Two Lives, One Heart

By Renee


Tess watched the man who’d tried to save her life, only after she’d been hit with a bullet meant for him. It really wasn’t his fault, but he didn’t see it that way.

She watched as the man with the gunfighters eyes walked past the little girl selling flowers on the snowy streets of Sweetwater.

"Get outta my face," she heard him grumble.

Tess hung her head in shame. "Jimmy, I know you don’t mean that," she whispered.

"You’ve gotta stop doing that, Tess," Nora warned, appearing next to her.

"Stop what?"

Nora shook her head, watching as Tess kicked up cloud dust as she paced. She and Jimmy had found true love in each other’s arms. Then fate stuck its nose in where it didn’t belong. As she went to reprimand her underling, Gabriel appeared to them. He was dressed regally in flowing purple robes. His hair spilled well past his shoulders in blond waves, his crystalline blue eyes looked at the two women before him, lovingly.

"Teresa," he began, using Tess’ real name. "You look troubled."

Tess’ blue eyes met his. "Is there nothing I can do?"

Gabriel gave Nora a knowing glance. "It has been decided…"

Those four words caused Nora to throw her arms up in disbelief. "And there’s nothing I can do to change that, is there?"

Tess looked from Gabriel to Nora. "What’s goin’ on?"

"You are to join your friend," Gabriel informed her.

Tess looked at him in disbelief. "How? What am I supposed to do?"

Gabriel smiled, easing her nervousness. "Remind him what it feels like to love again."

"But how?"

"It’s Christmas Eve," Gabriel reminded her. "Show him what that means."

Tess looked down at Sweetwater again. It was decorated with red and gold ribbons and bows, wreathes and tinsel. "I’ll have to leave again, won’t I?"

"Yes," Gabriel answered. "But he’ll never forget what you taught him."

After a moment, she looked back to Gabriel. "I’ll do my best."

"You only have until Christmas morning," Gabriel began. "And only he can see you."

"I’m ready," she said. In her heart, she prayed she was doing the right thing.

The image of Gabriel and Nora faded, and Tess found herself in the barn at the way station. She’d spent quite a few evenings in the privacy of the barn, talking with Jimmy. She saw him, then, sitting on a bale of hay.

"Merry Christmas, Jimmy," she said, hoping she wouldn’t scare him.

Jimmy opened his eyes, yet, he seemed to be dreaming while he was awake. There was a vision in front of him that only haunted his dreams.

"It’s all right," Tess assured him. "You’re not dreaming, it’s really me, Tess."

Still he said nothing. The woman before him looked like Tess, even talked like her. She was wearing the blue gingham dress she’d worn the day he’d killed her. Even the same blue ribbon was braided into her auburn hair. Her blue eyes seemed to hold so much more compassion, if that was even possible.

"Please, Jimmy," she pleaded. "Say somethin’!"

When he finally did, they weren’t the words she wanted to hear. "I don’t know you."

Those four words pierced her heart, hurting her more than the bullet that had caused her death. He got up and started to leave. With a simple wave of her hand, Tess bolted the door.

"Remember, Jimmy," she whispered. "Open your heart, and remember."

Jimmy’s eyes opened wide, as the memories of his life came flooding back. Memories he never wanted to remember again.

"What’re you tryin to do to me?" He shouted at her.

Tess took a step back from him as he approached her. For that one brief moment, she was terrified of him.

"I want you to be happy again," she admitted.

Jimmy grinned cockily. "Never was happy, never will be!"

It was time for her to stand up to him. She took his face in her hands. "James Butler Hickock," she began. "You will remember, and I’m going to make you do it!"

He lost himself in her blue eyes, as he’d done so many times before. The word ‘remember’ whispered itself over and over in his head.

"We’re here," Tess whispered, letting go of his face. She’d fought he urge to smother him with kisses. Bonus points for her!

