Sephiroth Shrine
In my opinion, Sephiroth is the coolest RPG character of all time!! I mean, just look at him!! He's Sephiroth, dammit!!! He's got that cool trench coat (yes, it's a coat, not a cape), the 8 ft. sword which only he can use, that flowing silver hair, those haunting eyes, and who can forget that sinister grin?

Sephiroth may have been evil, but when you think about it, he was more of a victim than anyone else. Let's look at the facts: Sephiroth's true mother died when he was born, so he never met her. And he knew his father, but he wasn't aware of their relationship. His father, Hojo, wanted to make Sephiroth a perfect super soldier, a being with the powers of the Cetra. To do that, he injected the womb with Jenova cells, sacrificing his wife and child in the name of science. Sephiroth grew up never knowing who his true parents were. He died without ever having known what it felt like to be loved, or ever meeting his mother. It's sad, when you think about it.

This is my dedication to Sephiroth. On this page are numerous Sephiroth pictures from the game. If you have a pic that isn't on here, then send it in and I'll gladly credit you.
Now... the pictures!!

"What happened to my gloves?"

"Ooh, no good can come of this..."

"Maybe I should have listened when they told me not to play with matches..."

"Dark, mysterious, me...YES!!"

"AGAIN no gloves!! Where did I leave them?!?"

"THERE they are!! Oh, and sorry about that..."

"Am I gonna die?"

"See? I'm all wide-eyed and innocent!!"

"Cool, me and Aeris together."

"Another Amano pic of me and Aeris. Sweeeeeeeet!!"

"Nappy time..."


"Don't I look cool without a coat?"

"Burn baby, BUUUUUUUURN!!!!!"

"Motion pictures kick ass!!"


"Just like that other one, except sans motion."

"*sniff* No one likes me..."
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