Southern Illinois Bulletin Board
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Southern Illinois Bulletin Board VII

Pope County, Ills.

The undersigned have taken charge of the above Springs, and take this method of informing the public that they will be open for the reception of visitors ON THE 4TH DAY OF JUNE. They have fitted them up in the most comfortable style; in fact they have re-built and re-fitted the place entirely new. They would advise the invalid who is seeking restoration of health to try the water of these springs, which has in so many cases proved beneficial to the afflicted. And those in search of pleasure will find here good accommodations, and no pains spared to render them comfortable.

The TABLE will be supplied with the best the country affords. The BAR will be supplied with the choicest of Wines, Liquors, &c., &c., with plenty of ice to last through the summer.

In short no pains will be spared to give satisfaction to all who may visit these springs, either in pursuit of health or amusement.

These springs are 25 miles from Metropolis, Ill., 20 miles from Paducah, Ky., and 12 miles from Golconda, Ill. Hacks will be run from the above named places. AN EXPRESS will run from the springs to connect with the Evansville and Paducah steam packets at Golconda, Ill.

RATES OF FARE per week, $6. The Hotel at Golconda has changed hands, and has been re-fitted and furnished. Persons visiting these springs will find comfortable quarters during the time that they may be detained at that point.


May 30, 1860

[The above article was taken from: "Trampe's Pope County Historical Review." ~ 04/01/98]


George Henry BOOS was born Jan. 18, 1862. He was the oldest son of the late George and Mary BOOS of this city and was one of a family of ten children. He departed this life Dec. 1, 1928, aged 66 years, 10 months and 13 days.

He was united in marriage with Susan GULLETT Nov. 2, 1884. To this union were born three daughters, who, with his companion survive. They are Mesdames Gertrude SCOTT, Monroe MARQUARDT, of Golconda, and Christie BUSHMAN, of Grantsburg; also eight grandchildren, four brothers and five sisters, namely: Mesdames C.P. KUHL, Chas. STEINKAMP , of Golconda; Otis GULLETT, of Metropolis; Ferdinand RICHTER, of Nashville, Tenn.; Will JOHNSON, of Detroit, Mich.; Mr. William and Mr. Guy BOOS, of Golconda, and J.H. BOOS and Chas. BOOS, of Carbondale.

He was converted in early life and joined the Methodist church and attended church services as long as his health would permit.

He was in failing health for sometime, but bore all his sufferings patiently and was ready to go when the Lord saw fit to call him. Words can't express the value of his life to his home, loved ones and friends, even though it was a shock to everyone, we know that the Lord giveth and taketh away and doeth all things well.

Funeral services were conducted at the Methodist church by Rev. W.L. HANBAUM. He was laid to rest in the old cemetery by Undertakers, Mr. and Mrs. Fred ROTTMAN.

"His smiling way and pleasant face,
Are pleasure to recall;
He had a kindly word for each,
And died beloved by all.
Some day we hope to meet him,
Some day we know not when,
To clasp his hand in a better land,
Never to part again."


Card of Thanks

We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the act of kindness and messages of sympathy and the beautiful floral offerings received from our relatives and friends in our sad bereavement, in the loss of our husband and father. ---- Wife and Daughters.

[Article taken from scrapbook of newspaper clippings kept by Linda Lewis Meherg's aunt. No date on clipping. ~ 04/01/98]


Phoeba Jane REID GORDON was born in Dallas County, Alabama, Aug. 24, 1839 and died near Creal Springs June 8, 1922, at the advanced age of 82 years, 9 months and 14 days. She was the daughter of H.P. and Sarah POOSER REID and had four brothers, and sisters being, Mary, James, Laura and Sarah all of [them] now deceased. The father having died when deceased was three years old, the widowed mother with five children about two years later moved to middle Tennessee, where she married a second time to Joseph REID her Brother-in-law. This union was blessed [with] four children as follows: Traquilla, Charles D., Tanny and John all of whom are deceased except Tranquilla and Charles D., both of Carbondale. Upon the death of her mother when the subject was fourteen years old, she came to Illinois where she married William F. REID and to this union the following children were born: Charles Lawson, Louis Webb, William Lloyd, Luella Josephine and Sarah Catherine, only two of whom survive, William Lloyd and Mrs. Sarah Catherine KINSMAN of Creal Springs. Her first husband died June 28, 1872 and in September 15, 1879 she united in marriage with John W. Gordon, two children born to them died in infancy. She professed faith in Christ in 1861 and delighted in reading her Bible and attending church as long as her health permitted. She never united with any church organization however. Beside two children and five grandchildren deceased leaves a large circle of friends and acquaintances who will miss grandma GORDON. Rev. JONES conducted appropriate funeral services at the residence on Friday. Burial was made in the Salem cemetery.