Jimmy blinked. They were outside a small one-bedroom home. "This is my old house. I loved here before…"

"You can say it, Jimmy," Tess said. She could feel his hurt, his sorrow, but there was nothing she could do.

He turned away from the house, and her. "No!" he shouted. "This ain’t happenin’ to me! You’re dead, I killed you…"

"Jimmy!" Tess shouted right back. "You didn’t kill me. Trenton came gunnin’ for you, and I pushed you out of the way! Now you gotta stop this. I only got till mornin’!"

He turned back to her. "You’re leavin’ again?"

The tears in his eyes tore at her heart. "I’m dead, remember?"

Jimmy nodded, cursing the tears that began to fall.

"Now, let me help you, okay?" She asked, taking his hand.

Together, they entered the house. Inside, a man and a woman fussed over a one-year-old boy.

"Do you remember this, Jimmy?" Tess asked, looking at his face.

"I know I shouldn’t," he began. His voice was hushed, just above a whisper. "But I do. This is my first birthday."

They watched as the man picked up the boy. He held him in his arms, so tender, so lovingly, showering him with kisses.

"He wasn’t always like that." Jimmy told her the obvious.

Tess squeezed his hand. "But he was like that at one time."

He tore his eyes away from the sight before him. "Yeah, so what?"

"C’mon, Jimmy," Tess urged. "We’re losing time."

"What!" He said as Tess let go. "Please, Tess, can’t we just watch a little longer?"

She shook her head. "I’m sorry, Jimmy," she said, again looking into his eyes. "We’ve gotta go."

For the second time that night, he lost himself in her eyes. When he was able to look away, he was back at the way station.

"What’s goin’ on?" he asked, obviously confused. "All you wanted to do was show me that my dad used to love me?"

"Let’s go for a walk, Jimmy," Tess said, as suddenly they were in town.

"Why’re you playing games with me, Tess?"

"Do you remember that little girl, Jimmy?" She asked pointing to a little blond haired girl selling flowers.

Jimmy shrugged. "Should I?"

Tess held his hand. "Just watch."

The scene she’d witnessed earlier in the day, played out again.

"You were like that once, Jimmy," she reminded him. "Just like that girl."

"I was havin’ a bad day…"

Tess turned on him. "Jimmy, you’ve been havin’ a lot of bad days! That little girl may not mean a hill of beans to you, but she’s got family somewhere, and they love her."

He looked from the girl to Tess, and back again. Frigid air blew causing the falling snow to swirl about the unsuspecting townspeople. Some ignored the small girl, others bought the flowers she offered. They were small, handmade flowers, made from scraps of material attached to pieces of wood. They gave people a touch of spring even in the dead of winter.

"Now," Tess began, only after regaining her composure. "I’m going to show you what really happened that day…"

"NO!" he said, shaking his head. "No, Tess. I’ll do anything you want…"
"Jimmy," she said his name the way she used to, with every ounce of love she had for him. "You have to see it. If you don’t, it’ll eat at you until you turn into somethin’ you don’t wanna become. Something I could never, ever love…"

"Please," he begged.

His eyes were filled with so much fear, so much sorrow. Tess kissed his forehead, then whispered in his ear, "I’m so, so sorry."

In an instant, they were half an hour outside of Sweetwater. Jimmy watched as he and Tess walked their horses on the trail. He knew the conversation they were having, the one they’d never finished. As they neared the field of wildflowers, Tess was facing Jimmy, who had his back to the trail. Suddenly, Tess’ face became a mask of fear. She pushed Jimmy tot he ground, and was shot. Jimmy drew his gun and rolled in one fluid motion. One shot and Trenton was on the ground, dead.

"Do you understand, Jimmy?" Tess asked.

Jimmy turned to face her, only to see her back. "You didn’t watch."

Tess turned to him, wiping tears away as she did. "I lived it."

It was Jimmy’s turn to hold her. He wanted to tell her so much, but it was too late.

"It’s not too late," she said, hearing his thoughts. "Tell me everything."

