Chapter 7

Lou unlocked the door to the room and entered. The first thing she noticed was the steaming bubble bath, she almost turned to go thinking she had the wrong room when the dress laying on the bed and the flowers on the night stand caught her eye. She gasped as she approached the bed and noticed a note under the flower vase.

My Darling Lou,

First, let me remind you how much I love you, you are my world. Please take a nice hot bath and enjoy yourself. Hope you liked the dress (Rachel helped). Meet me in the lobby at 7:00. I have a feeling tonight’s going to be a special night.



Lou felt tears spring to her eyes as she picked up the dress. It was so beautiful, emerald green, my favorite color, how’d he know that she wondered. She noticed the accessories, the delicate choker, the earrings, gloves, boots, the chemise. She was overwhelmed with emotions. "What have I done in my lifetime to deserve him", she wondered out loud. After letting the surprise sink in she began to get out of her riding clothes and slipped slowly into the hot bath. She noticed a bar of rosewood soap sitting on the table next to the tub. Yes Kid, she thought, tonight is gonna be special - more special than you can imagine. Lou knew this was right, she knew they were made for each other. As she soaked, she let her thoughts wander to thoughts that used to embarrass her - now she looked forward to actually experiencing some of what she’d only imagined. Yes Kid it’s only right that you are my first, probably my first and only, she sighed with hope.

Kid finished tending the horses and headed to his room to clean up. He would loved to have seen her reaction to the surprise, well he’d just have to imagine. All of the sudden he was hit with a fear, one he hadn’t thought about. What if she thinks I’ve interfered to much, what if she thinks I’m pushing her to do more than she’s ready for - God I hope she doesn’t think that’s my intention.


Chapter 8

After getting out of the bath there was a knock on the door. Oh no she thought, not yet Kid.

"Who is it?" she answered the knock. "It’s Mrs. Clark, the owner. "Oh" Lou replied "what can I do for you?" she cracked the door. "Well honey I wanted to see if you needed anything?" Lou opened the door to allow her to enter, "Uh, well yes, I’d like that if you don’t mind. Do you think you could do anything with my hair, it’s kind of an awkward length and I’m not sure I can do anything with it. Excited, the older women’s mind began to click, "Oh yes, you get your dress on I’ll be back in a few minutes."

Mrs. Clark returned and helped Lou get her auburn hair turned into a beautiful French twist. She also brought with her a little make up to just emphasize her beauty. "You know you won’t be able to fool people much longer with your disguise" she replied while smoothing a little blush on her cheekbones. Lou was taken by surprise at her comments, "what do you mean" she questioned as innocently as she could muster. "Well I ain’t the smartest women in the world, but it don’t take to many smarts to recognize you as the little pony express rider that always stays here. I always wondered why you’d stay here instead of the waystation, guess I know now." Lou sighed and Mrs. Clark could tell that she was uncomfortable. "Now don’t you worry none, I won’t give your little secret away, I’m just tellin ya you won’t be able to fool people to much longer, your much to pretty." She finished applying the little bit of makeup and looked at Lou "You sure are a beauty" she stated appreciatively. Lou blushed at her compliment. After all of the primping Mrs. Clark eyed Lou closely, sure that the end result was complete perfection. "It’s almost 7:00 miss, I wouldn’t keep him waiting too long, he’s a pretty amazing young man. Lou turned to look at the sweet women who had helped her so much, "believe me, I wasn’t always aware of it, but I know what he is and I plan on keepin’ him!"

Mrs. Clark left and Lou peered at herself in the mirror, she never really thought of herself as beautiful but the reflection in the mirror told her otherwise and she was pleased. She had just enough color on her eyes and her lips to accent the color of her dress and her dress was a wonderful compliment to her auburn hair. She finished her outfit by slipping the gloves the Kid had given her on. With one last glance in the mirror she turned and headed to the lobby; her stomach full of butterflies. She knew after tonight her life would never be the same.

