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Dictionary and Guide to Guilds

Under Heavy Construction

Dice - Dice are what is used to determine the power and accuracy of a blow. Suppose a person in a room tried to
           attack you; in order for the hit to count, they would have to roll dice. The person may roll 2d20 (the lowest
           amount of dice given, and the only available to those who do not belong in guilds or other groups). They must
           get a 15 or higher for the hit to count. Example:

VStarFireV: ::slashes (person) with her dagger::
OnlineHost: VStarFireV rolled 2 20-sided dice: 11 12

           The attack is unsuccessful, and a person might avoid it like this:

LadyDawnX: ::jumps back, avoiding the blade::

           However, if the dice rolled were, say, 11 and 16, the attack cannot be avoided and the hit must be taken,
           and responded to accordingly.

Spar - A spar is a fight between two people in which dice are used to determine the loser and winner. Terms must be
           set at the beginning, determining dice to be used and how many points you go to. In a normal spar, the points
           are scored by how many the person has earned, not how many have been struck against them. Example:

OnlineHost: VStarFireV has rolled 2 20-sided dice: 17 20

           The hits earned would be 3. Dice Charts

Terms - The set of dice and agreements made at the beginning of a spar to determine what the spar will be like. Normal
           kinds of terms to set would be:

2d20 to 20, (no) SIDs allowed, (no) healing, (no) enchancers.

           2d20 would be the dice used by both combatants, until one of them reached a total of 20 points. (Other terms
           defined below)

XPs, EXPs, etc. - These are all forms of points you earn when in a guild. XPs and EXPs both mean
           Experience Points; they are what you earn by fighting and doing other skills related to your position
           in the guild to earn higher dice. XPs Chart They are earned by fighting in spars and all types of matches, but also
           in other ways depending on who you are and what you do. If you join a guild, it is a good idea to
           look over the charter (defined below) very well to find out what you can do to earn XPs. If the charter
           does not explain sufficiently, ask your GC (defined below).

GPs - Gold Pieces. Although most RhyDinians claim an unlimited supply of gold, which shows very poor RPing,
            since RP is to reflect real life in some ways, such as how the world runs, and obviously we do not all have
            an unlimited supply of gold to spend. So some forums (defined below) developed a system where you would
            earn gold within your guild and be able to spend it on useful items such as enhancers (defined below). Although
            I personally avoid the gold system, seeing it as rather useless in some ways and very confusing, others like it
            very much.

VCM - VCM is a style of fighting. I'm not sure what the abbrieviation stands for (I don't think anyone does anymore),
            but the fighting style is very simple. If you are fighting a person who has earned dice in the same forum as you,
            you may both use the dice you already earned, assuming that the dice are within 5 sides of each other (a 2d20
            can fight a 2d25). In VCM the idea of dice sharing originated. Since everyone earns different dice sides, from
            2d to 3d to 4d, from d20 to d100, it is very unfair for someone who has only earned 2d20 to fight someone
            who has, say, 4d30 VCM style. Obviously the person of lower dice and sides would lose; there's no contest.
           To fix this, one may use dice sharing. The 4d fighter may loan one die to the other person, giving both fighters
           3d, but only for the fight. Such arrangements are never permanent.

SIDs - Personally, I consider anyone who uses these a cheater. This is an acronym that relates to sparring, and it means
           Selfires, Instants, and Doubles.

Selfires - roll a one (1) and the damage is on yourself instead of your opponent.
(increases their score not yours)

Instants - roll the right side (they must be mentioned in the terms) as doubles instant win.
(i.e. - You might say that anyone rolling two 20's wins instantly.)

Doubles - roll any double and take another turn

Enchancers - Enchancers are weapons that can be used to add to your score. For instance, if a person in a forum with
           GPs had enough, they could go out and buy something like a +3 sword. Then, whenever they use the sword in a
           fight, they get to add 3 onto whatever their roll was. If they rolled a 4, their total score would be 7, and so on.

HM - This acronym means "Honor Match", and it is fought for exactly that--honor. When answering this question on an
           app I often make the joke that HMs are for "when those stuck up guys feel slighted and want some blood for it",
           but true HMs are generally used when a person's honor has been compromised, or something is at stake. My
           character has fought them for rezz rights (defined below) when a person killed another character. The stakes are
           set in the terms, defined who gets what depending on who winds, and is validated by use of a proctor (defined

SM - Another fight that I often make fun of. This is the Slave Match. The winner literally owns the loser, master to slave.
           Since slavery is not a thing I feel appropriate to use, a disgusting practice we did well to get rid of, I dislike the
           very idea of people playing at it, even in RP. In general I refer to it as the "Horny Teenage Mun Match", because
           of the very gross way some people handle it. Uh, yeah, that's right. You guessed it. I avoid SMs as much as
           possible, and even if I were to get into one, I would be sure to specify in the terms exactly what kind of slave you
           are going to be. The words, "no pleasure slaving" would be very appropriate.

RM - The Release Match, commonly fought to release a slave (you know, after the horny teenagers get tired of each
           other) or to free a POW (defined below). There is not much to say about this one. It must be proctored, and
           terms of the fight must, as always, be stated at the beginning of the match.

POW - Prisoner Of War. I believe this one is fairly self-explanatory.

AA - Assassination Attempt.

DM - The ulimate of fights. The Death Match. Two men enter the ring, one exits victorious. However, in RhyDin, death
           is a choice, not an obligation.


REZZ Rights -

Death -

Ghost -




IC -


:: :: -

(( )) -

Mass Spar -

Mun -

SL -

Scroll -

Parchment -

Missive -

Mixing -

Cross RPing -

Power Gaming -

Moder -

Newbie -

RP -



Kindred -

Human -

Mortal -

Immortal -

Angel -

Demon -

Wraith -

Half-Breed -

Elf -

Drow -

Faery -

Pixie -

Amazons -

Healer -

Priestess -

Warrior -

Knight -

Sorcerer/Sorceress -

Spy -

Assassin -

BG -

DC -

LC -

Proctor -

Scoring -

Roll init -

Witness -

Forum -

Council -

GC -

SiC -

TiC -

War Chancellor -

Advisor -

Time Line -

Time Period -

Manor -

Castle -

Haven -

Tower -

Tavern -

PR -

Public Room -

Character -

Tender -

Drink -

Guild -

Clan -

Tribe -

Avalon -

Kingdom -