Shelter Survey!

Just write down your answers on a piece of paper and then email those answers to me at click on the link at the bottom), for yes or no questions just write down Y or N. Please be as specific as possible. Again thank you for your time and I hope in the future I can serve your area as a primary animal shelter. Again if you do not live in the Basset, Long Pine, Ainsworth area then it won't really help to answer the survey.

1. Do you have any pets? If not skip to question #5, if you do please list what kind and be as specific as possible (such as listing breed of dog).

2. Have you had or will you have a need to board your pet for any period of time? Y or N

3. Do you have a need to have someone bathe your pet or trim its nails? Y or N and if so which one (or both) If not skip to question #5.

4. What do you consider a reasonable charge to board your pet for one night? What about trimming your dogs nails? Bathing your pet?

5. Do you have a need for someone to remove pests from your home or property (excluding rats, mice, and insects)? Y or N If not skip to question #7

6. What would you consider a reasonable charge for the service in the previous question?

7. Have you seen any stray animals wondering in your area? Y or N

8. Do you often see pets that have been killed along the roadside in your area? Y or N

9. What pet products would you most likely buy for your pets? For example, flea and tick sprays, food bowls, leashes, collars, treats, food, etc. Be as specific as possible and if possible please list what you are paying now for these items.

10. Would you support an animal shelter/boarding facility in your area either financially or through donations such as food, blankets, etc.? Y or N

11. In your opinion do you think there's a need for an animal shelter/boarding facility in your area? Y or N

Please let me know if you have any additional comments or questions. Thank you very much for taking the time to fill out this survey it is greatly appreciated!!!

