question gender grey with black text and purple symbol. design by rebecca.
fatter than barbie, stronger than ken white with purple text and pink heart background. design by rebecca, concept by the unknown creator of sarah bellino’s free store shirt.
robots do it better lime green with black text, image of space-robot. design by rebecca. robot image ripped off an old t-shirt.
i’m a good little monkey and I read remorsecodeblues white with red text, image of curious george reading. design by rebecca. curious george is copyrighted by h.a. rey. please don’t sue me.
have you hugged your zinester today? lavender with purple text. design by rebecca, concept by andy eley and rebecca (and whoever invented those “have you hugged you child today?” bumper stickers).
super queer multicolored, pink triangle superhero/ine image. generic button design, with color, text and type modified by rebecca.
piss off! baby blue with dark blue text, image of grumpy care bear and smiley stars. the #1 seller! design by rebecca, concept by rebecca and andy. care bear image is probably copyrighted by someone, but i don't know who.
“of course, some do go both ways.” bi pride! white with blue text, image of scarecrow from the wizard of oz. concept by kyle white (thank you kyle!), design by rebecca. scarecrow image is public domain.
vous pouvez pas orthographier lesbienne sans bien! grey with black text, black and purple venus symbol. Roughly translated, it means “you can’t spell lesbian without good!” see, it’s only funny in french. design by rebecca. please let me know if there's a better translation.
each button is 2 1/4 inches diameter and costs $1, including postage. just send a note specifying which button(s) you'd like, along with your name, mailing address, and payment to this here address. home
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the folks at JASMYN (jacksonville area sexual minority youth network) make lots of kickass pro-queer buttons, so check 'em out online, and e-mail lindsey to order by mail!
if you want a button custom-designed just for you, these are the people to see: