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All writings, circumstances, characters and other works published in this paper are strictly the opinions of the author, not the publisher.

Stories from all around The USA:
By. Richard Faykosh

It was a real shock to read in the papers about the lady in Texas that accidentally hit a homeless man with her car. She must have been going pretty fast for him to get lodged in her windshield. But after hitting the man she drove home with this guy stuck in her windshield, pulled into her garage, closed the door. Then after some time had passed she went out to her car and told the man how sorry she was, left the garage and later went out to the garage. Again to tell this guy that she was sorry. Two days later she found some friends that helped her remove the dead man from her windshield and disposed his body. The people that lived by her said that she is a wonderful person, always caring for others. A real wonderful lady, A person that would not harm anyone, A well-respected nurse, Yes! That’s right a nurse. And if you think that this story ends there with a crunch then check this out. After all of this was found out and exposed, the family of the homeless man made an announcement that their so Christian that they forgive the lady for all of this. Well, to tell you the truth. I feel that the family had some good insurance on their homeless dad. And they reaped a big buck on this. The nurse that hit the guy with her car made several big mistakes. One you never take a injured person home with you unless you’re really going to help them and not leave them hanging onto your car. But this is not all of it!


In our very own fair City of Elgin on Feb 25th, The papers ran a story on a mans dead body found along the Fox River. It was a badly decomposed body found hanging from a tree on Feb.26th. By two young children as they were playing near the bike path. I had rode past this area many times. And I remember smelling something stinking. But I figured it was a dead animal of some kind.Never a persons body. The next day the paper brought into light that it was indeed a homeless man. A Manuel Beltran, that was 42 years old. And that he was homeless and was discovered hanging from a tree near Spring St., close to River Bluff road by the bike path. And that the police is treating this as a suicide. Why not, it’s only a homeless person. Why would the city want to put money into a case that a homeless person was involved in?

Then there is the story about P.A.D.S. It seems that they need $20,000 dollars to keep operating for one month. Gosh! It cost that much per month? They served 400 people since November an average of 60 to 70 people each night. And one night they had 130 people. It also said that Pads has to pay for the cleaning of the basements each month. And I can see them having to buy cleaning supplies to clean the pads themselves, and the sheets, pillow cases, Pillows, blankets etc. So how much is each church making off pads to use their basement? Is pads renting the space at $10,000, $15,000 a month? That is quite a lot of money going to churches that by the grace of God should be doing this for free?
For three months or four at the basement of a church you could buy your self a house and set it up as a small pads yourself. In fact you could buy several houses and set them up through out the city as small pads houses.
So where is all that money going? The church that is non-for profit? Sounds like homelessness is a big business to seek your fortune in. If you could make $20,000.00 helping 60 to 70 of the homeless, Just think how much you can make in helping twice that? Yes! We do need a homeless shelter.


Goes to Aurora!

They will be breaking ground for their new state of the art homeless shelter. One that will have pads, soup kitchens, Job training as well as job placement and much more. Darn did I not say something about this a few months back that Elgin needed to get off there duff and do something to help the homeless and become the City of the year. But once again the backwards City Of Elgin has made itself the donkey’s Ass of Illinois.

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" HAPPY EASTER" Happy Spring "

By Joyce

I hope that everyone has had a very "Happy Easter, Enjoyable Spring.

Please keep pleasant thoughts this time of year. Pray for those who are sick and for the homeless and less fortunate!

Thank You,
With Love Joyce
Pager 868-8730
Email address TRINITY20@aol.net

Some of those that has stood with us in our fight against homelesness.Please Check out there web pages.


Roberto Garcia At A L E X I E ' S AUTO REPAIR



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By R. J. Continued From Last Month.
He must do as they ask to keep his locker. And he gets a sandwich or two. Coffee and a place to get warm, shower, laundry clothes, change clothes, and to keep some important things he would not share to talk about. I did not go into the way side center with him. Because we did not want to expose him. But told me what he did there. Joe does work at a labor pool type place and he at times will get sent out. And if he does not get sent out during the morning he will go in to see if he can get on a late night shift. He told me that the money is nothing to write home to ma about but it does help a little. He admitted that a better education and job training would help him a lot, he said, that if he stays away from redwood inn. Because it’s a really bad influence on him, he seems to get into more trouble by going there then anywhere else. In fact he would rather stay by his tent then going there. He was trying to go for construction work because it pays a little bit more then other labor work. Labor crews are used for clean up operations during construction. It's not a union type job so they pick up cheap labor for this. And if a person stood out as a good worker they just might be brought into the construction work on the lower end of the trade. Then, used to do a little more what the union would call apprentice type work. And this is where Joe is hoping would be his ticket to getting off the streets. But we know that as soon as there is a labor cut in the field, a union member that has been paying dues for awhile will be taking this lower end position. It's all in the good of the union. (To be continued)

Poem # 1
I guess there is a time

BY R. J. 7/13/90

I guess there is a time,
When you need someone,
And that need,
Is covered with desire.
I guess there is a time,
When you expect love,
From everyone,
And your need is so great,
You hunger.
I guess there is a time,
When you starve for affection,
And you need that one person,
I guess there is a time,
When you grab at something,
And it slips through your grasp.
I guess there is a time,
When you reach for what you see,
And you find it never was there.
I guess there is a time,
When you dream,
Of that true person,
And you know,
That there is a chance,
It may not exist.
I guess there is a time,
IN A BAG, Lock them all away.
I guess there is a time!

Poem #2
BY R. J. 6/18/90

The breeze moving the leaves in the trees,
Making the shadows move to and thro,
How warm the sun feels alto,
Yet how cool is the breeze,
Tree laden with green,
Red and gold,
Seem to hasten me,
Birds feeding there young up high,
Oh, how I wish I could fly,
Chipmunks an squirrels running about,
How wonderful,
Don’t pout,
The sound of the breeze through the trees,
As it passes my ears,
The quickness makes me high,
Such places untouched by man,
It’s not hard to understand,
That I feel for the land,
Lots of love to show.
Like the land I am too,
Look deep into these eyes,
And take this hand,
I to need you to understand….

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