Kid had made his way to the lobby a little before 7:00. He wanted to be sure that he didn’t make her wait. He looked very handsome, dressed in his Sunday best, his curly hair smoothed back, except for a few stray strands which hung around his face. His eyes shone with excitement. He was approached by a girl in the lobby, his back to the stairway. He tried politely to excuse himself from the conversation the girl was earnestly trying to have with him when a hush fell over the lobby. Kid noticed several eyes staring at the staircase, he slowly turned only to encounter the most beautiful site he’d ever seen. His mouth dropped as his eyes raked in every inch of her. Everything around him ceased to exist, he started towards her - all he could think about was touching her - he realized he hadn’t breathed since the moment she had descended the stairs. Breathe Kid breathe. He exhaled slowly, "Lou", he spoke with a low husky voice, full of emotion and took her by the hand. "What are you looking at" she grinned at him. "You, you are so beautiful" was all he could muster. "Thank you", she didn’t shy away from his compliment this time. Kid was entranced so Lou took his arm, "I think this is how it works" she teased him. He shook his head slightly, trying to get a grip on himself. She peered into his eyes, "I think you’re right Kid, looks like tonight will be a special night." She lead him out of the hotel since the Kid hadn’t taken his eyes off of her since she came down the stairs. "Kid, I don’t really know where I’m going", she stated when they reached the street outside of the hotel. "Oh" he realized he had been mesmerized and had not been paying any attention to anything but her. Again he shook his head slightly, but this time he took his eyes off of her for a moment, now I can think straight, he thought. He escorted her to the finest restaurant in town and with the arrangements he had made earlier they were immediately seated.

After dinner, they made their way to the main street of town, which was close to being deserted. "That was the best meal I ever had" she stated. "Uh huh," he replied absently, his eyes once again drawn to her and her only. He was overcome with the need to hold her - he glanced quickly around and noticed only a few people meandering in the street. He took her into his arms and kissed her deeply, she was completely taken by surprise but enjoyed the openness - it felt so good to be with him in public. After a moment he pulled away from the kiss and rested his forehead gently on hers; "don’t think I didn’t notice all those men looking at you tonight young lady" Lou looked surprised by his comment, she hadn’t really noticed anybody but Kid. "Can’t say I blame ‘em, I’m just afraid for my life", he joked with her. "Well" she replied archly "now maybe you know how I feel every time I walk through town with you!"

Chapter 9

It was getting late and they decided it was time to get back to the hotel. Kid was beginning to feel a little uneasy - he wanted Lou to know that this whole evening wasn’t about taking their relationship further - he was afraid she might have been thinking that, but he didn’t know how to bring it up. Before he knew it, they were standing in front of the door to her room. She found the key and began to unlock the door. "Lou, thank you for allowing me the privilege of being your escort tonight", he smiled his best smile which made his eyes seem to glow. "You are truly the most beautiful women in the world." She blushed yet again tonight. "Kid, please don’t go, please come in." "Lou.. I..I he stumbled.. I really.... I didn’t plan this so that.., well you know" he wouldn’t look at her. "No Kid, what?" "Well so that you and ... well you know... well dance (he finally spit it out). She smiled at him "Don’t you think I know that, I know you’re not like that. Kid this is something I’ve wanted for a long time now. What’s the matter, don’t you want to? He chanced to look at her, his heart melting, "Yeah, of course, but not until you’re ready, I don’t want to push you" he told her tenderly. He is so damn sweet she thought.

"Believe me Kid, you haven’t been pushing, I know this is right. Please stay with me tonight." She held his face in her hands and gently brushed his lips with hers. As she felt his lips glide over hers she opened her mouth and invited him to deepen the kiss. Then she remembered that they were still in the hall. She pulled away from the kiss "come on Kid, let’s get inside before we get arrested!" He laughed and turned pink, she loved to embarrass him, he looked so cute!