Jimmy’s brown eyes looked into hers. For the first time, he dropped his guard and allowed himself to feel love, and to give it right back.

"That day," he began, taking her hands into his. "Tess, I wanted to tell you how much I loved you," he took a deep breath, desperately trying to hold back the tears that threatened. "I wanted to ask you to become my wife."

Tess felt her world crumble. She looked at Jimmy, but he seemed fuzzy, blurry, almost as if he were fading away.

"Tess, Tess, are you all right?" She heard Jimmy’s voice. "C’mon, open your eyes."

Tess’ body ached from head to toe. The cold winter wind bit at her face, as the wet snow stung her cheeks and hands. Her blue eyes fluttered open. Jimmy was looking down at her, smiling.

"You okay?" He asked, helping her to her feet. "I didn’t expect that kind of reaction."

She was able to feel the cold, before she only imagined it. She was wearing a wool coat, and a pair of pants. "What happened?" She thought out loud.

"I asked you to marry me, and you fainted."

Something wasn’t right. She felt alive. "What did we do today?"

Jimmy’s brow furrowed. "Did you hit your head?" he asked, taking off her hat.

"Please, Jimmy!" She begged, taking her hat back. "Just tell me."

"We finished buyin’ presents at Tompkins’, had lunch, then we came here."

Tess looked around. "This is the field of wildflowers," she whispered.

"Really, I wanted to do this in the summer, but I chickened out," he admitted. "Who’d have thought Wild Bill Hickock woulda been afraid of marriage?"

"We need to go back to town," Tess said, mounting her horse. "C’mon!"

"Woman!" Jimmy muttered. "Wait up, Tess!"

As they rode, the cold air froze their cheeks. Jimmy was baffled at the turn Tess had made, and she still hadn’t answered his question. Silently, he hoped he hadn’t offended her.

Breathless, Tess secured her horse, Jimmy right behind her.

"Teresa," he said, using her real name. "Come here for a sec."

She stopped, turning to face him. Why had he used her real name? "What?"

"Come here," he repeated, his brown eyes fixed on something she couldn’t see.

"Jimmy, what’s wrong?" She asked, putting her hand in his.

Jimmy smiled, and walked towards Tompkins’ store. Standing outside, in the snow and cold, a little blond girl selling home made flowers. She was dressed in a raggedy old coat that was once yellow. Her red checked dress had seen better days, and it reached the top of her worn shoes.

With lovely green eyes, she looked at up at him. "Would you like to buy a flower?"

Jimmy squatted down, to be eye level with the child. "I’d like to buy all those flowers," He replied, causing the little girls’ eyes to light up.

Tess looked up to the heavens, not believing his transformation. The gunslinger was letting everyone see the side of him she and his friends knew existed.

"Hey," he said standing up. He looked deeply into her eyes. There was a sparkle and a fire that she hadn’t seen in a while. "I’ve got an idea!"

"Jimmy," Tess said with a smile. "What’s gotten into you?" For that matter, what had gotten into her?"

He didn’t answer, instead, he picked up the little girl. "Show me where you live, sweetie."

Tess followed the little girl and Jimmy to the livery stables. Behind it, a small one room shack. Her heart knew what he was doing, but she needed to see him finish his task.

"Merry Christmas, ma’am," Jimmy greeted the girl’s mother. "We’d like to invite your family to Christmas dinner."

The woman’s gray eyes looked at Jimmy in wonder. "You wish for us to have super with you?"

Jimmy nodded. "Very much so," he said with a smile. "I’ll go get a buggy from the livery."

In moments, Tess was alone with the woman and her daughter.

"He’s a nice man," the woman told her. "I’ve been watching him. I always knew he had it in him."

Tess smiled. "Me too."

"All right, ladies," Jimmy said. "Your carriage awaits!"

In no time, they were back at the way station. Rachel had fixed turkey and all the trimmings.

