~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ #4 06/12/97

Hello everyone! This is our 4th issue, and I hope that there is lots more to come of this list:) We now have a total of 19 members! And our first male member has just joined (everybody say hello to Daniel). Well I wasn't able to get out the ~*SILVERCHAIR FREAKS*~ trading lists because just (\/)e!issa and I got ours done. So PLEASE send in your silverchair trade lists because I think that we all probably have a lotta good boots and would love to get some more! Alright now on with the list.
*NAME: marney
*AGE: 13
*FROM: wagga wagga, new south wales, australia.
*FAVE sILVERCHAIR MEMBER: Ben or Dan (cant decide):)
*FAVE sILVERCHAIR SONG: israel's son, slave, no association, cemetery, the
*closing,punk song #2 and suicidal dream are my faves although i lOVE ALL *silverchair songs!!!!
*FAVE sILVERCHAIR CD: Freakshow but Frogstomp still kicks MAJOR arse!!
*WHAY I LIKE THEM: there are SO many reasons that i certainly couldn't fit
*them all in......but for starters......they are talented, have HEEEEPS HELL
*songs, are GREAT live, they are GORGEOUS and they are AUSTRALIAN!!
*OTHER BANDS I LOVE: tool,veruca salt,spiderbait,magic
*pumpkins,handsome,marilyn manson,nin,rhcp,ratm,regurgitator,ammonia, and A
*ZILLION MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Name: tiffany
*Age: 15
*Where from: dallas tx
*Favorite silverchair member: i can't choose :)
*Favorite silverchair song: the door
*Favorite silverchair CD: freak show
*Why you like them:  cause their music kicks ass :)
*What other bands you like: local H, weezer, nirvana, bush...anything ska
*Where from:St. Louis, MO (Troy, MO, to get specific)
*Favorite silverchair member:all of them
*Favorite silverchair song:well, i cant really pick ONE, so my fave few
*would be acid rain, tomorrow, and learn to hate (heh--on from each
*Favorite silverchair CD:all 3....i cant pick, they are all unique!
*Why you like them: they rock, they rule, they are easy to relate to,
*they are the perfect style of music for me :) and I guess they just plain
*kick ass
*What other bands you like:veruca salt, nirvana, alice in chains,
*everclear, no doubt, weezer, bush, chronic future, ultrafink, hereafter,
*full tilt, soul kiss, placid, radio iodine, stir, collecitve soul, korn,
*garbage, alanis, filter, pumpkins, stp, offspring, social d, L7, new
*world spirits, live, bloodhound gang, cunninghams, skunk anansie, foo
*fighters, cracker, candlebox, gravity kills, rawkneegnawknee,
*cranberries, HAVOC, sponge, pearl jam, soundgarden, temple of the dog,
*rem, salt, soul asylum, green day, elastica, metallica, chili peppers, 7
*mary 3, jungle dogs, pave the rocket, k's choice, radiohead, mighty might
*bosstones, beck, rollins band, local h, and a lot more that i can't think
*of right now....
*Where From:Wantagh NY
*Favorite silverchair Member:I love them all equally
*Favorite silverchair Song:The Closing
*Favorite silverchair CD:Freak Show
*Why I like them them:I love everything about *them....music...attitude......looks only to a certain
*Other Bands I Like:I love a million bands but a short list for a little idea is SILVERCHAIR,
*bush, Local H, Handsome, Nirvana, Tool, Founains of Wayne, soundgarden :(,
*STP :(, RHCP :(, Foo Fighters, Garbage.................A million others but
*you get the idea!
*Favorite silverchair Member:Ben.  Cuz he looks like the easiest
*person to talk to, and he looks like he has the best personality.
*Favorite silverchair Song:Learn to Hate
*Favorite silverchair CD is Freak Show
*Why I like them: I like them because, I dunno, because they have awesome *music, and they just ROCK!!!!!!
*Other Bands I  likeI also like...Bush, Nirvana, Blur, Handsome, Offspring, *RHCP,Local H, and Sublime
Subject: Poxy Song's a bad idea...
