Apologetics and Theology Resources including early church
documents, creeds, confessions, Paul Nanson`s Apologia Archives, A
Biblical Defense of the Trinity
Dedicated to providing biblically sound online resources for the
edification of God`s people. The Center is committed to the system of
doctrine known as Calvinism, which we see to be the most biblically
faithful systematization of the Bible`s teachings.
The purpose for this web site is to present Christianity as such an
understandable, defensible, and compelling world view that any honest
investigator will accept its truth and purpose for his or her life.
A ministry dedicated to Teaching True Christian Doctrine, Exposing
Cult Error, Unmasking the New Age Movement, Disproving Evolution, and
Providing Useful Information in the Defense and Furthering of the
Christian Faith.
A body of Christian scholars which promotes a Christian world view
by analyzing and challenging contemporary culture and presenting
balanced, reasoned, biblically based information. Probe exists to
influence the culture for Christ and to equip and motivate Christians to
do the same. We have two primary ministries: a 5-minute radio program
called "Probe," and our Mind Games Conference, which we like
to call a College Survival Course.
A non-profit organization located in Phoenix, Arizona, dedicated to
the research of the origins of humankind. Also contains information from
a new book by Dr. Brown entitled In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence
for Creation and the Flood.
A non-profit, evangelistic organization dedicated to spreading the
truths of the book of Genesis through seminars, publications, and radio
broadcasts. In addition to proclaiming the truths of Genesis, AIG
endeavors to show that a false view of origins (i.e., evolution) is at
the foundation of many of our social ills.
Founded in 1970, CSRC was created to change the manner in which
public schools teach about evolution theories. The purpose is to protect
the faith of Christian children from illegal offense against their faith
in the God of Creation.
This Web site contains information for: People who have left
Jehovah`s Witnesses, People who are thinking of leaving, People who have
been forced to leave.
Seeks to link ex-JWs thereby providing a means of fellowshiping and
"talking out" the concerns and hurts they harbor as a result
of their association with the Watchtower Society.
A nonprofit user supported ministry, dedicated to providing an
electronic pathway upon which our Mormon friends may find the truth of
the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Provides a variety of answers to commonly asked questions covering
numerous topics. By no means do we provide all the answers, but we do
our best to provide you with Biblically based answers to questions that
many people like you struggle with.
This is not a line by line commentary of the Bible, but a clear and
simple guide, or method, to understand its message. A new chapter is
added almost every week