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Monthly Edition                                                                          November 15, 1999                                                                Volume 1, Edition 3, Page 1

"We do not live in this world alone, but in a thousand other worlds." - Another World Opening Line

Fond Memories of Rachel and Carl
By:  Lori 
When Becky asked me to do this I was timid in saying yes. I'm still timid in doing this, putting my thoughts of Rachel and Carl and thus Victoria Wyndham and Charles Keating down on paper. I don't have an easy place to begin.
The beginning would be appropriate but I don't remember when I saw Rachel for the first time. I have vague memories of her and Iris fighting and vague memories of her pregnancy with Matthew. But I know I saw the show long before this, I just have no clear memories. The same goes for Carl, fragments but no whole parts. I wish I could remember them when the writing was above par and the stories worth telling. I would love to remember those days when these two great actors were allowed to shine. But I don't.
What I do have is memories of two fine actors and characters that changed my life. I wasn't a full time Another World watcher until November of 1996. I was hit and miss. I'd skim other soaps but AW was always home. And in 1996, I returned home. A lot of bad things had happened in my life that year and in 
need of comfort of familiarity I returned to an old friend, AW. It was shortly after Rachel had thrown Carl out and I was immediately hooked. Victoria was playing the role to hilt. The anguish of Rachel's decision to 
remove Carl from her life spoke in every move Victoria made as Rachel. I think I cried when she left Thanksgiving Dinner over her pain.
And then I figured out Rachel was pregnant long before they ever let us in on the secret. I was fascinated. Being a biologist who loved genetics I was hoping the powers that be would allow for a story that would reflect and educate on the matter of mature pregnancy. Didn't happen, but I was still enthralled. Rachel and Carl were the soul reason I was watching the show. I had to watch everyday just for a glimpse into their lives.
During this time period I had started writing Victoria on her fan forum. It was so neat being able to talk to her in some way. I could tell her my likes and dislikes and what made me laugh and what made me cry. Victoria always answered cheerfully what ever I had asked about. Never had I dreamed of encountering such devotion from a celebrity for the fan base. Through the good times on the show and through the bad times, Victoria always took the time to communicate. She is truly a class act.
     In August of 1997, I was able to meet Victoria and Charles at a stage production of their 2-man show "Couplets." This was a dream come true for me. Charles can melt butter with his voice. I'd get so enraptured by the sound of it I'd forget to listen to what he was saying. <G> After the show I had a chance to speak with them briefly and it's something I will never forget. In just a few months time of corresponding with Victoria and then the play, I learned what extraordinary people these two passionate souls are. They tuned my life around and touched my heart and I'm eternally grateful to them.
The years have gone by and sadly I lost something very important to me along the way. Another World is gone, but I won't forget. As long as I remember the people of Bay City live on. Rachel and Carl came down the stairs the next morning, drank orange juice and talked of the Grubs over breakfast. Life goes on in Bay City and so does ours.
Rachel and Carl will always be now and forever in my heart, but less so than the two beings that gave them voice, body and soul. It is through Victoria Wyndham and Charles Keating that these two characters lived and it is because of them that I will have these memories to cling to. Thank you for the memories.
Editors Commentary
Since I have been an Another World fan with access to the Internet, I have found both of Lori’s webpages dedicating these characters and their portrayers to be a fine source of information and entertainment.  About two months ago, Lori contacted me for permission to link "The Another World Anthology," to her pages.  I was ecstatic; Lori’s websites are so professionally done and one leaves there with a feeling of the emotion that the pages were created with.  After corresponding with Lori a couple of times, I decided to ask her to write the piece that you have just read.  She was timid, she explained that the feelings for these artists were deep and it would take her awhile.  I offered any help I could, but Lori managed to get this wonderful article on paper all by herself.  She did much better than I would have.  If you are Another World fans, or even just fans of Charles Keating and Victoria Wyndham, please take a moment to visit Lori’s pages:       .  You won’t be disappointed, as she does an excellent job with them. Thank you Lori!!! - Becky
Lori's Pages
Peach Tree Cottage: A Tribute to Victoria Wyndham and Charles Keating
Gramercy Park: Another World Fan Fiction


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In this edition:  Fond Memories of Rachel and Carl, TAWA Popularity, The Next Month in Chat, Ask an Expert, VirtualEpisodes, Classifieds, Why "Another World?", Trivia Teaser, Fan Fiction: Futuristic Bay City, Feedback, Let's Argue, Alum Alert, TAWA News and Updates, Discussion Group/Newsletter, Linkage

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The Another World Anthology