A fire had been lit which gave the room a soft glow. Lou sat in front of the fireplace and began to remove her shoes. Kid kicked his boots off and approached her. He watched her intensely, he had never wanted anything more in his life than to be with her. She was made for him - he always thought he would be nervous his first time, but for some strange reason he was completely at ease. He felt like he would know exactly what to do, exactly how to please her - he’d just let his instincts take over. Not wanting to appear aggressive he asked her quietly if she’d like some help. She stood and turned her back to him. She felt his hands unclasp her choker and begin to work on the buttons of her dress. She could feel when he had unfastened the last button and turned in his arms, she kissed him deeply, he returned the kiss with an intensity that was new to her. She could feel his desire for her escalate, she knew her own needs were growing, she felt her body screaming to be touched by him. She began to unbutton his shirt, when he felt here small hands roaming his bare chest his breathing became more and more shallow, his hands eased her dress off of her shoulders and it slid easily into a pile at her feet. She completely removed his shirt and pulled away from the kiss. "Kid" she whispered. "Mmh" was all he could reply. "I’ve never done this before", she told him shyly. He gazed deep into her eyes, "Me neither Lou". She was surprised, he acted so much like he knew exactly what he was doing. "Really?" she questioned. "Uh huh, really" he smiled at her "people do it all the time, I think we’ll figure it out." He lifted her in his strong arms and walked to the bed, she was still wearing the soft white chemise but Kid could feel her warm body through the thin cloth and felt his need and longing for her grow. As he laid her on the bed he leaned his forehead against hers and looked directly at her - "are you sure Lou?" without hesitating, she answered him "Kid- I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life" and to prove it she kissed him passionately.

It wasn’t long before the two first time lovers found their way to the heart of each other desires. They lay embracing each other, their bodies sweaty from their lovemaking, their minds marveling with the memories of the feelings their two bodies together created. "Kid", Lou spoke after her breathing and heart began to return to their normal rhythm, "I never imagined it would be like that. I don’t know exactly what I thought, but I know it wasn’t that." She looked at him, her soulful brown eyes telling him how much she loved him. He hugged her tighter. "You sure you ain’t never done it before?" she questioned him. "No Lou, I promise, it’s just cause we were made for each other, meant to be together from the beginning of time. That’s why it’s so perfect, that’s the way I always imagined it would be with you." "I always thought" Lou continued. "That.. I don’t know.. thought that it was not too much fun for the women, you know, I always heard the girls at the saloon talk about just layin’ there and it being the women’s duty and that kind of stuff, maybe there’s something wrong with me Kid cause I, well I thought it was wonderful, in fact" she turned in his arms grinning mischievously , "in fact I can’t wait to do it again!" He chuckled at her bluntness that was his Lou and he loved her for it. He kissed her forehead - "I love you Louise McCloud" he told her. "I love you to Kid". He kissed her again, Lou was at first surprised by it’s intensity, but was ready to have him take her to that other world again - the world that only she, Kid and their passion for each other existed.

Lou awoke in the early morning hours still in his embrace. She inhaled and loved the scent of him, she imprinted it in her memory. He was still sleeping, his chest rising and falling at a slow even pace. God she wanted him again - how could he be so good at knowing what I need, she thought. I’d love nothing better than to wake up in his arms everyday. Now Louise don’t go gettin crazy she told herself.

Kid started to stir and cracked his eyes slightly, seeing her staring at him. "What are you looking at" he asked her his eyes still sleepy and his hair ruffled. He had a little bit of a 5 o’clock shadow. She loved the rugged way he looked. "You - you are so handsome - I love you", she kissed his nose. "Now get up sleepy head, we gotta get going." Kid remembered he forgot to tell her last night. "Oh, I forgot", pulling her close to him, "We don’t go back til tomorrow" his eyes twinkled. "We got all day long just to be with each other. "What are you talking about?" "I arranged it with Rachel, we’re gonna bring Monday’s run in, somebody else is taking today’s back to Sweetwater. We can stay right here - all day and all night" he nibbled on her ear sending shivers through her body. "Just you and me." He kissed her forehead; Lou wanted him to kiss more than her forehead and it wasn’t long before Kid read the desire in her eyes and quickly obliged.

