Spilt Decision Quotes
Quote, Unquote
If you read Senior Year you know that some of the most hilarious thing are said here are a couple I picked up if you have a favorite quote from Senior year e-mail me at gracielasolis@hotmail.com Meanwhile though check out these!Tia has a lot to say
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Grace's SVH Senior Year
Spilt Decision

Page 7
Andy's Mom "So tell me what are your big plans for after school"
Andy "Oh you know, First I have to train with Master Yoda for a few years or so. Then I need to find a good right hand man or a couple of robots that can help me out. Plus there's the whole business of finding my lost twin and all..."
Andy's Mom "Forget I asked"
Andy "Don't worry, Mom, I won't go over to the darkside! No matter how much money they promise me"

Page 54-55
Maria "Yeah, and what's up with the baseball hat? I mean, hello? Doesn't he know that constant hat wearing promotes baldness?"
Jessica "Seriously?"
Elizabeth "Yeah! You know he's going to end up with a beer gut, a double chin, a bald spot, and a bad polyester suit, chopping on some gross cigar and telling everyone at his life insurance firm that he was a huge star in high school"
Maria "And you know Melissa will be cracking the whip the entire time. Will, bring home some diapers for our four bratty, spoiled kids, Mel, Melinda, Melanie and Melissa Junior, and don't forget to pick up my clothes at the dry cleaner and-"
Elizabeth "Honey? Uh, Melissa? Melissa, sweetie? Could I please relieve my bladder now? Melissa? Would it be all right if I exhale?"

Page 58
Elizabeth "Conner just called."
Jessica "So, Big deal. That happens pretty much hourly, doesn't it?"

Page 89
Jessica "Can I get you anything?"
Evan "Hey Jessica, It's Evan. from last night remember? Man! And I thought that whole blond being dumb was just a lousy stereotype."

Page 91
Evan "Actually, I like popcorn, It's those hotdogs under the heat lamps that I object to. It's totally cruel."
Jessica "Cruel to who? The animals they make them out of or the poor slobs who eat them?"
Evan "Both!"

Email: graciela1980@yahoo.com