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Doritos '99 Live/SonicNet Chat on July 6th, 1999

Sounder: Hi everyone, welcome to Doritos Live on Sonic Net

Sounder: We have an incredible show for you tonight.

Sounder: We'll be chatting with Amy Jo Johnson from the hit show, Felicity

Sounder: Send in your question by typing in /ask a space and then your question.

Sounder: Welcome Amy Jo Johnson to Doritos Live

Sounder: Hi How are you doing?

Amy Jo Johnson: I'm doing good! Hi!

Sounder: How has your summer been so far?

Amy Jo Johnson: I have been busy, it's been good. I went to Mexico this weekend …amazing! Just starting to get a summer.

Sounder: Wow, like you have another month of hiatus?

Amy Jo Johnson: I went to Vancouver and shot a movie, "Sweetwater" over hiatus and now I have a break .... then I'm back .. a few weeks left.

Sounder: So, what did you do in Mexico?

Amy Jo Johnson: I played hard, it was so fun! Went down with friends, waterskiied, horseback riding.

Sounder: What did you do for the 4th of July?

Amy Jo Johnson: Just got back yesterday.

Amy Jo Johnson: That's what I did.

Sounder: Oh, so you just got back!

Sounder: Tell me about the movie you just did.

Amy Jo Johnson: It's called "Sweetwater," VH1's first movie, about a band, takes place in the late 60's, early 70's, and the band opened Woodstock, it's the story of the lead singer, and it's a true story.

Sounder: Wow. Wow! I’ve never heard of her.

Amy Jo Johnson: I've never played in a true story before.

Amy Jo Johnson: They had a big rise when they went to Woodstock, opened for the Doors, then she got in a car crash and had to get a tracheotomy that scratched her vocal cords.

Amy Jo Johnson: She ended up …the band left her and there was a downfall, and she tried to build it back up again, got into drugs and alcohol, it's the story of the strength she finds in finding her sobriety.

Sounder: Is she still alive?

Amy Jo Johnson: Yes, she's a cool woman.

Sounder: Oh, great!

Amy Jo Johnson: They're having a reunion, playing Hollywood now.

Amy Jo Johnson: I met her and it was surreal and amazing ... watching her watch this movie being made about her.

Sounder: I bet it was more surreal for her.

Amy Jo Johnson: It was like …watching her ... it was so weird for her to have this happening.

Sounder: Oh, right. So, can she sing anymore?

Amy Jo Johnson: Yeah, she has a cool voice, it's a bit hoarse cause of the scratch, but it's got a cool quality, I love it.

Sounder: Right. Right. Wow. That's inspirational, actually.

Amy Jo Johnson: Yes, very inspirational. She's a strong woman.

Sounder: so, when does "Sweetwater" air?

Amy Jo Johnson: August 15th.

Sounder: Do you know what time?

Amy Jo Johnson: I wish I knew! Probably 8 or 9pm.

Sounder: Okay. Great. Cool.

Amy Jo Johnson: It's a Sunday night.

Amy Jo Johnson: On VH1.

Amy Jo Johnson: Great character.

Sounder: That's awesome. What a great character. And I guess all your singing came into this?

Amy Jo Johnson: It was fun, cause they had the original tracks from the 60's and I recorded my voice over her voice and got to sing all the songs, really fun!

Sounder: Wow! So you're acting and your music is really coming together in a lot of different ways. You're on the Felicity soundtrack

Sounder: Were you an actress first and then they found out you were a singer? How did that come about?

Amy Jo Johnson: Well, I got the show, JJ Abrams and Matt Reeves, the producers, they asked me ... we want your character to be a dancer, but I'm not a dancer, I play guitar and sing.

Sounder: Right.

Amy Jo Johnson: So, I brought it in and played and they incorporated it into the show.

Sounder: Oh, so your character has been singing on the show?

Amy Jo Johnson: Yes. Play at coffee shops and stuff like that.

Sounder: Oh, that's awesome.

Amy Jo Johnson: I sang that song, "Puddle of Grace."

Sounder: And you got to work with Larry Klein?

Amy Jo Johnson: Joni Mitchell .. yeah .... he's worked with her.

Sounder: He's amazing. I actually got to meet him at Cafe Les Doux here in L.A. How is he to work with?

