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The Renaissance: A Webquest on the Time Period and Its Art

This webquest is dedicated to the Art of the Renaissance time period. You will be working in groups of three on one of the topics below. Your job will be to create a "Renaissance Portfolio", complete with descriptions and critiques of Renaissance artists and their works. To begin, you will only need the following items:
  • Notebook for taking notes on each
  • Writing utensil
  • Printer capability
With these items, you should be ready to begin.

Step One: The Time Period

The first section of the webquest involves research into the Renaissance period. You will find as much background information on the time period, answering the following questions in your notebook: (this will be checked)

  1. What years did the time period involve?
  2. How did the time period come about?
  3. In what area of the world did the movement begin?
  4. Who were the major people involved with the time period?
  5. What major events took place that shaped the time period?
  6. What time period did the Renaissance give way to? Did the Renaissance have anything to do with inspiring that future time period?

You will find a sheet to answer these questions Here. Make sure to be as detailed as possible. You are to find out as much as you possibly can about the Renaissance. This will be the basis for the second half of your paper, so if this part suffers, the entire project will suffer as well.

Use the following links to get you started in researching the time period. Feel free to use any other sources, including books, periodicals, etc.

The Renaissance
Renaissance art and architecture
The World of the Renaissance
Renaissance Chronology
The Renaissance
Renaissance Magazine
Who's Who in the Medieval History and the Renaissance
Welcome to the Renaissance!

Step Two: Choose the artists

Examine the list below. You and your partners are to choose one of the artists listed below. You are to create a portfolio as if you were the artist. The portfolio should include the following:

  1. What makes art such as essential aspect of the Renaissance (1 page, typed).
  2. Any background information, including place of birth, years active, major influences, and any other historical references. (Biography: 2-3 paragraphs, typed.)
  3. A description of the artist's style, showing how this artist's work is valuable both aesthetically as well as how it represents the Renaissance. (2-3 paragraphs, typed).
  4. A list of at least 15 major works (Typed, include medium, year produced).
  5. Photographs of at least 7 works, with an explanation of each (include medium, year produced, description of subject; typed captions appearing with photograph on triptic)
  6. One page, typed, remarking on the impact of the artist on both the artistic as well as the social culture of the time
Make sure the portfolio is presented as if you are the artist. Find a way to creatively display all works by the artist, so the viewing public will be impressed. The key to this assignment is not only to present information, but to do so aesthetically.

Possible Artists (choose from this list)

Michelangelo Buonarroti
Bosch, Hieronymus (1450-1516)
Bruegel, Pieter the Elder (1525-1569)
Caravaggio [Michelangelo Merisi] (1571-1610)
Cellini, Benvenuto (1500 - 1571)
Correggio (1489-1534)
della Querica, Jacopo (1367-1438)
della Robbia, Luca (1400 - 1482)
Gentileschi, Artemesia (1593-1652)
Ghirlandaio, Domenico (1449-1494)
Giotto (1267-1337)
Pollaiolo, Antonio del (c.1431-1498)

Sandro Botticelli
Jane Van Eyck
Lorenzo Ghiberti
Leonardo Da Vinci
Fra Angelico
Albrecht Durer

In addition, you can find general information for these artists at these websites:

Final Presentation

The final portfolio should be presented creatively in a new, presentable folder, complete with the Renaissance description as well as the completed works of your artist. Remember that all written work must be typed in manuscript form and reflect correct paragraph form. Proofread carefully, as grammar and mechanics will be graded in addition to your research and creativity. For the presentation itself, present your responses to the six questions and the pieces of art in your portfolio. Presentations should be ten minutes in length.

You will find examples of real art portfolios Here. This is an article explaining to prospective artists how to create their portfolios.