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Ferret Pictures
Page Five

From top to bottom: #1 has White Russian held by Brent on left & PandaBear held by Trent on right. #2 is opposite Trent holding Russian on left & Brent holding PandaBear on right Email 3 is Brent & PandaBear. The kids and PandaBear belong to Karen B. White Russian belongs to Judy G.

You can see more pics at Karen's website

This is Mystique. She is about two years old and lives with RaeAnn.

This is Bear (top - cinnamon) and Bandit (bottom - sable). They are the very first ferrets of Heidi and James. Watch out for ferret math, you guys ;)

"These are my two 8 year old fosters, Sadie (silver mitt female) and Sonny (albino male). I found Sonny wrapped around Sadie's neck one day and couldn't believe they actually stayed asleep long enough for me to go get my camera and snap this!" - Pat Andrews, Pittsburgh

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