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One Bitter And Deadly Harvest - Cover
© Cover Copyright 2001, Trace Edward Zaber

“These people, so fervently demanding war, want to gather a crop of fame
when they have hardly begun to sow the seed. And once the yield is realized,
it will certainly be one bitter and deadly harvest.”

The first novel in the seven-part series The Culpeper Chronicles.
Available Soon From Amber Quill Press
ISBN 1-59279-040-2



With descriptive phrases like “sharp-edged stars pierced the midnight blackness,” poetic historical fiction novelist Trace Edward Zaber sets the stage for another compelling and remarkably well-written tale of adventure and intrigue--beneath a sickle moon.

The opening date is May 1860, a day and a time that, according to Zaber’s chilling prologue, calls for “desperate measures.” In challenge and reaction to the impending doom of the era, West Point graduate Josiah Spaulding returns to his family homestead in Culpeper, Virginia, determined to lead a free, unburdened life. But the winds of change are blowing, carrying on their wings the whispers of Civil War. Caught up in this blooming cyclone of insurrection are several Culpeper families, both the noble and the ignoble. Members of which become embroiled in the burgeoning conflict. Some spurred on by honorable intent, others by avarice...

One Bitter And Deadly Harvest: Book I of The Culpeper Chronicles is an historical novel not to be missed! It is an excellent prelude to what promises to be a most riveting series!!

Five Stars!

--Rosa Turner Knapp, Author of Volcano and Force Of Fire

"Trace Edward Zaber has created another work of art. I was astounded by his talent in Sins of the Father, but in The Culpeper Chronicles he has taken his talent to another level. He has created an outstanding study of character. With an uncanny hero in Josiah and a villain you certainly not only love to hate, but love to love in Mona, Zaber leaves you breathlessly changing the pages to see what his wonderful cast of characters will do next. And when you are at book's end, he'll only leave you wanting more. If you haven't read Mr. Zaber's work, then I suggest you start with The Culpeper Chronicles. He will make you a fan for life!"

--Patricia A. Rasey, author of Deadly Obsession and The Hour Before Dawn

"...A master of Southern storytelling spins this tale of controversy surrounding slavery, steamy relationships, and even women's rights. Trace Edward Zaber takes the reader back in time with his intensely researched use of mannerisms, verbiage, and setting. His exceptional ability to entwine them all into a saga that captures the romanticism and strife of the period, pulls the reader in slowly until putting down the book is a grand disappointment. While withdrawal from the setting is painful, the cliffhanger at the end is agonizing. Part I sets the perfect stage for what must be the beginning of a huge climax in Part II when families battle to survive in the midst of the U.S. war between brothers. I can't wait to get my hands on the next book."

--C. Hope Clark, Word Weaving Ezine

"...Readers who enjoy complexly woven, historically accurate sagas on the level of John Jakes will adore Trace Edward Zaber's One Bitter And Deadly Harvest, the first of a seven book chronicles. Thought provoking, One Bitter And Deadly Harvest records the years preceding the Civil War, acknowledging the good with the bad without the crass romanticism many authors fall into. As moral weaknesses are exploited, sharp delineations between right and wrong become a blur of gray in the hands of this gifted author. Indeed, Zaber's gift for character development sparkles, lending sympathy and compassion to even the most notorious of people. One Bitter And Deadly Harvest likewise raises issues of women's rights, state's rights, and the rights of slaves. Splendid reading! Very highly recommended."

--Cindy Penn, Word Weaving Ezine

The first novel in the seven-part series The Culpeper Chronicles.
Available Soon From Amber Quill Press
ISBN 1-59279-040-2

Chapter 1

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