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The Nature Ezine for enjoying creation and learning from it.
Evolution Debate
Mammal of the month

Read about the American Crocodile!

Updated 2/08/2001Mammal of the month

Caterpillars grow several thousand times in size before pupating葉he process during which they turn into butterflies. How tall and heavy would you be if your height and weight multiplied 3,000 times?

Birding Links/ Mammal Links/ Hiking Links

Animals and birds are dying because of the wickedness of our people, people who say, "God doesn't see what we are doing." Jeremiah 12:4 (Today's English Version)

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"Ask the animals,
and they will teach you.
Ask the birds of the sky,
and they will tell you.
Speak to the earth,
and it will instruct you.
Let the fish of the sea speak to you..."

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