James Van Praagh ---------------------------"Talking to Heaven"
James Van Praagh ---------------------------"Reaching to Heaven"
Brian Weiss ----------------------------------"Many Lives, Many Masters"
John Edwards --------------------------------"One Last Time"
Betty J. Eadie --------------------------------"Embraced by the Light"
Sylvia Brown ---------------------------------"Adventures of a Psychic"
Sylvia Brown ---------------------------------"The Other Side and Back"
Gary Zukav -----------------------------------"The Seat Of The Soul"
Rita Rogers -----------------------------------"From One World To Another"
James Redfield -------------------------------"The Celestine Prophecy"
Carolyn Myss, C. Norman Shealy ---------"Anatomy of the Spirit"
Joel Martin, Patricia Romanowski---------"We Dont Die"
Same as above -------------------------------"Our Children Forever"
Same as above -------------------------------"We Are Not Forgotten"
Same as above -------------------------------"Love Beyond Life"
George Anderson ----------------------------"Lessons from the Light"
Bill & Judy Guggenheim -------------------"Hello from Heaven"
Anne Puryear --------------------------------"Stephen Lives"
George Schwimmer -------------------------"Search for David"
Julia Ingram & G.W. Hardin --------------"The Mesengers"
Harry R. Moody & David Carroll --------"Five Stages of the Soul"
James Hillman -------------------------------"The Souls Code"
Dr. Michael Newton ------------------------"Journey of the Souls"
Sogyal Rinpoche ----------------------------"The Tibetan Book of Living & Dying"
Polly Young Eisendrath --------------------"The Resilient Spirit"
Arian Sarris ----------------------------------"Healing the Past"
Rosemary Altea -----------------------------"The Eagle and the Rose"
Same as above ------------------------------"Proud Spirit"