Amy Jo Johnson: He was so fun, I walked in and had my basic song ... to watch him take that song .. I laid down the guitar tracks and my voice and then I sat there all day and watched this man build this song to what it is.

Sounder: Wow! It turned out beautiful. I love it, it's great.

Amy Jo Johnson: I was really happy, really liked it ... it was a trip.

Amy Jo Johnson: The producer takes it to another place. It was really trippy! It was fun.

Sounder: So, how is that...that creative process....I mean you have to really trust.

Sounder: It's like being in love, that fragile relationship. Was it scary?

Amy Jo Johnson: Well, that's ...yeah, that was really weird and it was funny because I walk in …we had one day to do this, had never met, and he says, "Very nice to meet you, let's have sex now ...

Sounder: Exactly. Very personal.

Amy Jo Johnson: no, but that's what it's like!

Sounder: Right.

Sounder: Wow

Amy Jo Johnson: That was one day that we worked together, recording it all.

Sounder: Very cool.

Amy Jo Johnson: I trusted him. I love Joni Mitchell, so ...

Sounder: Yeah, he's got a great ear.

Sounder: So you aspire to make a record?

Amy Jo Johnson: I want to, yeah ... I'm writing a lot right now, I played at the Whiskey last week, developing my sound, finding my direction.

Sounder: Do you play out with a band...or?

Amy Jo Johnson: I had a band called Valhalla last year, they were awesome guys, played with them for a year then went solo.

Amy Jo Johnson: It was a unique sound, but I want more of a feminine ... I'm kind of searching, so I left the band, but I'm forming another band.

Sounder: Right. Right. Cool. We have a question from a Felicity fan.

DoritosMod: Question from FelicityFan: What is it like being on Felicity? How are the relations between the cast? Any secret romances going on?

Amy Jo Johnson: It's amazing and fun, everybody's laid back and cool. Which is good, we all can be creative and take risks ...

Amy Jo Johnson: When you have weird relationships it makes you insecure, but it's not like that.

Amy Jo Johnson: It's amazing.

Sounder: That's amazing. And she also wants to know if there are any secret romances on the set going on?

Amy Jo Johnson: The only relationship is Scott Foley and the girl who played Hannah …they're an item in real life, they're the cutest couple. That's not a secret.

Amy Jo Johnson: They look alike!

Sounder: So, how do you balance the music and the acting... and if you had to choose, what would you choose?

Amy Jo Johnson: If I had to balance ...?

Sounder: I mean, balancing the two is probably a challenge, but if you had to pick one ultimately.

Amy Jo Johnson: That changes every day for me ...

Amy Jo Johnson: I think ... I would ...if you asked me today, what would I choose?

Amy Jo Johnson: I think I would ... it's such a hard thing!

Amy Jo Johnson: I want to experience playing on stage at the Greek …open up for Natalie Merchant or Sarah MacLachlan ... experience that.

Sounder: Mm hmm! Yeah. Oh, there's nothing like it.

Amy Jo Johnson: It's great that right now they're all being combined.

Sounder: So, when you're shooting the show, how do you find time to do music?

Amy Jo Johnson: I just book gigs on the weekends and practice in my trailer and hope that we're not shooting really late on a Friday night.

Amy Jo Johnson: It's always worked out.

Sounder: Do you have a manager that manages your schedule or do you do this all on your own?

Amy Jo Johnson: I have a manager that helps me book shows, but when it comes to filming, you have no idea... they might need you for 13 hours one day or you might have a day off, and you book gigs a month in advance.

Amy Jo Johnson: It's hard to plan.

Sounder: Cool. Great. You used to be a gymnast?

Sounder: What did you do? Did you compete?

Amy Jo Johnson: I was a gymnast for 10 years.

Amy Jo Johnson: Yeah, competed locally.

Sounder: And that helped you do the Power Rangers gig you did?

Amy Jo Johnson: Yeah, mm hmm. I loved gymnastics …it was my life for 10 years, went to Europe competing, quit at 17 and got this fear, thought I wasted 10 years of my life, but got Power Rangers because of gymnastics in L.A.

Sounder: That's amazing. Was that fun to do?

Amy Jo Johnson: Yeah, it was an experience was fun, I learned a lot.

