feel free 2 IM me at: OldNvy627 -K- Peace-Out & Stay N'SYNC!!!!

Hey ppl! Don't 4get to watch MTV on January 9th! Ultrasound has a special on boy bands (which N'SYNC will be on). And N'SYNC has a 5 hour special of life on the road and a countdown of their favorite videos!! My local radio station will be featured on this w/N'SYNC. That means the life on the road seg will have footage of the concert I went to and my cousin and I were all around those cameras! So look 4 me! hehe :o) I'm the one w/the Crazy 4 N'SYNC sign! :oP Peace ya'll!

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This Page Last Updated: January 6th, 1999, 4:42 PM CST

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