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Samhain Ritual

by Scott Cunningham, adapted by Fox Sunfyre October 1999

Dish of salt

Apples, pomegranates, pumpkins, squash, gourds, etc
Autumn flowers such as chrysanthemums and marigolds are appropriate too
An earthen-ware cauldron or fireproof bowl (an orange or red candle works here too)
A small flat dish marked with the eight-spoked wheel
Basic ritual tools (chalice, pentacle, athame, staff, wand, censer, etc)
A spicy scent of incense (cinnamon, Harvest, All Hallow's Eve, etc)
Parchment paper and pens
(optional) Pictures and symbols of loved ones already passed away

Prior to the ritual, sit quietly and think of loved ones passed away. Do not despair. Know that they have moved on to greater things. Keep firmly in mind that the physical isn't the absolute reality, and that souls never die.

Arrange the altar, light the Altar Lamps and censer, and cast circle (starting at the WEST):

Lords and Ladies of the Watchtowers of the West
Thou deep-dwelling undines and swift-flowing mermaids, loving dolphin and hidden eel
Zephyrus, Master of the Western wind, be with us in feeling and in vision, in the evening tide's mystery and the upwelling of autumn dreams
We do summon, stir, and call you forth! Come!
Be welcome in this our rite! Blessed Be

Lords and Ladies of the Watchtowers of the North
Thou gnomes of within the earth and fairies of the mountain forest, bear slow and sure and bull of great strength
Boreas, Master of the Northern wind an ruler of the winds, here at the dwelling place of the Gods
Be within us in solid strength and permanence, giving us sure knowledge of nature's ever-renewing cycles, the safe womb of the night and the slow movement of winter
We do summon, stir, and call ye forth! Come!
Be welcome in this our rite! Blessed Be

Lords and Ladies of the Watchtowers of the East
Thou gentle sprites and airy sylphs, soaring eagle and sweet butterfly
Eurus, Master of the Eastern wind, be with us in laughter and in thought, bring us the bracing dawn wind and memories of fragrant spring
We do summon, stir, and call ye forth! Come!
Be welcome in this our rite! Blessed Be

Lords and Ladies of the Watchtowers of the South
Thou leaping slamanders and firey ones, lion in passion and dragon in power, phoenix arising pure and whole from the flame
Notus, Master of the Southern wind, be with us in passion and truth, bring us warmth of the hearthfire and summer sun, and the clear sight of noonday.
We do summon, stir, and call ye forth! Come!
Be welcome in this our rite! Blessed Be

Recite the Blessing Chant.
Invoke the Goddess and the God.
At this point, everyone in the circle should receive a slip of paper. They should all write one thing on this paper that they wish to be rid of in their life. Try to delve deep and find the root of the problem and dissolve that, instead of the bearer of the problem. Set these aside.
Lift one of the apples, and with the athame or ritual knife, pierce the skin of the fruit. Remove the seeds and place them on the wheel-marked dish.
Raise wand or staff, face the altar and say:

On this night of Samhain we mark your passing,
O Sun King, through the sunset into the Land of the Young
We mark also the passing of all who have gone before,
and all who will go after. O Gracious Goddess
Eternal Mother, You who gives birth to the fallen
teach us to know that in the time of the greatest darkness
there is the greatest light

Pass the seeds to everyone in the circle, and taste them. Bite them with the teeth and taste the sharp flavor.
Look at the wheel-marked dish, the symbol on the plate, the wheel of the year, the cycle of seasons, the end and beginning of all creation.
Light a fire withing the cauldron or light the candle. EVERYONE in the circle should say this:

Wise One of the Waning Moon
Goddess of starry night
We create this fire within our circle
to transform that which is plaguing us
May the energies be reversed
From darkness, light!
From bane, good!
From death, birth!

Either drop the papers one by one into the cauldron or set them on fire and place them on the dish. As it burns, everyone should concentrate on their ill diminishing, lessening, and finally leaving as it is consumed in the universal fires.

At this time, scrying or other forms of divination can be worked, as the veil between the worlds in thin on Samhain.

Works of magick may follow if necessary.
Celebrate the Feast.