They spent the better part of the morning finding more ways to satisfy each other - when they had finally gotten enough of each other Kid swatted her on her bare behind; "Let’s get dressed, I’m starving. You know you sure can work a man to death" he playfully teased her. She threw one of her more wicked looks at him "you ain’t quite through either ya know!". He stared at her disbelieving, "you can’t mean it Lou" not sure he had it in him right now. "Not now silly", she tousled his hair. "Come on get dressed; let’s build up your stamina!"

Lou was glad she had decided to bring along some ladies clothes. She wanted to be able to walk the streets in daylight on Kid’s arm, the elegant dress Kid had given her to fancy for the daytime. Kid too was pleased to see her dressed in a skirt, "Where’d you get that? He kissed her neck. "I didn’t want to be caught without anything to wear just in case we got some free time when we got here." Kid looked at her teasingly, "it’d be fine with me if you didn’t wear anything!". She slapped him on the butt, "down boy, down".

"Guess I’ll be spending my afternoon fendin’ off all those suitors" he watched her longingly.

"I’m only interested in one suitor and I don’t think he’s in town" she teased him back.

They headed out of the hotel to the local restaurant. After an early lunch, they decided to take a walk. They were engrossed in their conversation and didn’t notice a very familiar face approaching them. Lou whispered something in his ear and locked her arms around his waist, he drew her close and kissed her, momentarily forgetting they were in public. She parted from his lips and giggled. "You’re feelin’ your oats, ain’t ya?" "Well Kid, so this is where you hide your little girlfriend, huh?" He whipped around quickly, stunned to see Sarah Jenkins standing in front of him. "Sarah, what are you doing here?" Lou shifted uncomfortably, oh no, please don’t recognize me, she thought in a panic. Sarah explained quickly that her family was in Seneca for a mayor’s conference, several of the town leaders from surrounding cities and towns were gathering in Seneca, her father being the mayor of Sweetwater obviously was attending.

It had become second nature for Lou to automatically revert to her boy persona when confronted in a situation like this. She had to stop herself, reminding herself she was a girl and she needed to be all the girl she could possibly be to try and protect her masquerade. Kid tried to block Sarah’s view of Lou, but she was not to be stopped - she had to get a look at the girl who seemed to have won the affection of the most sought after man in Sweetwater.

Lou held her head high, I can do this she reminded herself she was a lady. "Hello, my name is L... Lydia (she realized she had almost made a big mistake) she took Kid by the arm. "Well, Lydia" Sarah sneered at her, "Seems like you got yourself quite the catch here." "Why thank you, Kid would you mind introducing us?" she looked up at him trying to encourage him, I can handle this Kid she thought. He cleared his throat "Uh em" he was feeling very uncomfortable by now - "Lydia, this is Sarah, Sarah - Lydia" was all he could get out. "Nice to meet you Sarah - and I have to agree with you, he certainly is a catch." Kid felt like he was in the middle of a catfight. "Sarah, it’s nice to see you, but we’ve got to be goin’ now" he began to walk away with Lou on his arm. "Why Kid, I have no idea why you said she was shy and not so pretty, why she doesn’t seem the least bit shy" her remarks dripping with sarcasm. Lou was laughing inside, she knew Sarah was trying to come between her and Kid - however she had no idea that Lou had been present during the conversation she was referring to - that Kid had been teasing her when he told Sarah that his girl was shy and not very pretty. They both turned from the stunned girl, she realized her words didn’t hurt or upset Lydia as she had intended - it confused her. "Well, I certainly wouldn’t be caught kissing a man in public - she was desperately trying to make Lou angry. "No I guess you wouldn’t" Lou looked at Kid and placed a kiss directly on his lips. Sarah was horrified. "You don’t know what you’re missing!" They walked away, arm in arm leaving Sarah fuming. "You are wicked Louise" Kid whispered to her.

