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Max to get back at Blair for having Luna yanked off the love line, digs up dirt to hurt her. He finds out from Addie that Blair faked the pregnancy to marry Todd for his money. Other people have told Todd this but this time he goes to the hospital to check on Blair’s medical record. He gets a hold of her file and sees the proof that she was only 13 weeks pregnant when she miscarried which meant she indeed faked the pregnancy to get his money. He comes storming out of the doctor’s office with the ripped page out of her file, he is a tornado, and who does he run into but Marty. It is strange that Marty is the one who calms him down and possibly convinces him to forgive Blair. The history between them is so deep and oddly he truly respects her now. At the end of this scene they used the phrase; why is it always you, for the first time. They both don’t know why, but they will always be connected and intertwined in a very strange way. Todd flies past her into the lounge and starts tearing the place apart. He is pure animal at this point. He picks up a vase of flowers and smashes it across the room, a patient runs out. Marty follows him in.

MARTY: What is going on? (she closes the door, he yells throws one more thing and collapses into a chair with the crumpled paper in his hand, letting it fall)

Scene break

MARTY: (he sits slumped in the chair and starts examining and twirling his wedding ring, Marty picks up the crumpled paper and reads it) This is from Blair’s file, how did you get this? Is that what this is about, something wrong with Blair? (he looks up at her)

Scene break

MARTY: (sitting in chair next to him) What’s wrong? Is it Blair? Is something wrong?

TODD: Sure, there’s something wrong. This is my life we’re talking about, right? There’s always something wrong.

MARTY: I don’t understand.

TODD: (leans forward in his chair to her, voice on the edge) I’m finally getting everything that I deserve, so stick around, sooner or later you’ll see it. (gets up) I’m finally getting what I deserve.

MARTY: (trying to get through to him, stands) Did something happen to Blair?

TODD: Blair lied. And I bought the whole act because I wanted to. You see that’s the trick, you see she makes you believe that....that’s what you want! She suckered me in just like she (camera shows Blair outside of the lounge listening)did with Max and Cord and Asa. Lined us up just like ducks and took us out one by one by one...

MARTY: Todd you’re not making any sense.

TODD: Blair lied to me it’s as simple as that.

MARTY: About what?

TODD: (yelling, totally losing it) About everything!! Not one feeling, not one word and all of it lies. It just twisted me around. And she’s laughing at me like I’m some kind of a moron! But that’s it! Believe me!! (deadly) As soon as I get my hands on her it’s over. (Marty’s eyes widen, she knows that look) (slowly, deliberately and extremely scary) It’s all over! (camera shifts to Blair putting her hand to her mouth in fear)

Scene break

MARTY: (he continues trashing the place, Marty ducking then getting him under control with the authority in her voice) Todd stop it! Knock it off or I’m calling security!! Now where’s Blair??

TODD: (out of control) Oh who cares, all I know she’s not going to lie to me again. Now it time for her to pay. (starts to leave)

MARTY: (she blocks and slams the door) No.

TODD: (deadly) Are you crazy??

MARTY: Not till you to get yourself under......

TODD: (cutting her off, threatening) You get out of my way!!

MARTY: (yelling back) You’ve gotta get yourself under control! You’re not running out of here yelling you’re gonna make your wife pay. Do you even know what you mean by that?

Scene break

TODD: (seething) Oh relax Marty you see I’ve got it all under control. Besides there is no way I could hurt her as much she has hurt me! (grabs the crumbled paper and shoves it at her) See, you read this, you see for yourself.

MARTY: I’ve read it, I don’t see what the problem is.

TODD: (yelling, huge arm and hand movements) Yeah, well the problem is that my wife lied to me, she told me that she had been pregnant before we got married. Only it turns out that she was only thirteen weeks pregnant when she had that miscarriage. Which means she got pregnant AFTER we got married!!(pounds his fist in his hand for emphasis) She knew!! Everybody told me this, she knew that I was Victor Lord’s bastard son, she knew that I had this big fat trust fund coming my way and so she lied to me to get me to marry her. (hurt and angry) Everybody told me, she married me for the money. Nothing else. And everybody said it but I believe her. Go ahead now say it, I’m getting exactly what I deserve. (they stare at each other)

Scene break

TODD: (he’s pacing, Marty is angrily picking up his mess) You never answered my question, huh? It must make you real happy to see me suffer like this. Oh come on Marty, it’s only natural.

MARTY: I hate to break it to you Todd but I evolved way past wanting to watch you twist in the wind. So, no, I’m not happy that you’re miserable. But I’m not surprised either.

TODD: Oh well you’re not surprised that Blair just married me for the money.