Hey Everyone,
I'm sorry I chose "The Door" for the song to talk about for this weeks issue, hopefully next week's song will get a lot better outrun because I think talking about how silverchair's songs make us feel is really interesting. Anyways, I've heard a few silverchair rumors and I am not sure to make of them 1.being about how Daniel might leave the band. I think that's pretty dumb because he seems to get alone well with Ben and Chris, and he seems also to like what he's doing, I would be totally devastated if Daniel left the band, but I wonder would Ben and Chris find someone else to replace him? Would one of them take over and sing and play guitar instead and get someone else to replace there job? hmm also you might have heard that Iggy Pop stage dived and no one caught him (sound familiar?) and now everyone is making a fuss over this..What I find strange is, no one besides fans and like one or two magazines even bothered to talk about this. I know that Iggy Pop has been around for a long long time but I just kinda think that's strange. But maybe it was for the best? I dunno. Oh yeah if anyone says anything in posts on here feel free to reply about them on the list.. Cause I would really like to see some of you silent people, and or new comers to the list speak up! We won't bite yah ;)
From: pointlisteners@juno.com (Daniel)
Subject:My first post:)
Hi...My name is Daniel, and I am a silverchair fan :)
Well, hello all you happy silverFREAKS :)  So, how do you like this great list that Heidi put together??  Pretty nifty, huh??  Doesn't she rock? Well, this post is mainly about how I got to like silverchair.....this is a really weird story, but here we go....
I was in the car one day with my Dad, and I was BEGGING him to turn on the Point (the local modern rock station) and finally he did....they were playing this really kool song...i was like, why are they singing about some fat boy??  :)  I thought it was Pearl Jam, cuz I had never heard of silverchair b4....well, then I heard that song a lot, but they never said what it was or who it was by....well, i finally found out and i was like cool!  THEN I found out they were 16!  I was freakin!  They are close to MY age!  WOW! Well, then my friend got a cd for his birthday, and he got to pick it out and i went with him.....I told him to pick up the frogstomp cd and he was like, hey!  i know that song, that's pretty kool, I'll give 'em a listen--so he bought it and he was hooked...i was too, and wouldnt give it back when i borrowed it from him :)  I finally bought it last summer! Well, then I guess that's it....I was bored too, so i wrote this :)   Well, I guess I will be going then....cya!
~dAnIeL, havoc
From: "melissa"
To: Schubert@uic.edu
Subject: Daniel vs. Gavin
Hey guys.....it's Melissa.  OK...well to start off I'm really happy Heidi has started this mailing list cause the FML has gone a bit too far with basically 90% of the posts.  It's almost getting to be a waste of time.  I haven't written in the FML for real for more than half a year now!!  So I hope this one stays good.  Well anyway I dunno if any of you heard about Gavin Rossdales little "bottle"  incident but he got smashed in the face with a bottle at one of his shows.  Now I'm sure we all remember Daniels "bottle" incident.  Yeah....Santa Monica Pier, CA Daniel gets bashed with a bottle and KEEPS ON PLAYING!!!!  Gaving Rossdale gets hit and STOPS the show there.  C'mon, a teenager kept on playing yet grown man couldn't give a little more to his fans??  Well we know who's on the top.  Silvechair keep on rockin!!  Latah everyone~
all complaints, comments, whatever send to just_a_freak@hotmail.com
From: "melissa"
To: u64247@uicvm.uic.edu
Subject: Daniel vs. Gavin (cont)
Hey guys~  On my last post I screwed up a bit *all appologies*.  Anyway I hope this post makes the digest before it gets put together because I don't wanna get ripped.  Anyway Gavin did finish the "bottle" incident show except he didn't continue playing.  1st he went and got treatment then he came out and finished the show.....still Daniel kept playing while Gavin had to be taken care of.  Gavin "if only you could be as kewl as Daniel" ~ twisted version of Freak.
all complaints comments....whatever send to just_a_freak@hotmail.com
                          ~*THE CLOSING*~ Well that's it, the end of our 4th issue. Next weeks song to talk about how it makes us feel is "The Closing" a personal favorite of mine. And believe me I'll be posting a long one about that:) Don't forget to please post something and try to get your silverchair trade list to me ASAP! Thanks a lot.
                            Keep Moshin' ;)
                            Heidi Schubert
              ~*I love a good disaster I love to fall apart*~
            They tell me I'm a master of loving and losing heart
                            -Louise Post
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              ~*You can go and burst my tiny bubble*~
                   Blow me off without a care
                 But I am sleeping where I want to.
                           -Nina Gordon

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