
These stories are about the entire cast, or more than one rider. Please send feedback...the authors LOVE it!

Orphans Preferred By: Sidney

Six young orphans find hope in the promise of a new future. Three adults ready themselves to assist in a momentous event that will take its place in their nation's history. The decision to join the Pony Express will result in the bonds of love and lifelong friendships, but for now it's just a sign posted in the middle of town square...

A Rainy Day By:Laura

When the riders find themselves couped up in the bunkhouse because of pouring rain, Lou finds an imaginative way to keep the others from going stir crazy.

Prarie Possessions

By:Melissa & Lisa It's October 30, 1861, the day before Halloween, and Buck, Lou, and Jimmy take a run that takes them through a sacred Indian Burial ground. Before the run is completed, their strengths, weaknesses, and friendships will be put to the ultimate test.

The Wizard of SW By Aimee
A great remake of The Wizard of Oz! It's really funny!


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