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Eternal City
Muscle Cuirass
   The muscle cuirass is greek in origin.  Originally it did cover over the entire waist, but as one can imagine, this did not work well in battle.  Because the cuirass covered the waist in one solid sheet of bronze it was virtually impossible for a warrior to bend over.  Eventually later civilizations countered this by making things liked hinged waist pieces, but by the time the Roman civilization began to become a power in Italy the cuirass had been shortened to cover just under the last rib, and a very thick bronze belt was worn to protect the waist.  It is this cuirass that we see in the world of Midlight.  The muscle cuirass is made up of two solid bronze pieces, a front and a back.  It is usually reserved for legates and higher in the Roman army.  Common soldiers, and centurions would not wear a muscle cuirass.
  Like the Roman muscle cuirass only the higher ranks (those at about Legate, or higher) are allowed to wear a muscle cuirass.  The muscle cuirass is good protection, covering both the chest and the back, however, unless you are looking to impress people I'd recommend the mail cuirass.

Muscle Cuirass is available at:

Bragan: Vetallun Armory
Muscle Cuirass - 2600d

Harach: Bronze Lane
Muscle Cuirass - 2t 1541d 2st 2s

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