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Hello all! As you can guess I'm trixie2 and this is my lonely page. You can all find me in the Wild West Wing in the Chathouse almost 24/7, however I have been known in great whiles to go to The Next Level. Thanks to my great friend Lexie, I am now on ICQ, my number is 6702602,

To let you all know a head of time I hate recieving chain mail in ICQ. And if I recieve any messeges for chain letters I simply reply with this, "I'm sorry, I don't accept mass messages. You are wasting the ICQ network's bandwidth by doing this. Please stop sending them and visit ! Thank you. MYSTICAL ENCHANTRESS - Member ACLIO

Member ACLIO - Help stop Chain Letters on ICQ!

Although I use Trixie2 as one my handles most of you know me by most resently used handle


My real name is Wendy Mayfield and I'm 18 years old. I'm currently in my SENIOR year of high school. YEAH! Graduation is June 5th so as you can tell I'm very happy and excited. Especially since I know that on June 8th I'm leaving to be with my dear Wizard for 2 1/2 weeks. The picture above is my senior picture that everyone says makes me look like a call girl. *L* I live in the worst place known to man, JACKSONVILLE ILLINOIS. I hate the weather here, but this is home. Needless to say although we have the rumors about it yes we do have electricity, running water, and cars. I'm a navy brat and have been to both the east and west coast, and I love the weather there. I went to Michigan this last summer and I love the weather there. It is very beautiful.

My home consists of my father and sister, my two cats and I. My dad the retired Navy Chief is now a single parent ( I'm very proud of my father for being so strong and keeping us all together. He is great and I realized that he was right 99.9% of the time and I was wrong.) I LOVE YOU DADDY! My sister Sherri is 13 years old and in 6th grade at one Eisenhower Grade School in which she plays Vollyball for. I have become very proud of Sherri, she has grown to be so mature for her age. My two beautiful cats, a Tabby cat named Ashes, and a Siamese cat named Runts. I will soon have pics posted up but I need to find them first *S*. For those who don't know we lost my beloved mother this summer to cancer. My whole life was my mother and always will be.

My future plans in life are to attend MacMurray Collage, here in Jacksonville and Major in Deaf Studies! I have always been fascinated with the deaf. Signing is a beautiful language and I cherish everyone of my deaf friends here in Jacksonville! I hope to make a difference in childrens' lives so I will teach at an Elementary level. I will also try to adopt a deaf child, when people look for adoption they pass the deaf children because it is extra work to learn sign language, but it is so well worth knowing. I want to help the future as much as possible and the children are our future! I have a strong love for nature, children, music, and all art! (Including poetry, photography, drawing, and paintings.) My family and each of my friends in real life and cyber-world all mean a great deal to me. Without the help of those few that i keep close to me I would never had made it through this past summer. These are all things I cherish in life more then anything else, and I hold them close to me each and every day.

I enjoy chatting with my Internet friends. They have come to be a big part of my life and I cherish each and every one of them with every bit of my heart. To find out more about them, click here.

I really like to sit back and enjoy an old flick, and when I say that I mean movies like Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, and The Neverending Story, however I also like the recent movies. The ones I listed are my favorite movies. Titanic has become one of my all time favorite movies because it is so touching and had me in tears for a long time after seeing it.
As far as music goes I'm very open minded to all types of music, however my best songs tend to come from country. My favorite groups are Backstreet Boys, Savage Garden, INSANE CLOWN POSSE (or otherwise known as ICP), Leann Rimes, Grateful Dead, Black Sabbath, Mariah Carey, Mozart, Tim Mcgraw, Real McCoy, Meredith Brooks, Journey, and Kenny G.

I write for the school newspaper in which I'm also the Advertising Editor. With this as our last year everyone on the Ad team is leaving the staff so next year there will be all new people to work on all of the ads to go into our school newspaper but I pray that they do as good as we did. And have fun doing it. *EG* (I get to leave school during the day while everyone else sits in class!) And I also sing in our school Concert Choir. As a choir we went to IHSA choir competition and got a superior rating. One of the judges gave us a perfect score. As a solo I recieved a superior rating at the IHSA solo and ensemble competition and recieved 2 more superior rating in two more competitions with an ensemble I worked with. Stacy, Becca, and Victoria, I'm very proud of all 3 of you and each of you have a voice that can get you very far, please remember the IHSA and Central State competitions in which we recieved superior ratings for our ensemble. I shall always remember you and how much fun it was to work together with you.

Here's a pic of my true love and SOULMATE, Mystical Wizard. In just a few weeks we will be together because I'm going to NJ to be with him for 2 1/2 weeks. (I can't wait) But to top off all of my excitement my best friend Holly is going with me so she can meet his brother. This will be my 3rd time seeing him and the first time I meet his family. *EXCITED* I owe my baby so much, he has been there for me regardless of the situation and proven over and over how much he loves me. And I can't imagine my life without him. Although we are 4 states away we still have such strong feelings for each other we stick it out until one day it will be a one way plane ticket that he buys. *S* Okay I know I have a while to dream but it is something I dream of faithfully everynight. *BS*

And for the youngin' that surf in here, my handle Trixie2 came from a cartoon from the 70's called SPEEDRACER! Speed's girlfriend was Trixie, so I'm Trixie2. Get it? Good!

I will be constucting this site for the rest of my natural life so there will be changes often, remember to come back to see what has changed.

If anyone wishes to say something to me feel free to e-mail me, I promise I won't bite! Don't forget to check out my links, I'm sure you will all enjoy them.

And everyone who comes in here needs to sign my guestbook! PLEASE!!!!!!

I shall leave you on this note....

It is not what you wear, what kind of car you drive, or who your friends is what is in your heart and soul that counts.


  • I love to rollar skate
  • I love to sing (in choir at school)
  • I really like to go dancing (I FINALLY FOUND A GUY WHO CAN KEEP UP!)
  • I write almost all the time (articles, poems, short stories, songs, you name it)
  • I love to shoot pool (I have a pool table right outside my bedroom door)
  • I also love to go bowling (my average sucks but I'm working on it)
  • I really truly love to argue (about anything from politics, religion, and society in whole. ISN'T THAT RIGHT HONEY?)
  • And of course I love to chat (for those that know me they know that once I start I can't stop) (there is a new chat place being set up take a link below to check it out!)


My opinion on the movie TITANIC
Editorial I wrote for the school newspaper on Cyberdating
For a taste of GOD'S land (Michigan)
For the HICK in us all
A fantastic way to meet new cyber friends
To fly to neverland with Peter Pan and Wendy
To hear the Romeo and Juliet story about MYSTICAL WIZARD and me! *S*
My High School's Homepage
Mystical Wizard's Page
Mystical Wizard's other site at school Wizard's Prom visit

Well the school year is coming to a close, graduation is close at hand. Yes I'm excited, but at the same time I shall hate to see it go, for four years I have been in JHS and made many friends, known many wonderful people who will always remain in my heart. But it is time to move on from the security of high school on to the freedom of college. But first I will have one last summer of complete freedom and fun! *L* Congrats to the class of '98, may we prove that we can be all we want to be.

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Last updated 5/25/98