Amy Jo Johnson: It was fun.

Sounder: The uniform must have been hot.

Amy Jo Johnson: Yeah, it was sticky but I got to take it off, though!

DoritosMod: What is your advice to up and coming actors and singers?

Amy Jo Johnson: You know what? I'm so up and coming! So, I don't know!

Smoothlover69: {question presented} Do you try to add your own thing to your music, so as not to copy other artist?

Sounder: She's going to sing in a minute here, so you'll find out!

Sounder: Which song do you want to do?

Amy Jo Johnson: Sure! I'll do one.

Amy Jo Johnson: I'll do "Puddle of Grace."

Sounder: Okay. And this is on the Felicity Soundtrack. And it's a beautiful song. And you wrote it?

Amy Jo Johnson: Yes. Yes, I wrote this. About my mother.

Sounder: And this is Doritos Live on Sonic Net and we are live in studio with Amy Jo Johnson who will play a song for us right now.

Sounder: For information on the next Doritos Live guest, please check your and Sonic Net for details.

{Amy Jo sings "Puddle of Grace"}

Sounder: Wow, Amy you have such a gorgeous voice.

Sounder: What a nice song.

Sounder: That was so beautiful.

Sounder: And you heard it here on Doritos Live...Sonic Net.

Sounder: Do you want to tell me about the inspiration for that song?

Amy Jo Johnson: I wrote it for my mom about 1 1/2 years ago when I was going through a crazy break up ... it means so much to me …my mom passed away last summer.

Amy Jo Johnson: So ...

Sounder: Yeah. Oh. Well, I think she probably heard you.

Sounder: It's beautiful

Amy Jo Johnson: I hope so.

Sounder: Well, you're going to play a couple more songs in a minute.

Sounder: So, let's take some questions.

Venomsoup: {question presented} Will your fans back home in New England ever get to see you perform live?

Amy Jo Johnson: A couple times when I went home for Christmas, I played a coffee shop on the Cape, but yeah, hopefully I'll hit Boston on my big tour!

Amy Jo Johnson: I'm kidding!

Amy Jo Johnson: But, I hope so!

Amy Jo Johnson: I have no idea!

Sounder: You play the role of Julie Emerick on Felicity. How do you see the character and what's coming up for her in the new season?

Amy Jo Johnson: I'm just so excited to find out ! That's what's so fun about doing a series, you get attached to your character and you get a new script every two weeks …you get to see what they're doing with your character.

Sounder: So, what's your schedule like? Do you guys get a script at the beginning of the week or do a table reading like sitcoms?

Amy Jo Johnson: We usually have a table read and then film two days later ...

Sounder: So you're shooting 4 or 5 days a week?

Amy Jo Johnson: Yeah, we shoot about 5 days a week.

Sounder: So you're shooting every day pretty much?

Amy Jo Johnson: Yeah, pretty much.

Sounder: That's crazy. So do you like doing movies better or do you have a preference?

Amy Jo Johnson: I'm loving doing 'Felicity,' it's so much fun, but I really want to go into features, a lot of the directors of 'Felicity,' are feature directors, the lighting and writing on the show though is different and it feels like I'm getting my feature training.

Sounder: Yeah! So the producers of the show have done some really amazing films. Do you recall any of them?

Amy Jo Johnson: JJ writes a lot …he wrote 'Regarding Henry,' …

Sounder: Right, Regarding Henry. That's a great one.

Sounder: Mm hmm. You have the same director for every episode?

Amy Jo Johnson: He's written a lot of things, Matt directed 'The Pall Bearer,' and a few episodes of 'Thirtysomething.'

Amy Jo Johnson: No, the directors change, which is great, too. Great training ... their different personalities and such.

missimiss: {question presented} How do you find time to spend with your dog, Lucy? I have a pit bull, too. They are the sweetest!

Amy Jo Johnson: Lucy is my baby, she's my dog and I always bring her with me, so Lucy's in every photo shoot. If I get a chance to be in a magazine, Lucy's in there with me.

Amy Jo Johnson: I got her when she was little, she's an American Bulldog.

Sounder: That's awesome.

Sounder: How cute!

Amy Jo Johnson: Not an English Bulldog, she looks like a Boxer Pit Bull mix.