[The above article was given to me by: Florence Reid Jones Bauer ~ 04/01/98]

A Beautiful Tribute To His Memory, His Work And His Worth.

Rosi Clare, Ill., Sept. 15, 1890

That death loves a shining mark was exemplified when "The grim reaper cut down the bearded grain" in the person of our beloved pastor, E.R. FARROW, of Princeton, Ky. The shock of his death will linger long in the hearts of those "who knew him but to love him."

The sad event occurred at Princeton, Ky., at his home, surrounded by his family and kind friends. An able man, an earnest Christian, a kind and affectionate husband and father has passed to "the undiscovered country, from whose bourn no traveler returns." A self-made man, an intellectual man, a profound man, a clear reasoner has but obeyed the summons of his Creator and paid the debt of nature. But he is not dead---"only sleepeth," till the glad resurrection morn, when he shall awake in the presence of the kind Master, whom he served so well, and receive the sweet welcome, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful in a few things, I will make thee ruler over many."

Bro. FARROW was born Nov. 6, 1826, at Mt. Sterling, Ky., of prominent parentage, his father, having served his state with great distinction. He soon was recognized for his ability, worth and manly qualities of head and heart. He was in every sense a leader amongst men; and though often tempted with posts of high political worth and influence, like the Master he loved he chose the humble vocation of "a laborer i n the vinyard of the Lord." He realized that the field of his Master was wide and the laborers few; and buckling on the armor of faith he became a brave soldier of the Cross. And when he fell at his post of duty "he had reaped a harvest of souls and gained a crown" ---sweeter than all the plau dids of men or worldly ambition.

He came to this (Rosi Clare) community about three years ago, and by his powerful sermons and exhortations soon brought order out of confusion and re-organized the Rosi Clare Christian church and Sunday school with a roll of over 100 members. Well do we remember his wonderful exposition of the gospel in these meetings. His pleading for the cause of the Master were so earnest and touching that few could listen without responding and making the sweet confession that "Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God." The last sermon he preached for the Rosi Clare congregation was his regular day of monthly appointment, the second Sunday in August. And he seemed to have an intuition that he might not live to meet them again, for in extending the invitation to those in the audience to take on Christ, he informed them, in the language of Jesus, that "he would not be here always to strive with them; " that he felt his days were numbered, and that should he be instrumental in directing one more soul to the straight and narrow path leading to heaven he would feel that his cup of bliss was almost full. How prophetic his words---how wonderful his vision! For God called him soon after and we will see him no more. He builded better than he knew, for an enduring monument of love has risen in the hearts of these people that can never parish. His frame may moulder back to dust in the quiet little graveyard at Princeton; but the memory of his deeds and his worth and his declaration of precepts of the gospel have fallen upon fruitful soil and will bloom into eternal life.

His creed was Jesus, the Christ. His hope, his comfort, his eternal rest---the Bible. He fought the good fight, and the messenger of God gently touched him and said, [the end of the article.]

[The above newspaper clipping was sent to me by John Noel ~ no date on clipping ~04/01/98]


Wonderful Achievement of an Old Lady in Illinois

Special Dispatch to the Globe-Democrat.
Harrisburg, Ill., November 22------Mrs. Lauren TISON, who lives near Broughton, in this (Saline) county, is the possessor of a quilt which is a wonderful piece of handiwork, and it is attracting considerable attention for miles around. Some two years ago Mrs. TISON, who is 75 years of age, saw an article in a magazine which told of a quilt made by Mrs. McKINLEY, wife of the late President, containing something over a thousand pieces, and concluded she would beat the lady of the White House in quiltmaking. She set to work, did every stitch of the sewing herself by hand, and recently, when she had finished it, a count was made, and it was found to contain exactly 2542 pieces, some of which were only a quarter of an inch square. Not only is the quilt remarkable for the number of pieces in it, but the different designs and the harmonious, arrangement of the different colors employed added to its beauty as well. Mrs. TISON has been tempted with handsome money for the quilt, but she refuses to part with it.

