Welcome To Scott Thompson's Second Home
You know its' going to be a good day when...
- you wake up
- you read in the sports section that the Cardinals won last night
- nobody is talking about Seinfeld
- the coffee you buy at the C-store does not have scum floating on top
- you have a full tank of gas in the car
- there is not a school shooting
- you dont have to wait for your tee-time
- you're catching fish
- someone mowed the yard for you
- you dont hear the names Ken, Monica or your ex-wife
- the church that was bombed was not yours
- you turn on the car radio and the first thing you hear is a Rolling Stons tune
- you make your first appointment on time
- a co-worker pats you on the back while not holding a knife
- your rings fit
- you can get to work without being delayed by a broken down pickup truck
The Rogue Market
My Alma Mater, Western Illinois University
The 1998 World Champions
Channel 5 and FM-100, Memphis
Memphis' Classic Rock with a great screen saver.
The PGA Tour
My adopted hometown
Imus links
UFO's, remote viewing and other strange stuff
The Weather Channel
Matt Drudge, Conservative
The Voice of St. Louis
See whats' up in the Minors
Oh my God, they killed Kenny
Just remember, life is one long bus ride. You can either be the driver or a passinger. For me, everyday is a new bus and I'm driving on a different route everyday.