The following list of the "70 Most Important Events in the Bible," is from the < by H.L. Willmington, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL, 1987. I have enjoyed hours of bible study referencing this book. I recommend it highly. It has thousands of interesting facts. Find the book at Barnes & Nobel <
1 | The Creation | Gen. 1 | |
2 | Fall of man | Gen. 3 | |
3 | Universal flood | Gen. 6-8 | |
4 | Tower of Babel | Gen. 11:1-9 | |
5 | Conversion and call of Abraham | Gen. 12:1-3 | |
6 | Giving of Abrahamic Covenant | Gen. 12:7, 13:14-17 15:1-21 | |
7 | The selling of Joseph into Egyptian slavery | Gen. 37 | |
8 | The enslavement of Israel in Egypt | Exod. 1 | |
9 | The call of Moses | Exod. 3:1-10 | |
10 | The ten plagues | Exod. 7-12 | |
11 | The Exodus from Egypt | Exod. 12-15 | |
12 | The institution of the Sabbath | Exod. 16:29 | |
13 | The giving of the Law | Exod. 20:1-17 | |
14 | The completion of the tabernacle | Exod. 40:33-34 | |
15 | The anointing of Aaron as first high priest | Lev. 8:1-12 | |
16 | The Jordan River crossing into Palestine | Josh. 3 | |
17 | The victory over Jericho | Josh. 6 | |
18 | The marriage of Ruth to Boaz | Ruth 4 | |
19 | The annointing of Saul as Israel's first king | 1 Sam. 9-10 | |
20 | The annointing of David as king | 1 Sam. 16:13 | |
21 | The capture of Jerusalem and recovery of the Ark by David | 2 Sam. 5-6 | |
22 | The giving of the Davidic Covenant | 2 Sam. 7:8-17 | |
23 | The annointing Solomon | 1 Kings 1:39 | |
24 | The completion of Solomon's temple | 1 Kings 6:38 | |
25 | The splitting of Israel into the two kingdoms, Israel and Judah | 1 Kings 12 | |
26 | Elijah taken up to heaven | 2 Kings 2 | |
27 | The deliverance of Joash from murderous Queen Athaliah | 2 Chron. 22:10-12 | |
28 | The Assyrian conquest of the northern kingdom | 2 Kings 17:6 | |
29 | The deliverance of Jerusalem from the Assyrians | 2 Kings 19:32-35 | |
30 | The discovery of the Law of Moses in Josiah's reign | 2 Chron. 34 | |
31 | The destruction of the temple of Solomon | 2 Kings 25:8-9 | |
32 | The Babylonian Captivity of the southern kingdom | 2 Kings 25:11 | |
33 | The return under Cyrus' decree | Ezra 1 | |
34 | The completion of the new temple under Zerubbabel | Ezra 6 | |
35 | The rescuing of the Jews by Esther | Esther 4-7 | |
36 | Birth of John the Baptist | Luke 1:57-80 | |
37 | The Birth of Christ | Luke 2:1-19 | |
38 | The flight into Egypt | Matt. 2:13-14 | |
39 | The temple visit at age 12 | Luke 2:41-50 | |
40 | Jesus' baptism | Matt. 3:13-17 | |
41 | The temptation | Matt. 4:1-11 | |
42 | The temple cleansing | John 2:13-25 | |
43 | The choosing of the 12 | Matt. 10:1-4 | |
44 | The Sermon on the Mount | Matt. 5-7 | |
45 | The raising of Lazarus | John 11 | |
46 | Death of John the Baptist | Matthew 14, Mark 6 | |
47 | Confession of Peter and promise of the Church | Matthew 16 | |
48 | The Transfiguration | Matthew 17 | |
49 | The triumphal entry into Jerusalem | Matthew 21 Mark 11 Luke 19 John 12 | |
50 | Events in the Upper Room | Matthew 26 Mark 14 Luke 22 John 13-14 | |
51 | Christ's ordeal in Gethsemane | Matthew 26 Mark 14 Luke 22 John 18 | |
52 | His trials | Matthew 26-27 Mark 14-15 Luke 22-23 John 18-19 | |
53 | The Crucifixion | Matthew 27:35 Mark 15:24 Luke 23:33 John 19:18 | |
54 | The Resurrection | Matthew 28 Mark 16 Luke 24 John 20 | |
55 | His ten glorified appearances | Matthew 28 Mark 16 Luke 24 John 20-21 | |
56 | Giving the Great Commission | Matthew 28:18-20 | |
57 | The Ascension | Acts 1:9-11 | |
58 | Pentecost | Acts 2 | |
59 | Healing of a lame man by Peter and John | Acts 3:1-11 | |
60 | Election of the first deacons | Acts 6:1-8 | |
61 | Martydom of Stephen | Acts 7:1-60 | |
62 | Conversion of Saul (Paul) | Acts 9:1-20 | |
63 | Establishment of the Antioch church | Acts 11:19-26 | |
64 | Death of James and deliverance of Peter | Acts 12:1-19 | |
65 | Paul's first missionary journey | Acts 13:2-14:28 | |
66 | The Jerusalem Council | Acts 15:1-35 | |
67 | Paul's second missionary journey | Acts 15:36-18-22 | |
68 | Paul's third missionary journey | Acts 18:23-21:16 | |
69 | Paul's imprisonment in Rome | Acts 28:30 | |
70 | The exile of John to Patmos and the writing of Revelation | Rev. 1:9 |