[The above article copied from a scrap book kept by Ruth Baker Huffman. No date on clipping. ~ 04/01/98]


Charles Munroe McCULLOCH, son of James and Sarah McCULLOCH, was born near Brownfield, Illinois May 10 1867, and died near New Liberty, Illinois, May 6, 1937, having attained the age of 69 years, 11 months and 9 [27] days.

Oct. 28, 1888, he was married to Lillie Gertrude BAKER. To this union were born six sons and four daughters. His wife and eight of the ten children survive him: Dr. H.L. McCULLOCH, of Los Angeles, Calif., Joseph E. McCULLOCH, of Chicago, Dan McCULLOCH, of Rochester, Minn., Mrs. Nelly ANGELLY, of Brookport, Ill., Mrs. Mary NEELY, of Agnew, Calif., Mrs. Helen BECKER, of Elgin, Ill., Roy McCULLOCH, of Chicago, and Mrs. Carolyne RIGOR, of Elgin, Ill. Also seven grandchildren, two brothers and three sisters remain. The brothers and sisters are Otis McCULLOCH, of Brownfield, Elmer McCULLOCH, of Cash, Ark., Mrs. Ida BAKER, of Golconda, Mrs. Sula TROVILLION, of Brownfield, and Mrs. Laura JENNINGS, of Herrin.

As the fruit of his labors and aspirations he had the pleasure of seeing his children grow to honorable manhood and womanhood and fill useful places in life.

He leaves besides his companion and children, a host of friends to mourn his departure.

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Baptist church in Brownfield. Rev. Jack STEAGALL conducted the services. Music was furnished by the Waltersburg male quartette. Following this, burial was made in the Field cemetery.

Card of Thanks

We take this method of extending our thanks to friends and relatives during the resent loss of our husband and father.

Mrs. Gertrude McCULLOCH And Family.

[The above newspaper clipping was copied from a scrap book kept by Linda Lewis Meherg's aunt. No date on clipping. ~ 04/01/98]


The cyclone that passed through the lower end of this county last Thursday afternoon was the most destructive our county has ever experienced. It came from the southwest, and is probably the same that visited some parts of Missouri, and towns in the western part of Illinois, and certain it is that the intruder was the same that wrecked a number of houses in Metropolis.

The track of the unwelcome visitor varied from a quarter to a


As they are usually described, those who saw it was of funnel-shape and of a reddish copper color, the lower end resembling, in shape, the trunk of an elephant.


were brought to Golconda by the officers on the Kerr, which steamer was lying across the river at Bayou Mills at the time the cyclone crossed the river. They were unable to ascertain the extent of the destructiveness of the storm, however. And not until Friday was anything definite learned.

Reports kept coming in, and instead of making the situation appear less dreadful, as is usually the case in such awful disasters, each report confirmed the truth of the first or added fresh coloring to the already dark picture.

Being anxious to ascertain, if possible, the full extent of the damage to life and property, the HERALD-ENTERPRISE proprietors, accompanied by Mr. Jas. A. HODGE, on Saturday morning, got a skiff and started for the devastated region.

Landing at the foot of the hill opposite, and below the STREIT place, we made our way over the hill in the direction of the SCHOONOVER place. We had understood that this was one of the places that had been torn up, but we found everything all right there. We inquired if the storm had been as bad as we heard. "Yes, everything is gone," was our answer.

Following the directions given us, after walking about half a mile we began to see unmistaken evidences of the storm's dreadful power. In the distance we could see the stumps of trees that had been cut off at the same height like stubble in a harvest field.

Plodding on we soon found ourselves in what might be termed a monster brush heap. Here were piled in a promiscuous heap, trees, both large and small, and timbers from wrecked buildings, and the only way to get along was to scramble over.

To say that the situation was appalling, and that it was as bad as reported, save, fortunately, that no human lives had been blotted out, was unfortunately true.

On every hand could be seen the awful work of the dreaded visitation, and half-picked chickens and geese, from which the feathers had been blown, lying dead here and there, the dead, maimed and dying hogs, and several cows that had been blown, and rolled, and beaten to death, gave unmistaken evidence that the cyclone was a terrible one.