Sounder: Yeah, and you're like,...yeah!

Amy Jo Johnson: The person who sold her to me on the street said she was a mix, but the papers said she was a boy, so I'm like, 'okay ...'

Amy Jo Johnson: I don't know what she is!

Sounder: That's a pretty easy thing to figure out. We have a question here.

simplyfelicity: {question presented} Do you have a favorite new band? Someone we haven't heard of but has an album out??? luv your show!!

Amy Jo Johnson: One of my favorite bands is called 'Date with Dizzy,' their CD is coming out soon.

Sounder: Where are they based out of?

Amy Jo Johnson: LA, they're like Lenny Kravitz with the Beatles mixed, cool …awesome.

Sounder: Wow. I'll have to check 'em out. And tell us about when you're going to be playing out.

Amy Jo Johnson: I'll be playing at Genghis Cohen on August 22nd, that's my next show.

Sounder: Cool.

Sounder: giggles

Amy Jo Johnson: Then I haven't booked anything yet, it's so hard, I have to be careful when I book cause I get so busy.

Sounder: When do you get time to write songs? Do you write fast? Do they just come to you?

Amy Jo Johnson: I go in phases, when I was in Vancouver for this last month, alone in this strange, beautiful city, I was playing a singer having really depressed moments, I wrote a lot of songs, I had to cry practically every day.

Sounder: And you were inspired because you were playing a singer and all that

Sounder: Wow, great. It just comes.

Amy Jo Johnson: Then sometimes I can't write for months!

Sounder: That's great. I hope you put a record out.

Amy Jo Johnson: I'm going to. I'm going to try.

Sounder: That would be great. That would be so cool.

Sounder: I don't know when you'd find time.

crybaby: {question presented} tell us what you do when you're not working on felicity...I want to know.

Sounder: I know you paint too, right?

Amy Jo Johnson: Yep. I haven't painted in a while, no time, but I love … I started oil painting, but changed to acrylics, and acrylics, you can paint and it dries, I have no patience for oils.

Sounder: Right.

Amy Jo Johnson: I hang out with friends, I have great friends.

Sounder: Are they friends you've had for a while or people you've met on the show?

Amy Jo Johnson: I have different groups of friends, my best friend Johanna, I'm going to Paris with her next week, I'm excited!

Sounder: Oh wow! How fun!

Amy Jo Johnson: Just the two of us!

Amy Jo Johnson: Then I have my LA friends that I've had for a few years.

Sounder: How long have you been in L.A.?

Amy Jo Johnson: 5 years.

Sounder: Wow, and you're doing so well. You've got so much going on.

Amy Jo Johnson: Thank you.

Smoothlover69: {question presented} Is there anyone in particular that you want to work with in music or in show biz?

Amy Jo Johnson: In Music, Sarah MacLachlan, she's the queen, so awesome and Natalie Merchant.

Sounder: Maybe you could get on the Lilith Fair.

Amy Jo Johnson: Maybe, isn't this supposed to be the last year though?

Sounder: But maybe you could organize it to go on.

Amy Jo Johnson: Yeah, absolutely!

Sounder: Lilith Fair 2

Amy Jo Johnson: You know what? We will do the next one!

Sounder: Why does it have to end just because they want to stay home and have babies?

Amy Jo Johnson: Natalie Merchant …and then … acting wise, Meryl Streep, Susan Sarandon, love them, they're inspirational women.

Sounder: What's in your CDplayer right now?

Amy Jo Johnson: Right this very second?

Amy Jo Johnson: Beck.

Sounder: Yeah

Amy Jo Johnson: What was his last album?

Sounder: I don't know but I love that one.

Amy Jo Johnson: It's really fun!

Sounder: It's got kind of a country feel to it.

Amy Jo Johnson: Yep! That's in there and Tracy Chapman.

Sounder: She has a recent record out?

Amy Jo Johnson: It's the last one, Promises? Is that what it's called?

Sounder: Have you checked out Esthero?

Amy Jo Johnson: No.

Sounder: Oh, we are Live on Doritos! Hi everybody. We're just like sitting here chatting.

Sounder: Do you want to play another song for us?

Amy Jo Johnson: Sure.

Sounder: And this is called?

Amy Jo Johnson: "Did I Touch Your Soul."

Sounder: Did "I Touch Your Soul"...okay.

Sounder: Okay, let's plug in the guitar this time. It did sound great last time though.

Sounder: So we're at Doritos Live chatting with Amy Jo Johnson from Felicity.

Sounder: Keep your questions coming in.

(Amy Jo sings "I Touch Your Soul"}

Sounder: Yeah! That's my private concert.

Sounder: this is Doritos Live on Sonic Net. I'm Sounder talking with Amy Jo Johnson from Felicity

Sounder: I feel very lucky to be one of the first listeners of your songs.

Sounder: What was the inspiration for that song?

Amy Jo Johnson: Oh, um …you know, I don't know ... being alone in Vancouver for a month by myself was the inspiration ....

Sounder: Somebody with an ego? I heard something about an ego there?

Amy Jo Johnson: Yeah, yeah yeah ...

Sounder: You don't have to name names.

Amy Jo Johnson: I'm a little hot now, gonna go sit in the car.

miga: {question presented} do you use the internet, such as chat or email, often?

Amy Jo Johnson: Not often. I'm too busy. I don't have much time.

Sounder: So you're not really a computer-head?

Amy Jo Johnson: No. Not at all. Far from a computer head!

Sounder: You're out in the garden?

Amy Jo Johnson: That computer sometimes scares me a bit …the whole internet thing.

Sounder: What do you think about the Y2K wave? All the computers are supposed to crash.

Sounder: You don't have any theories on that?

Amy Jo Johnson: Yeah … well, I don't know? It's like ... it kind of makes sense that maybe that might happen, but at the same time, I have a lot of faith, whatever is going to happen will happen.

Amy Jo Johnson: I have all my money in my mattress.

Amy Jo Johnson: I'm just kidding! I don't!

Sounder: That's just great, don't tell anyone where you live.

Sounder: Honestly, though, people don't think they'll survive so they'll stock pile food and all that.

Amy Jo Johnson: I don't know … I haven't really gone there in my head.

Amy Jo Johnson: Are you nervous?

Sounder: I'm not sure. I'm not nervous. I'm really not. I don't have that much money in the bank, so I don't have to worry about it.

byker6969:{question presented} Will you be in any more magazine shoots?

Amy Jo Johnson: I love these names!

Amy Jo Johnson: Yeah. Cosmo Girl.

Amy Jo Johnson: In September. It's a new magazine.

Sounder: Is that different from Cosmo?

Amy Jo Johnson: It's like for younger ...

Sounder: Oh, I thought Cosmo was a girl magazine.

Amy Jo Johnson: And, then Teen People.

Amy Jo Johnson: In September or something.

Sounder: Oh, cool. That's a great one.

Amy Jo Johnson: And, then Bikini Magazine.

Sounder: Uh oh. Are you going to be in a bikini?

Amy Jo Johnson: Absolutely not! No! No bikini!

Amy Jo Johnson: And, Jane.

Sounder: Wow! You're all over the place.

Amy Jo Johnson: Busy month. Yeah, it's been good.

Sounder: Good for you. You’re rockin' the universe.

JRMB: {question presented} When are you going to visit Brazil? There are a lot of Felicity fans here!!!

Amy Jo Johnson: I hadn't been planning on it, but it'd be a fun place to visit!

Amy Jo Johnson: That'd be pretty cool to go down to Brazil for a little jaunt ... adventure!

Sounder: Yeah. Okay, we have another question.

Smoothlover69: {question presented} How would you describe yourself, conservative or very relaxed and open-minded? Just curious.

Amy Jo Johnson: Definitely open-minded, sometimes I try to relax, but I'm not really conservative.

DoritosMod: Are you religious at all? If so, how do you incorporate that into your music?

Amy Jo Johnson: I'm not religious, I'm very spiritual ... blah blah blah …everyone says that!

Amy Jo Johnson: Whatever!

Amy Jo Johnson: You're like so proud of that discovery and everyone says that.

Amy Jo Johnson: I have a lot of faith in God, does it come out in my music? For sure.

Sounder: Awesome.

Sounder: So, uh oh, I'm not going to ask this question. They want to know how old you are and I’m not going to ask that.

elrrod: {question presented} How old are you? You look so young, but your singing voice sounds so mature.

Sounder: You look so young.

Sounder: We are live on Sonic Net at Doritos Live talking with Amy Jo Johnson from Felicity

Sounder: Do you want to play another song?

Amy Jo Johnson: Okay.

Sounder: Let me just ask you a couple of silly questions.

Amy Jo Johnson: Sure.

Sounder: Not that the rest haven't been silly. But, what TV shows did you watch growing up?

Amy Jo Johnson: Mary Tyler Moore, Dick Van Dyke show ... I watch Nick At Nite obviously ... I watched MTV when my mom was watching it ... but Happy Days, Dukes of Hazard, I loved Miami Vice for some reason, thought Don Johnson was the hottest guy!

Sounder: And what record did you listen to at the earliest age that made you think you had to sing?

Amy Jo Johnson: 'Annie.' I like listened to that album over and over again until I made my voice sound like Annie, I played her in 7th grade, it was all about Annie, I loved her!

Sounder: Wow! Awesome. Did you get to go see the play at least?

Amy Jo Johnson: oh yes. Plenty of times.

Sounder: Can you sing one of her songs? I'm begging you.

Amy Jo Johnson: Absolutely not!

boxboy: {question presented} I heard you played the Whiskey on Sunset a week ago. How did that feel?

Amy Jo Johnson: I did.

Amy Jo Johnson: It was pretty intense and crazy cause I played it by myself, me and my guitar and then I had my friend Colin come up ... but me, my guitar and a bunch of candles lit … then I played with another guy named Tony and it was fun.

Sounder: Wow! That's great.

Amy Jo Johnson: It was so cool pulling up and the big marquee, 'Amy Jo Johnson at the Whiskey,' that was amazing!

Sounder: THAT is amazing. It's something you picture in your mind.

Amy Jo Johnson: I've always wanted to play there.

NateBraner: {question presented} Do you enjoy your busy life or do you wish some times you could have time to yourself?

Amy Jo Johnson: I always find time with myself, I spend time alone doing things I have to do, so it's nice when I find time to hang out with my friends.

Sounder: So, when you were in Cape Cod and you decided to move out here, what was that transition? What made you do it?

Amy Jo Johnson: I moved to NY for two years, and I went to acting school there, then I had a boyfriend, Robert, at the time and he decided he wanted to drive across country to LA, so I got in the car and we hit Santa Monica beach and though, 'Alright, we're here! Now what do we do?'

Sounder: Wow! And did you know anybody?

Amy Jo Johnson: We lived in Oakwood Apartments cause everyone lives there when they first move here.

Sounder: Absolutely! Everybody I know.

Amy Jo Johnson: Then you realize it's way too expensive.

Sounder: And so you never went back? You realized you needed to be here?

Amy Jo Johnson: So, I moved out here with him for about two months, then he moved back and I got lost and really hated it and moved back.

Amy Jo Johnson: Then I met this guy named Walter in the Hollywood Diner which is now torn down, he's been my acting teacher ever since, but then I left here, and then moved back and the week I moved back I got Power Rangers.

Sounder: So, like, your first audition?

Amy Jo Johnson: Yeah.

Sounder: That's rare. Really rare. L.A.'s been very good to you.

Amy Jo Johnson: It was really weird. It has been really good, I met great people.

Amy Jo Johnson: Yes it has.

Sounder: Obviously you're very talented, but there is a lot of luck involved because you could meet the wrong people and go on the wrong auditions.

Amy Jo Johnson: Yeah, I don't know? I have the greatest guardian angel in the world, my mother, so things are starting to happen now.

Amy Jo Johnson: And, I know it's all about her.

Sounder: That is so great. So what about your family?

Amy Jo Johnson: So ...

Amy Jo Johnson: They're all on the Cape, back east, my dad and brothers.

Sounder: Do you get to go see them very often?

Amy Jo Johnson: I was there a week ago ... I go back about 5 times a year.

Sounder: That's great. So we are live on Doritos Live on Sonic Net talking with Amy Jo Johnson from Felicity.

Sounder: Let me take another question.

miga: {question presented} Amy, have you heard of Shakira? It is Spanish music, but sounds like you might like it. :o)

Amy Jo Johnson: Oh, I'll check it out.

miga: {question presented} Of all the places you have been, which one was your favorite?

Amy Jo Johnson: I had a really great time in Mexico this weekend!

Amy Jo Johnson: But, it's not my favorite place.

Amy Jo Johnson: I really love Northern California.

Amy Jo Johnson: Love it so much!

Sounder: Oh, gorgeous.

Amy Jo Johnson: I love right near Santa Rosa … my ex-boyfriend's whole family lives up there.

Amy Jo Johnson: I love the air up there.

Sounder: Yeah, it's beautiful up there.

Amy Jo Johnson: There's a small town up there, with rolling hills, I love it. Sounder: Wow. Wow, maybe one day you'll live up there.

byker6969:{question presented} In Mxg magazine they mentioned you being a Space Babe, I run that website and was wondering if you knew you got more traffic than Star Trek's Jeri Ryan?

Amy Jo Johnson: What??!!

Sounder: MoxyGirl

Amy Jo Johnson: No, I didn't!

Amy Jo Johnson: That's kind of flattering!

Sounder: That's great! Wow!

boxboy: {question presented} What are you doing for New Year's Eve?

Amy Jo Johnson: I don't know yet? I was with my friends this weekend and we were trying to figure that out.

Sounder: I know, it's coming up! We've got to figure it out. What's going on?

Amy Jo Johnson: I don't want to fly anywhere really, cause you never know.

Sounder: Because everything will be booked.

Sounder: And then the Y2K and the planes are going down and everything.

Amy Jo Johnson: That's what I'm saying, exactly. But, I'm such a spur of the moment person, whatever happens, I have no idea! It'll be fun, though, I know that!

Sounder: Yeah, totally. It will be a great time.

Sounder: So, I guess, do you want to do another song?

Amy Jo Johnson: Sure!

Amy Jo Johnson: I'm gonna do "Clear Blue Day."

Sounder: Clear Blue Day. Okay, this is called "Clear Blue Day" and we are Doritos Live on Sonic Net with Amy Jo Johnson from Felicity.

Sounder: She will do one of her songs now called "Clear Blue Day."

Amy Jo Johnson: Actually I played this one on 'Felicity.'

Sounder: And for more information on upcoming artists on our show, please check out and Sonic Net

Sounder: This is the world premiere of Amy Jo Johnson's songs!

{Amy Jo sings "Clear Blue Day"}

Sounder: So good!

Sounder: So, you know what my next question is....

Amy Jo Johnson: I wrote that song a year ago when my whole family was going through my mom's illness, it explains how we all felt going through it.

Sounder: Yeah, it's a long journey.

Amy Jo Johnson: It was an awful, crazy journey ...

Sounder: So you have a very tight-knit family?

Amy Jo Johnson: Yeah, and if we weren't before that, we are now.

Amy Jo Johnson: My mom was an amazing woman ... to watch her go through that with such grace and dignity... she kept us laughing the whole way through.

Sounder: Really?

Amy Jo Johnson: Yeah.

Sounder: Wow, that's wonderful.

Amy Jo Johnson: Keeps the humor, that's what it's about.

Sounder: Well, she had a lot of trust?

Amy Jo Johnson: Yes, she had a lot of faith.

neko: {question presented} Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Amy Jo Johnson: Five years ...

Amy Jo Johnson: Hmm ...

Amy Jo Johnson: I don't know? Hopefully, just happy and doing features like I wanna do and doing an album, touring, in an amazing relationship and planning on having kids ...

Sounder: Yeah! So you do want to have a family some day? Amy Jo Johnson: Oh yeah, for sure.

Sounder: But when do you get a chance to date? How does that work with your schedule? Do you find time for dates?

Amy Jo Johnson: I 've been alone for a while now and am really enjoying it, I'm not even looking!

Sounder: Uh oh, that's when it comes! When you're not looking.

Amy Jo Johnson: I'm enjoying it! I like it. I'm focusing on stuff I need to do.

Sounder: It sounds like it's working.

JRMB: {question presented} Have you ever met Katie Holmes or anyone in the "WB Family"?

Amy Jo Johnson: Yeah, like once a year we'll do a big promotional thing where we go in and where they film and record the beginning of the shows .. 'next on the WB ...' so we've met then .. different parties, announcements of the shows that are picked up, I've met them all there ...

Amy Jo Johnson: I see them around.

Sounder: They want to know if you have any show rivalries.

Amy Jo Johnson: No.

Amy Jo Johnson: The more we start building up the WB, a few years ago it was nothing!

Amy Jo Johnson: Now it has all these cool shows, it's all good!

miga: {question presented} What is your favorite guitar maker? Fender? G&L? or another?

Amy Jo Johnson: I've had a Gibson for a while, but I want to try a Martin next, I like the sound of that.

Sounder: When did you start picking up the guitar?

Amy Jo Johnson: About 4 years ago ...

Sounder: Good for you!

Amy Jo Johnson: Yeah, I'm playing a little better.

Sounder: I think it's bold to be, you know, to be self-contained that way. You don't need a band and you can do it all yourself.

Amy Jo Johnson: Yeah, sometimes I feel a little lost and lonely by myself, but it's good, builds character!

Sounder: Yeah! Totally, absolutely! Every time you play.

Amy Jo Johnson: Yeah, totally, every time you overcome that ...

Sounder: Thanks for your questions. Keep sending them in.

NateBraner: {question presented} is there any way to get you songs on a cd or tape

Amy Jo Johnson: Not yet. That's what we're working on.

Amy Jo Johnson: That's the plan, Stan!

Sounder: What's the plan?

Amy Jo Johnson: I have nothing available right now, but the Felicity soundtrack.

Amy Jo Johnson: 'Puddle of Grace,' the first song I played tonight is on that.

Sounder: Is that the first time you've really been out on a CD or anything?

Amy Jo Johnson: Oh my God!

Sounder: What a high. Was that great?

Amy Jo Johnson: One of my best friends, Gwen was in Tower or The Wherehouse and she didn't know that it was recorded and she heard it playing in the store and freaked out!

Amy Jo Johnson: Then in Cape Cod, a radio station was playing the song on the air when I was being interviewed and I ran out to the car to hear it with my dad!

Amy Jo Johnson: The first time you hear your song on the radio you have to hear it in the car.

Sounder: OH, yeah! That's incredible. So, what IS the plan and do you want to make a record and will you really strive for that?

Amy Jo Johnson: I have to go to work on Felicity, but I'd love to work with great writers and co-write, yeah I'd love to make an album.

Sounder: Yeah. Is it a childhood dream? Have you always wanted to be a singer or have you always really deeply wanted to be an actress?

Amy Jo Johnson: Oh yeah. I've always wanted to be an actress. I've just fallen in love with singing in the last four years, and writing, more writing than the singing... I take all my lyrics from my journals.

Sounder: That's great. It's so great.

Amy Jo Johnson: I love the whole process.

Smoothlover69: {question presented} Have you ever wanted to break into the modeling career or would you rather avoid that?

Amy Jo Johnson: I'm really short, so that wouldn't work even if I wanted to.

Amy Jo Johnson: Modeling!

Amy Jo Johnson: Can you imagine me doing runway!

Amy Jo Johnson: She's only 5'2"!

Amy Jo Johnson: I know my limitations!

Sounder: Do you want to do another song? WOULD you do another song?

Amy Jo Johnson: Sure!

Sounder: She will!

Sounder: Yeah!

Amy Jo Johnson: This'll be a new one.

Amy Jo Johnson: It's called 'Still Here.' It's very recent, wrote it a week ago ... we'll see how it goes.

Sounder: This is the world premiere of "Still Here" on Sonic Net at Doritos Live. You heard it HERE!

Amy Jo Johnson: We haven't heard it yet though, so we don't know!

{Amy Jo sings "Still Here"} Sounder: It's so wonderful. Thank you so much.

Sounder: Don't forget, everybody out there, to check out Amy Jo on the movie Sweetwater August 15th on VH1.

Sounder: Her first movie.

Amy Jo Johnson: Yes.

Sounder: And thank you for your beautiful songs. I know you're very busy and it's great to have you here.

Amy Jo Johnson: Thank you!

Sounder: Thank you for your questions everyone and goodnight. Don't forget to check out Doritos Live on Sonic Net

Amy Jo Johnson: Thank YOU! Thanks. Goodnight!