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Lisa's Genealogy Page
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These web pages are designed to share the information that I have gathered in my research. Since my mother is of Italian descent and my father of Hungarian, the links below will take you to those branches of my family.

My Italian Ancestry pages contain ancestor and outline descendant trees of the many branches that I have found in my research from the town of Marano Marchesato, Calabria, Italy. The surnames of my direct ancestors in these lines include BASILE, SERPE, COSENTINO, TENUTA, BARTELLA, PERFETTI, RITACCA, SCOLA, CONFORTI, PERRI, VOLPENTESTA, BARBIERI/BARBIERO, DI BARTOLO, MORRONE, RICCHIO, DE FILIPPIS, BIANCHI/DEL BIANCHO, and LA MACCHIA.

My Hungarian Ancestry pages contain pictures and are in a story-like format. The surnames of my direct ancestors in these lines include CSOLKOVITS, HORVATH, FAZEKAS, BAZSO, KISH, LACHATA, LEGINDY, MAY and TOLSIK.

Marano Marchesato Research ...check out the Marano Marchesato civil record indexes that I have compiled during my research at the LDS Family History Center.

Created by Lisa Perkins,
Copyright 1999, Lisa Perkins