MARTY: (picking up the chair he threw and slamming it back in it’s place) No I don’t know. I have no idea why she married you. But I do know this, you and Blair are no angels, you’re both spiteful enough to buy WVL just so you could fire Luna, remember?

TODD: (knew it was coming) Okay, here we go, come on don’t stop now, what else?

MARTY: What else?? (she whips around) Well let me think, for one, I know Blair’s history with Asa Buchanan, Max, Luna, I knew about it, I assume you did.

TODD: People change Marty! (crosses to her) Blair and I we always had this thing, we had...we had an honesty thing. At least I thought we did. (turns away with his back to her) We had something between us. We were friends and we’d always tell each other the truth no matter how much it hurt. (his voice barely gets out hurt)

MARTY: So knowing her past, faked a pregnancy with Asa Buchanan you figured...

TODD: (very hurt) Oh well, I never figured she do it to me. I’ll never be able to forgive her for this. (quietly) Never!

Scene break

MARTY: Ooh, this is weird, you know?

TODD: (not looking at her or moving, the fight having temporarily left him) What?

MARTY: How I constantly find myself in the middle of your crises.

TODD: (deadpan) Lucky you.

MARTY: (sighs knowing she’ll try to help him) Face it, you love her. (his head turns in her direction) And money or no money I’m sure she cares for you much more than she’ll ever let on. So maybe you two shouldn’t screw this up.

TODD: (sarcastic) Oh well gee, thanks, dear Abby, thank you! (coming out of it looking at her, she nods her head figuring why did she even try) Look, after the miscarriage we did, we started to get really close and things got better and they got...(he breaks off to stop the emotion building he brings his arms up in a futile gesture) it’s all based on lies.

MARTY: Lies?

TODD: I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to get past that.

MARTY: Lies, well, you’ve had your fair share of those too. (pointedly)

TODD: Oh well you mean when I lied about you at my trial. Oh I knew, no I knew those lies would hurt you! I had to protect myself.

MARTY: (hitting the mark) You were scared!

TODD: I wasn’t scared.....(cuts himself off, he knows it’s absolutely true) Alright. I was scared. (his voice becomes like a little boy) I didn’t wanna go to jail. I didn’t want Peter Manning to hate me, I didn’t want to wind up alone. What, you’re saying that Blair lied to me cause she was scared.

MARTY: (whispering) Maybe. Ask her.

TODD: No way.

MARTY: (half laugh) Let’s get something clear. Todd, the reason you’re so hurt right now, is because you love her. So why not admit it. Or are you so proud you’re willing to throw that away! (she has hit the nail on the head and his face softens)

Scene break

TODD: (stares straight ahead) Maybe I do care more about Blair, than I could ever admit. Lately I...I actually thought that she wanted to be with me. That she was happy. That she wasn’t just mooning over Cord Roberts instead. How could I ever believe that someone could love me. Now I know that all she did was dupe me into marrying her. But I don’t know what to believe.

MARTY: Well, I am probably THE last person that should tell you what to do. (huge sigh, looks upward) Look at us. Who knows better than we do that you can’t let the past run your life, cause if you do you just go in circles, till you die! (tearing up) Maybe you could free yourself of your past Todd if you found it in yourself to forgive Blair. It’s not easy, trust me! But it’s the only way you can move on. (he is thinking about it)

Scene break

TODD: (slumped in chair) When Blair told me that lie, that we were only hanging out together because no one else in town would talk to us, I guess she saw her opportunity and she went for it. Blair and I we went through something big together. (his voice cracking starting to tear up) We had all that hope and when we got hit with losing that baby.... Right after the miscarriage things got pretty ugly between us and I told her I said, go, she would have had every right to leave me. Go I said, go back to Cord, but she didn’t. She came back (not believing in himself) She chose me! And we started I thought to have a life together, we...we were married, we were even starting to think about having another kid, (Marty starts to tear up) and for the first time in my life I felt like I had a future! (he is about to break down)

MARTY: Yeah, maybe you still do.

TODD: (getting it) Maybe you can’t let the past control your life.

MARTY: Absolutely. (stares at him)

TODD: (stands crosses to her) The last time we were in this hospital together you saved my life. You gave me your blood, instead of letting me die. Then you showed up in the docks to keep me from hurting myself, maybe kill myself after Blair lost the baby. So why is it always you??

MARTY: My bad luck I guess. (tears in her eyes)

TODD: (quietly) Yeah, I guess. (they stare intently at each other, so much history)

MARTY(turns away from him) Go home to your wife Todd. (without a word he crosses past her out of the room) (she closes her eyes)