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This a sweet quiet little scene. Todd is in a pensive mood and very quiet and soft spoken in this scene. His love for his little girl is the one true constant in his life and a place where he was never afraid to show his emotion. His love shines through for her. Todd is laying on the bed with Starr on his lap facing him.

TODD: (in a voice that says why aren’t you asleep yet) Shorty? (baby looks up at him) (dryly) What are you doing up? It’s cause we took you out of that warm crib at aunt Vicki’s huh? Yeah. It’s warm up here, you just try and sit still here for a minute, okay? (He sees Blair in the doorway) What are you looking at?

BLAIR: You’re a wonderful father (Todd looks amazed) You are!

TODD: (blankly) Never thought I’d hear anybody say that to me.

BLAIR: Why not? (she sits down on the bed next to them)

TODD: (sighs, holds her rattle for Starr to grab) Well look at my role models. I mean everyone knows Victor Lord’s sterling reputation. I don’t know whether I was better off being abandoned by him or I was lucky that I wasn’t raised by him. And then there’s the warm lovable Peter Manning who’s favorite hobby was to kick the crap out of me.

BLAIR: What a pair of father’s. Makes me kind of happy I never knew mine. (baby voice to her)

But that’s not going to be the case for you, is it Starr? (baby grabs Todd’s mouth) (softly) No. Todd, no wonder it’s so hard for you to trust anyone, even me. (baby voice to Starr) Well, I’m going to go get your favorite blanket okay? Be right back (he has taken Starr off his lap and put him on the bed in front of him)

TODD: Which one’s her favorite blanket?

BLAIR: Oh it was River’s, it’s been washed so many times it’s just nice and fuzzy but she loves it (baby voice) don’t you sweetie? I’ll be right back.

TODD: (soft music is playing, Todd is extremely gentle in his voice with Starr and his love for her just pours out of his soul) So many things to learn about you. Your favorite blanket, your favorite food, how to shut you up when you cry. I mean do you like to be rocked or do you like the bounce? And I feel like I gotta learn it all so quickly you know, because you’re gonna change. And you are you know. (pats her head gently) I’ll be there for you. It won’t be like it was with me. I would lie down in front of a train for you. And no matter what, no matter what, no matter what you decide to do, you could be a bank robber or an accountant and it wouldn’t matter. I would never make you feel stupid or worthless or bad. (picks her up looking straight in her face) And I will never betray you in any way, I swear. And then maybe....(puts her back down and Blair comes in the doorway watching) won’t be so afraid.....maybe you'll even... like......people. Wouldn’t that be nice, huh sport?

Scene break

Todd has fallen asleep with his arm behind his head and Shorty, is wide awake. Blair comes in to see him sleeping and softly calls his name, but he does not respond. Starr starts to make noises and Blair tries to quiet her and lies down next to him with Starr between them Starr’s noise wakes him up and he is surprised to see Blair lying next to him, they stare at each other not moving, tension growing, and of course the phone rings to break the moment.