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Aloha from PineappleMan

"Beautiful Hawaii revisited"
Books | Pineapple Perks | Hawaiian Radio Page | Really Cool Links

(Click on image for translation.)

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"No alien land in all the world has any deep, strong charm

for me, but that one; no other land could so lovingly and beseechingly haunt my sleeping and waking, through half a lifetime, as that one has done.
Other things leave me, but it abides."

-- Mark Twain, c. 1889

NOTE: Check out our newly expanded Pineapple Perks page!!
Shown below is just one of the new additions. Hope you like all the new links.

E komo mai!

for visiting. My purpose for this site is to revisit the most beautiful place on our planet. You'll find information and links to other sites regarding the rich cultural history of our beautiful island state from the perspective of a malihini (non-resident).

Many features make this state so unique! For example, Hawaii is home to the only Royal Palace on American soil and the only state in which coffee is grown. Hawaiian Kona is truly an exciting cup of coffee! I hope to convey not only the natural beauty of the landscape, but also the beauty of the Hawaiian people and the Aloha spirit that sets them apart. And perhaps we can learn a little of their native language by using a few Hawaiian phrases.

Be sure to come back and visit again soon! I'll be expanding my page as time permits.

  • In the meantime, you may use the Barnes & Noble search engine to find books on Hawaii (or any other topic for that matter.) May I suggest some key words? Try "Captain James Cook" or "history of Hawaii" or "hula". If you're planning a trip to Hawaii, try "Hawaii guide." That's just a few to get you started.

  • I've also included the HOTBOT search engine for searching the WEB for information.

  • And you'll be able to compare the weather report for Honolulu with your own weather; and if you'd like your own local forecast, just click on the banner.

  • Oh, and take a look at my list of Hawaii-related links. I think you'll find hours of surfing pleasure.

Mahalo (thanks) again for stopping by - malama pono (take care.)

Pineappleman, Honolulu International Airport.
He had just got his lei and was ready for his adventure.

Books | Pineapple Perks | Hawaiian Radio Page | Really Cool Links

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Kipa hou mai!
Come back soon!


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This page was last updated on 09/12/00.