When we came to the site of the


we were almost speechless with astonishment at what met our gaze.

On the spot where once stood the school house that was the pride of the neighborhood, not a stick of timber was left, but near by were some of the heavier timbers and the slate blackboards. The latter furnished the only clue by which a stranger might have told what character of building the wrecked one had been.

The country back of Bay City is quite hilly, though there are a number of good farms in the vicinity.

The school house referred to is under the hill from the direction in which the cyclone came, but nevertheless, it descended the hill, a considerable elevation, and swept away trees of all sizes and kinds, from the tall, sturdy oaks that had withstood the tempests of ages, to the small saplings, and even left wheat fields bare and broken.


Standing at this point we could see all that remained of the family residence of Thomas E. COMPTON --- one of the chimneys. This residence and the furniture it contained were all demolished but only a part of his barn was destroyed. The house that stands above the road on his place was not injured.


The barn, a large log building, was blown down. We found a number of men engaged in raising it again when we were there. Mr. ROBINETT's loss was very heavy.


Miss Malinda DAVIS and her mother lived in a small house a short distance from Mr. ROBINETT's. She said: "When I saw the cloud and noted its strange shape I begged mother to go with me to Mr. RONINETT's, but she didn't feel able to go. I wrapped her up quickly and we started, with me half pulling her.

"We got about a hundred yards in the field when I saw her fall forward, and I at the same instant was hurled to the ground, with my face toward the wind, which nearly suffocated me.

"When I looked in the direction of Mr. ROBINETT's, I saw the house when it was struck. It appeared to be one hundred and fifty feet in the air and whirling.

"Mother was blown about thirty yards from me. Neither of us were hurt."



At a meeting of the citizens of Pope county on the call of the Mayor of the Town and Sheriff and County Clerk of the county to consider means for the relief of the people of the county who were sufferers in the cyclone of the 27th inst., it was ascertained that the following named persons have suffered irreparable loss as follows:

Sam AUSTIN lost his houses, residence and furniture and his farm is a total wreck. He has a family of seven or eight persons.

Fritz WIEDEMAN had his fences and wheat crop destroyed. He has a wife and seven or eight children.

Carl SUNDMACHER lost his residence, furniture and farm implements. His farm is a total wreck.

Jonathan ROBINETT lost nearly everything. Some of the members of his family were injured severely.

Wilson TAYLOR has a wife and two children. Nearly all his premises were destroyed.

Thos. E. COMPTON, wife and seven children. Houses, residence, and fence all gone. Furniture destroyed.

Ed TAYLOR, house blown down.

Wm. JONES sustained much damage.

Philip SLEETER and wife, two old people, lost all. These people were industrious and hard working, and the earnings of a life-time have been instantly swept away by a terrible tempest.

Subscription lists will be circulated and in the meantime, all who can donate money for the relief of the sufferers can forward contributions to John GILBERT, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer of the committee, at Golconda, Ill.

W.S. MORRIS, John GILBERT, Jr., Wm. O. STEAGALL, A.D. PIERCE, Penn V. TROVILLION, Relief Committee.

[The above article was taken from:"Trampe's Pope County Historical Review". Written on the top of the clipping was 27 Mar 1890. ~ 04/01/98]


Caroline SMITH, the daughter of Jiles and Lucinda SMITH, was born April 29, 1838, in Saline county. When Caroline was eight years old her parents moved to Hardin county and when she was seventeen years of age she was married to James A. HILL, August 29, 1855. She professed faith in Christ in the autumn of 1857 and united with the Cumberland Presbyterian church and lived a devoted member until she fell asleep in the arms of Jesus, April 15, 1900. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.

She was the mother of eight children, four boys and four girls, seven of which still survive her, also she has ten grand children, and one great-grand child. Six of her children are married and have families. Elmer, her youngest son, was so devoted to his mother, although 28 years old, was still living at home when she died. She was paying a visit to her oldest son, W.H. HILL, living at Rock Creek when she died, she was taken to Pleasant Hill cemetery and after the funeral which was conducted by Rev. R.M. RUMSEY, [my Great-grandfather ~JFL] her body was placed in the tomb, she leaves a husband, seven children and a host of friends to mourn her absence.

Oh, how vivid is the picture,
Memory brings to me to day;
Of her face so calm and patient,
As she in her coffin lay.
Of her hands so gently folded;
On her cold and silent breast.
Gone where wicked cease from troubling
And the weary are at rest.


[The above newspaper clipping was sent to me by John Noel ~ no date on clipping ~04/08/98]



In April, 1826, two citizens of Pope County had a fight and during the encounter one bit the ear and finger of the other.

On July 17, 1826, the man who was injured appeared before the circuit clerk and made an affidavit that in a suit which he had on that day brought against the biter for trespass in assault and battery by biting and disfiguring his ear and finger he verily believed that he would be in danger of losing whatever judgment he might obtain in said suit against the biter. A warrant was issued for the man who did the biting.

And on the same day he appeared before the circuit court and offered the following document for recording, and same appears below with the exception that no names are given:

"Know all men by these presents that I, ….. of the county of Pope and the State of Illinois, do, for and in consideration of ….. having discharged me from all claim on his part to damages for biting off his right ear, in a fight, acknowledge, confess and publish to the world that in the month of April last, in a personal encounter with said …… I did bite off his right ear. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 17th day of July, 1826. ……………………………. …. (Seal)

Witness, Chas. DUNN."

This would indicate that as soon as the arrest was made a compromise was arrived at. At least the civil case was dismissed at a later date.

It would seem, however, that the grand jury met and indicted both men in the same indictment for "an affray." The man who did the biting appeared before Judge Richard M. YOUNG, on October 31, 1826 and plead guilty to an 'affray' and he was fined fifty cents and costs and ordered to stand committed until fine and costs were paid. On the same day the injured party appeared before the same judge and was fined a like sum and costs and the same order was entered as to commitment until fine and costs were paid.

On November 12, 1827, the man who did the biting was killed by one Jonathan JOINER, otherwise called Jonathan DEES. The grand jury indicted JOINER on December 6, 1827, a change of venue was granted to Gallatin county, and the prisoner was ordered to be moved to Gallatin county, and the prisoner was moved to the Gallatin county jail at Equality on the second Monday in May 1828. John VEATCH was paid $5 for making the irons and putting them on the prisoner. When the jail was built it was thought it would hold anybody but it seems that JOINER escaped from the jail. It cost the county $200 for guards to keep this man in jail. When it was necessary to remove the irons they had to be cut off by the blacksmith, John VEATCH, who made and put them on.

[The above article was taken from:"Trampe's Pope County Historical Review". Written on the top of the clipping was 05 October 1933. ~ 04/10/98]

~ Pope County IL Deed Record Book A 1816-1836 ~

Page 194 ~ Confession ~ 17 July 1826
I, Mark WHITAKER, Pope Co., do for and in consideration of Hiram WALLACE having discharged me from all claim on his part to damages for biting off his right ear, in a fight, acknowledge, confess and publish to the world, that in the month of April last, in a personal encounter with said WALLACE, I did bite off his right ear. /s/ Mark WHITAKER

Wit: Chas. DUNN ~ Rec'd 17 July 1826


John J. REXER was born in Pope county, August 22, 1864. All his life was spent in Pope county, on his farm near the place of his birth.

In the year 1895 he was married to Myrtle GILLIAM. Only a few months they spent together, as she was soon called to her Eternal home. A few years later he was united in marriage to Joanna WILLIAMSON. This happy marriage was blessed with four children, whom were all present during his last illness.

Mr. REXER was indeed one of Pope county's most highly respected citizens. His ambition for his family required constant and loving services, in which he was most happy to perform. The devotion between him and his family was worthy of notice and admiration.

Early in life he made his profession of faith and united with the Prospect Baptist church, remaining a true Christian character throughout the years.

A serious illness of intense suffering for a period of two weeks resulted in his passing on December 6th, 1941; having reached the age of 77 years, two months and 13 days.

Those of his immediate family, who are heartbroken because of this separation, are his companion and two sons, Fred and John, of Golconda; two daughters, May ROBERTSON and Mayme ADKINS, of Mt. Vernon, Ind., and three grandchildren; three brothers, George of Dixon Springs; Wes of Brownfield, and Mike of Milford, Ill.; four sisters, Mary SISTLER, of Dixon Springs; Katie MOYERS of Waltersburg; Lula DOMLING, of Canada, and Christie BELL, of California

[The above article was taken from:"Trampe's Pope County Historical Review". No date on clipping.]

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