I know I know that girl from somewhere Sarah thought, I’ll figure it out. I’m not giving up on him so easily, she’ll see. I’ll have him as mine yet!


Chapter 10

Kid and Lou saddled the horses and spent the remainder of the afternoon riding the prairie and enjoying their solitude. They both knew how difficult it was going to be when they got back home tomorrow - it had been difficult to sneak time together before, but now, now things were different - deeper between them. It was going to be more difficult - somehow sneaking kisses in the barn just wasn’t going to be enough anymore.

"Let’s get some dinner Lou" they headed back into town. After another wonderful meal they decided to head back to the room and savor their last night alone - they knew it’d be a while before they could enjoy this kind of privacy again.

Lou lay engrossed in her thoughts - she loved Kid with all her heart, she knew a love like they shared was a blessing that didn’t happen all the time. After the last few days with Kid she realized she was ready to spend the rest of her life with him, it scared her a little, but it scared her more to think of him not being in her life - she wanted to ask him what he thought about their future, but she was afraid. She didn’t want him to think she was pushing things. She thought Kid was sleeping and turned to watch him sleep, but she saw his beautiful blue eyes once again piercing her soul. "What are thinkin’ about Lou?" "Oh nothin’, she looked away, sure he could read her mind. He gently lifted her chin so that her eyes came back up to meet his, his eyes pleading with her to talk to him; to tell him the truth.

She sighed, knowing she didn’t have the ability to lie to him here goes she took a deep breath. "Kid" she began. He watched her closely, letting her know she had his complete attention. "Well, I was just thinking, wondering really, when you see your future - well, am I a part of it? Whew, she thought I said it!

His eyes softened how could she not know he thought, how could she question his utter devotion to her. "Lou" he answered her, turning from her and lying on his back his eyes wandering to the ceiling. Her heart stopped, oh my God I’ve scared him, I’ve moved to fast, damn you Louise! She scolded herself. He let out a long deep breath - "Lou.. Louise I can’t remember what my life was like before you came into it, even more I can’t begin to imagine my future without you in it." He turned back to her and gathered her into his arms, "Louise McCloud, everything that matters to me in this world is right here, right here in my arms. She smiled and rejoiced at his comments and snuggled closer to him.

"I’ve just been thinking" feeling more comfortable about the subject she continued. "It scares me to think of my life without you. I don’t know... I’m so... confused, she spoke hesitantly, knowing she was continuing a conversation that could really change her life. "Confused about what", he stated with concern. "Kid, you know how dangerous being a rider is, and it would be temptin’ fate if just one of us was a rider, but with both of us ridin’, well just seems like the odds are pretty bad against us." She wasn’t exactly sure where she was going with this; but in the next moment she made a decision that surprised her, she was ready to give up riding for the express, she couldn’t hardly believe it, but she knew it, sure as she knew Christmas was in December.

Kid looked closely at her, he was trying desperately to read her thoughts. Then it hit him like a lightening bolt, she’s telling me she’s ready to give up riding, to go back to being a girl, for me - for us! Spontaneously he leaped from the bed, naked but not even noticing. He knelt on one knee as Lou sat on the end of the bed. He took her small hand into his larger one and cleared his throat. "Lou, ah hem Louise McCloud... will you.....will you marry me?" He was nearly knocked backwards when she threw herself into his arms, "Yes, yes oh yes Kid!" she kissed him - pulling back she peered into his eyes - "I thought you’d never ask!" He drew her back into his strong embrace and returned her to the bed. They celebrated the new situation in a way which was becoming very familiar to them.

Chapter 11

As they lay in each other’s arms Kid needed to be sure that she understood and was fully aware of what she’d be giving up. "Lou, you sure? You saw today and last night, you couldn’t have missed the looks and attention you got from the men in town, you haven’t had much of a chance to court, ya know? How do you know for sure that you’ll be happy with me?" "I just want you to be sure of what you might be giving up." His concern only added to her sheer love and devotion to him. Oh how can I begin to let him know what he is to me, she wondered.

