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Daddy's Little Girl

I see your face in pictures
your memory lives in my heart
the loneliness in my life now,
born since we've been apart
has settle to a dull ache of longing
for the time of days gone by
when I was your little girl, Daddy,
and you comforted me when I'd cry
no one wipes away my tears now
or tells me I'll be alright
I guess I'm too big to be scared
or want a hug for the night
No one tells me, "I love you"
or hugs me, just for being me
I guess I'm too big to want praise
when I don't even bring home a "B"
I suppose I'm too old to be cared for
or to want to be told I'm o.k.
No one tells me I'm beautiful
I guess it's better that way
I suppose I'm too old to be lied to
and I know that's what it would be
I'm a straight A student
I don't really need to be pretty
I wonder if you look down from heaven
and say with a tear in your eye,
"God, that's my little girl,
I've missed her so much since I died.
Please watch over her for me
and help her to get through this life."
No one looks out for me down here,
in this world of darkness and strife,
and just once I'd like to look up
and smile, and know that everything's alright