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~~A collection of fashion drawings from the 1800s and 1900s~~

~~Table of Contents~~

The Fashions
About My Drawings
Downloading & Printing
Linking To My Site
Nostalgia Cafe Homepage

Click on the era you would like to visit

If you see any "broken graphics" on the last page of each decade,
don't be alarmed! They are "place holders"
for future drawings, which allows me to upload new
fashions without making changes to the page each time.

Bright colors & big hair


Hot pants, earth tones
& disco styles

Mini-skirts, bell-bottoms
& hippie styles

Hats, gloves
& full skirts

Styles from the war years

Flattering dresses
& evening gowns


Edwardian & World
War I styles

S-shaped silhouettes
& the Gibson Girl

Big sleeves
& high collars

Bustles & tight bodices

The transition from hoop
skirts to bustles

1840s, 1850s, 1860s
Crinolines, hoop skirts,
bonnets & ball gowns

Puffed sleeves
& empire waistlines

About My Drawings

I remember when I was ten years old, browsing through a 1908 Montgomery Wards catalog. Was I interested in the toys or games? No! The clothing caught my attention, and I set about choosing the dresses I would have worn if I been around back then. Thus, my interest in fashion history was born.

Over the years, as I researched historic costumes, I began to sketch my favorite fashions. When I got my first computer in 1998, I started drawing them with the 'Paint' program, and that is the collection you see here.

My sources include old photos, fashion plates, catalogs, movies, advertisements, paintings, TV shows and my own personal memories. I have tried to make the colors and details as true-to-life as possible. If an exact year was provided, I included that, too.

If you see any "broken graphics" on the last page of each decade, don't be alarmed! They are "place holders" for future drawings, which allows me to upload new fashions without making changes to the page each time. Please understand that I draw these images with a mouse. I choose from a small selection of "bodies" and a large selection of "heads" that I have saved on my hard drive, and then I draw the clothing and color it in. She might not look like a "real" person, but I think she makes a pretty good model!

Downloading & Printing My Drawings

Feel free to print & download my drawings.
If you use them for any entertainment or research purposes, I would be pleased
if you would give credit to my site. Thanks!

To download:
-right-click on the image you would like
-from the drop-down box, click on "save image as..."
-choose the directory you would like to save the image in
-select either .jpg or .bmp format (.jpg takes up less space)
-click "save"

Linking To My Site

If you would like to place a link to my site on your webpage, please use this URL:

Lisa's Fashion History Database
was created in
Woodstock, Illinois USA
and was launched on January 25, 2000