"Kid" she prayed silently for the right words, when Jimmy and me tried to... well you know, when we tried to make something out of our relationship it took such an effort. I had to work so hard to remember to do this or say that, trying not to hurt his feelings. Now, I ain’t saying anything bad about him, but with you I don’t have to make an effort to think about you. Everything I am, everything I think about... is you. I just don’t think that’s something you should take for granted. It’s the easiest thing in the world, loving you, why would I want anybody else? You are perfect and I don’t feel like I’m giving up anything. I feel like I’d be giving up everything if I didn’t have you." He held her tightly, thankful to the Good Lord for the gift given to him, he would never mistreat her or take her for granted, he loved her with every ounce of his being.

They made love again, this time with a certainty, which hadn’t been there before. They’d be together for the rest of their lives, and this knowledge led to an even greater passion for each, neither of which thought was possible.



Chapter 12

Lou felt as light as a feather the next morning as they began packing for the trip home. She couldn’t believe the way this weekend had turned out. She turned to look at the man she had given her heart to - "Who’d have thought all those boys attendin’ a dance would have led to this?" she looked at the Kid with eyes full of love. "You know it scares me to think that this might not have happened if we weren’t alone that day, you could have transferred to a new station and I would have lost you forever...even before I knew I couldn’t live without you!" She shuddered involuntarily. He drew her into his arms and kissed the top of her head lovingly. "Lou, you were made for me and me for you, I believe that this would have happened even if I had moved to China!" She giggled at his comment and hugged him tight "you are the only one for me", peering deeply into the depths of his being "it’s always been you". He kissed her and released her from his embrace.

"Lets get back - telling everyone’s gonna be real interestin’, he sighed. Lou’s eyebrows arched, she had forgotten that the boys didn’t even know about them yet, how would they take the news of them getting married when they didn’t even know they were "a couple" she thought.

"Oh Kid," she looked at him for an answer. Kid grinned and decided he’d fill her in on Rachel’s comments. Startled she thought about some of the glances and remarks she had just written off, then she started to get angry. "You mean we’ve been sneaking around for months, finding new ways to be alone and they all knew the entire time?" she spoke in a low menacing voice. "Yep, since the first night", he replied finding a little humor in all of it. "Rachel said they all got a kick outta us finding new ways to get away". He could tell she was not amused. "Awe come on Lou, you have to admit it must have been funny to them, you know the boys." She softened a bit and sighed, "you’re right, besides sneaking around with you was kinda fun!" she tickled his side. Trying to stave off her attack, he held her hands at a distance "still think this ones gonna shock ‘em though." "Serves them right!" she answered.

As they left Lou’s room and passed by Kid’s room, which had gone largely unused, he mumbled "should have saved the money". "What?" Lou didn’t catch what he had said. "Nothin’ was all he replied.

They were approached by Sarah Jenkins as they headed to the livery to fetch the horses. With Lou dressed in her riding clothes she noticed immediately the shock on the girls face. "Now I know where I recognized you from;" thinking back to last night, she had driven herself crazy all night trying to figure out where she had seen Kid’s girl before. "You’re.. I can’t believe’ve been...this whole time" Sarah was stuttering, she wasn’t used to being on this end of an embarrassing situation. Kid and Lou both laughed at her stumbling. "Well you’ll not get away with it anymore, I’m going to inform them of your disguise" she looked at Lou triumphantly and was not amused when Lou didn’t protest. "Good, saves me the trouble of quittin!" She put her arm in Kid’s and they turned to go - Lou looked over her shoulder, the girl still in shock "Oh Sarah" she hollered "Where shall we send the wedding invitation?"

Walking away from the confrontation Kid looked down at Lou "you’re bad Lou, you’re bad" was all he said.

The two young lovers headed back to Sweetwater and toward a future full of hopes and dreams.






I know it’s sappy - but I’m a hopeless romantic. I’d like to think there’s really a Kid out there somewhere.