"Hope you don’t mind a couple more mouths, Rachel," Jimmy said, taking the coats into the spare bedroom.

Kid and Lou exchanged wondering glances. Somehow, on a simple trip to town, their brooding Jimmy had become as giddy as Cody. It was strange, but they liked it.

"I’d like to thank you for opening your home to us," the woman said. "My name is Nora, and this is my daughter, Angel."

At the mention of the name, Tess turned to look at her. The clothes were hiding the wings, they had to be. Their eyes met, just for a moment, and Tess knew those eyes belonged to her mentor. Who was Angel? Was she a real child, or was she truly an Angel?

"Maybe you’d like to freshen up before supper?" Rachel suggested.

"I’ll show them, Rachel," Tess answered before Nora had a chance to speak.

Nora nodded, and followed her to the spare bedroom, followed closely behind by Angel.

"What’s goin’ on, Nora?" Tess whispered after closing the door.

"What do you mean" She asked, washing the dirt from the child’s face.

"C’mon, Nora," Tess pleaded. "I was sent here to teach Jimmy to be happy again, and I end up mortal…"

"You passed the test, my dear," Angel replied, transforming into Gabriel.

Tess’ jaw dropped, "Please, for once, would you just answer my question!"

"You proved you could see past his faults, you can change his life, and we’ve given you the chance to do it," Nora informed her.

Tess threw her hands into the air. "I could’ve told you that myself."

"Yes, but you showed us you love Jimmy and that he loves you," Gabriel explained. "Not for what you want eachother to be, but for who you are. You proved it when you showed him that you died for him. Merry Christmas, Teresa."

"We’re going to leave you now…" Nora began.

Tess furrowed her brow. "What about supper?"

Gabriel smiled. "No one will remember us. Soon, you’ll forget us too."

Tess felt her heart break. "But I don’t wanna forget…"

"We’ll meet again," Nora assured her. "Have no worries about that."

In a flash, they were gone. Tess was alone, but surrounded by those who loved her.

"Hey, Tess," Jimmy said, knocking lightly on the door. "You awake?"

Tess sat down on the bed. "Yeah, c’mon in."

Jimmy sheepishly entered the bedroom. He looked at Tess, the one woman who loved him no matter who he was, or what he did.

"Rachel says supper’s ready," he said sitting down on the bed. "You feelin’ better?"

"Yeah," she replied. Tess looked into his brown eyes. They were so beautiful, and held specs of green and gold she’d never seen before. "Jimmy, I never answered you before…"

"Teresa, I understand if you don’t…"

She put her finger up to his lips. "Sssshhh," she said with a smile. "I love you James Butler Hickock, and I’d love to become your wife."

Before Jimmy could reply, a cheer erupted from the other room.

"So much for the surprise!" he laughed.

Tess kissed the man she was to marry. "I love you."

Jimmy looked into her sparkling blue eyes. His heart felt like it was going to explode. "I love you too," he said.

He’d said it before, but for some reason, it meant so much more at that moment. The two joined their friends, amid well wishes and hugs. They sat at the table, still teasing Jimmy about marriage, as Lou hinted to Kid that a double wedding sounded nice.

"Tess, since you’re the guest," Kid began changing the subject. "You can say grace."

Tess’ eyes met Jimmy’s, giving her the confidence she needed to say what was in her heart. She smiled nervously. "All right," she began. "God, please bless this food, and the people gathered here. We thank you for your wisdom and grace, and for giving us second chances at our lives. We ask you, no I ask you, to grant us the eyes to see others’ without judging them, the ears to hear the cries of those in trouble, the lips to speak the truth, and the heart to feel love. Amen."

At they ate, the wind died down and the storm became a shower of flurries. Under the tree, a bouquet of hand made fabric flowers, one for each of the occupants of the small house. No one knew who they were from, yet to Jimmy and Tess, they held a special meaning, eventhough they weren’t sure why.


The end

Merry Christmas!!!!!!