Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

Website of the Office of Director

Society Ordo Templi Orientis in America


The Society Ordo Templi Orientis is a Fraternal organization of men and women dedicated to the establishment of the Law of Thelema, which is:

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Love is the law, love under will.

The Society Ordo Templi Orientis in the U.S.A. is an Initiatic Hierarchy, a co-ordinated network of Lodges which accomplishes its Aims through the harmonic co-operation of its Members whose Will it is to unite to defend Liberty and to advance the evolution of the race through Initation of the Individual.

(Confer these Documents for more about the Aims and Structure of the Order):

The O. T. O. Manifesto
The O. T. O. Constuition

The Society Ordo Templi Orientis is accepting applicants for Membership. Aspirants for Initiation, or those wanting more information about the Society O.T.O. may contact:


P.O. Box 10789

Pittsburgh, PA 15203

or Email: CLICK HERE TO E-mail Fr. Zeus IV

Love is the law, love under will


Liber AL vel Legis
Liber II : Message of 666
Liber LXV
Liber VII
Liber CCC : Khabs am Pekhet
Liber CC : Liber Resh
Liber CI : Frater Baphomet IX°
The Soldier and the Hunchback !AND?
Liber CLVI : Liber Cheth
The Great Drug Delusion
Synopsis of Six Articles on Drugs
Ethyl Oxide

The Works of Marcello Ramos Motta:

Frater Parzival XI°

The Works of Marcello Ramos Motta

Other Thelemite Organizations:

Departments of the Directorate Office:

Fission for the Nuclear Family, by Frater Zeus

The Coalbiter's Chamber

New Images and Poetry Updated for XCVIII!
Song, Poetry and Art for the Tribes of Thelema


Email: CLICK HERE TO E-mail Fr. Zeus IV