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All writings, circumstances, characters and other works published in this paper are strictly the opinions of the author, not the publisher.

Exceptions are high again:
By. Richard Faykosh

Yes! The paper's in the past month have brought back into prospective a homeless shelter site.

This brought a lot of thoughts that are we actually starting to see something positive from the City of Elgin. To find out that the property offered by a company. Does not even belong to the company that offered it. Woe is the life from the backward city of Elgin. But there may be some good coming out of this. The property still may be offered for a price from the people that do own it. The property was on loan to the company that offered it. But we may still see something come up from this. But for it to just be a shelter does not ring well to me.

It should be a shelter as well as a soup kitchen to serve three meals a day. It should be a Job training center with job placement. It should be a detox system to get the many from the bounds of alcohol and drugs. It should be a rehab center with counseling and guidance. It should be an education center to teach money management as well as a career. It should be a total service to give and bring all of the resources to help the homeless under one roof. And Funding should be done by, An increase in Alcohol tax.

Since alcohol is one of the problems, funding should come from all of the property and things held from the property held from dope dealers, sale of houses, cars, Ect. And money funneled from grants for education and prevention of homelessness. City as well as county, state, and federal grants should be opened to help support this shelter. As well as setting up concerts from big name people to help in the funding. As well as a big drop of money each month from the casino. That should do more since it brings in the criminal element into our city. Now that I have said it. I hope you let me know your thoughts. for your commits or

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"Fairy Tale or Dream"

By Joyce

If a dream could come true, for Richard, he would say that would be a new Homeless shelter, that every Man, Woman, and Child had a nice warm place to stay, with a Kitchen for three meals a day, a place to train for jobs.

A program for different Addictions, plenty of rooms with comfortable beds, A chat or group therapy room would be great also. It has occurred to many other people and me. That if we have the money for new recreation centers and new Library's, that will be costing Millions.


Don't we have the money for a new homeless shelter, could it be lack of caring or interest, because most of us have jobs, homes, heat etc?

That we don't know or Care, what it is like to live on the street, hungry, cold, alone. What are your thoughts on this matter?

Please let us know what you think! Thank You,
With Love Joyce
Pager 868-8730
Email address

Some of those that has stood with us in our fight against homelesness.Please Check out there web pages.


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Thank you and together we can make Carpentersville better.

Lets look at this for a moment: BY Richard Faykosh

On Sunday Jan 20th Phone service was cut to many Elgin residence. Of course it was burnt from a fire under the bridge. Where clothes and camping equipment and also was reported that some personal documents were discovered. The cost at date of this accident is estimated at $500,000.00.

Now with everything that was located under the bridge would make any Elgin resident say, (Its those nasty homeless people again) But lets look at this point for a second.

If the residence of Elgin would have let a homeless shelter been built then someone would not have been under a bridge starting a fire to stay warm, now would they?

And if the money spent on repairs were for a homeless shelter, $500,000.00 would be a pretty nice shelter.
So in this fact Elgin just kicked themselves in the seat of the pants again. We could become the dumbest city in the world.But the one thing that will stick out is, it was the homeless, that the city of Elgin refuses in helping. Because of the thoughts 35 years ago were. We do not have a homeless problem. We do not have the funds to support a shelter. But the truth in the matter is that you not only have the money. But have the means to get more money to do the thing.

The Courier news had an article By Anne Marie Apollo; High traffic raises death toll in Kane.

In this piece the use of alcohol and drugs was part of the problem (Its also a problem among the homeless) But how many of these accidents were part of hand held cell phones.

That there are new laws across the country popping up on this problem. So why not add a increase tax on alcohol to fund a shelter and put in effect a hand held cell phone law of a $50.00 to $100.00 fine to help support a shelter.

So has our city counsel all of a sudden got stupid? When there will be an election soon. Who will the homeless people vote for this year? When the homeless rate has increased by 50% this year. So you may be talking about 100 known votes. To 300 unknown votes, You could win a spot with 400 votes right? Lets quit our playing around and do something about it.

By R. J.
Joe I met last month while completing the story about Eddie. Joe is not what we call a homeless person, but is a street person. He uses all the services he can to help himself. He has a debit card can get so much in food stamps. So he will get some things with that. And if you see him in a store he will offer to pay for $5.00 to $10.00 of your food on his card. Then you give him the cash instead so he can buy his beer, So, Joe will get polish sausage and the trimmings this day and obtained money for 4 40 oz. of beer. He went to his tent instead of to the shelter because his intention was to get drunk and eat. He did a little pan- handling and received another $8.00 for breakfast in the morning. His tent is well kept. He has it set up in a high area where it will stay dry. He has a place for everything. He has a machete to cut twigs and brush to start a fire. Be has dry wood to help in starting a flame as well as matches and paper. So he turns on his little hand size radio for some music and he starts setting up his camp for the night. He gets the flame going and it starts to get rather warm. He tells me that he needed to let it die down a little so people will not see it close by. He sets up a spit to cook the polish sausage on. And sets up the buns. Opens his first 40 oz. And offers me some. I will have a polish sausage and a small cup of the beer. The heat from the fire is good. He tells me that after he eats and finishes the 40-oz. He will roll up in the tent and get some sleep. The heat from the fire will keep him warm for a spell. I asked him if he works at all. And he tells me that he is semi retired, At 45 years old he got burned out from a high stress job. He just could not handle being around people anymore. And he stays away from a lit of people. Keeping one or two friends. He'll act unfriendly unless he needs something. And that’s a lot. Because he uses the system to benefit himself, He will not go to the shelter much. Unless its too cold to stay in the tent. He goes to the soup kitchen to get food because its there and he does not have to do anything to get it. He has to stay away from alcohol to get into the shelter. The next morning I met him at Burger King. There he sat cold and with a cup of hot coffee before him. He told me that he will either come here or to the McDonald's for a cup. But he may do both this morning because it's cold. He finished his second cup and we walked to McDonald's. Where he got another cup. It was quite a cold walk. I asked him why to the McDonald's? He told me that the WaySide Center was near and he has a locker there. He must do as they ask to keep his locker. And he gets a sandwich or two. Coffee and a place to get warm shower, laundry clothes, change clothes, and to keep some important things he would not care to talk about. I did not go into the way side center with him. Because we did not want to expose him. But told me what he did there. (To be continued)

Poem # 1

BY R.J. 6/18/90

She is rather kind,
With a gentle heart,
A forgiving smile on her face,
And deepness to her soul.
She is rather loving,
With a gentle touch,
A very bright smile,
And caring in her soul.
She is rather intelligent,
With a gentle look,
A very shining smile,
And love in her soul.
She is rather busy,
Always gentle to everyone,
Has a special smile,
And tenderness in her soul,
She is rather knowing,
And uses her gentleness well,
Understands how and when to smile,
And knows deep in her soul.
She keeps me off beat,
Makes me wonder what's on her mind,
I wonder if she knows that I want to spend time with her..

Poem #2

By R.J. 7/13/90

As the sun comes up,
And darkness to light.
I await to see you in sight,
As the day breaks,
As the birds began to sing,
Await to with you being,
As the morning starts,
An the minutes pass,
With you I'll be at last,
As the morning begins,
And the wind blows the trees,
Being with you is what I need,
As the sun comes up,
And I wait for you,
I want you to know that I miss you too,
As the day breaks,
And the sky fills with light,
I'd wish to only hug and hold you tight,
As the morning begins,
I feel like a lad,
And just the thought of you makes me glad….

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