
By Renee Novak

He knew she was there. He could feel her watching him. Buck could picture her, as he always did, and he smiled.

"I know you’re there, Raven," he said to the night. "Why don’t you just show yourself?"

From the shadows she emerged, almost a shadow herself. Dressed in black from head to toe, it was hard to tell where her black spirals ended and the leather trench coat began. She stared at Buck, her blood brother, with violet eyes.

"I enjoy watching you," she told him, slowly walking towards him.

He smiled and stood up from the park bench he’d been sitting on. "I know you do. But it gives me the creeps!" he answered and embraced her.

For a moment, their lips locked, tongues intertwined, until Buck pulled away, breathless.

"It is good to see you again," Raven said, wiping a drop of blood from her lip.

Buck tasted his own blood in his mouth, "Damn it, Raven!" he scolded. "I told you, no fangs!"

The young woman smiled wickedly. "I never promised!"

Raven was Buck’s oldest sister, for a lack of a better word. Both were embraced over a hundred years ago, only months apart.

"So, what brings you here? I didn’t think Chicago was your kind of place."

Raven held his hand, and began to walk down the now deserted street. "It’ll be dawn soon," she reminded him. "Hate to see you extra crispy!"

"Very funny, but you never answered my question."

Raven looked up into the midnight sky. "She sent for me."

Buck stopped, not believing what he had heard. "After all this time?" He asked, fear and sadness gripping his heart. "Why?"

"My darling," she purred, placing her hand on his cheek. His skin was cool, he hadn’t fed in a while. "What does she ever want?"

Buck’s eyes searched the ground. Anytime Lilly called you home, there was trouble. "When?"


"Halloween?" He asked. "Of all days…"

"Her strongest time," Raven agreed. Her voice was sad, as if she all ready knew what fate had in store for her. "I can only hope she’s merciful, and ends my…"

Buck took her into his arms, for possibly the last time. "Maybe that’s not what she wants…"

Raven looked up into eyes that mirrored her own, a blood red tear rolling down her cheek. "What else could she want? Lilly doesn’t call you home to have milk and cookies, Buck. What I can’t figure out is, why? What have I don’t to anger her?"

"You left her," Buck reminded her. "And you began to sire your own."

"Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do?" Raven raged. "If that’s what I’ve done, then so be it. All she has to do is tell me to stop."

Buck didn’t know what to say. Part of him didn’t agree with Raven, but the other part saw her point. He’d only sired two, Angelica and Stephan. They’d become, as he was, a trusted friend to Lilly.

Raven pulled away, and began to walk quickly down the street. In an instant, he was back at her side.

"What do you want me to say, Raven?" he asked. "What you did wasn’t wrong, but it wasn’t right either. We’re not supposed to people the world with vampires…"

"I never intended to!" She hissed. "Look, what I do is my problem, not yours."

Before he could reply, she was gone, vanishing into the cool night. He could track her, but dawn was on the horizon. Buck retreated to the comfort of his basement apartment. The cool dampness seeped into his bones, adding to the chill that could never be warmed. Sleep grabbed him shortly after he arrived home. Climbing under the heavy blanket, he welcomed the dreamless darkness that embraced him.

Chapter 2

She saw him walk into the smoky room, and knew exactly what he needed. After pouring a drink, she walked to the back booth where he always sat.

"Happy Halloween!" she said over the music. Careful not to spill the contents of the glass she set before him.

"Thank you," Buck replied.

"You look like you could use some company," Jasmine said, smiling.

Buck sipped the crimson liquid she’d placed in front of him. "I have to talk to you."

Jasmine could see in his eyes that he was troubled, and it broke her heart. "Meet me upstairs in ten minutes," she instructed him. "I’ve gotta tell Aaron."

Buck nodded and took another sip from the glass. Jasmine knew all in the underground. The bar he sat in, The Teardrop was full of vampires. Mortals had no idea of the danger that sat at their side. Jasmines only rule: no one kills in her bar. She became a trusted soul, long before opening The Teardrop. She’d been a protector of Lilly, thus earning her the trust of a majority of the vampires. Buck knew she’d be honest with him.

He went up the stairs as he’d done so many times in his life, and through the first door on his right. It was lit only by candles and a roaring fire in the fireplace. The scent of Midnight Musk incense filled the room. It was calming, just the way Jasmine liked it.

"So," she greeted him from the leather Queen Anne chair near the fire. "What’s troubling you, Buck? I haven’t seen you in here in a while."

"I’m sorry about that," he replied, sitting across from her. He looked into her eyes. "Really, I’ve been busy."

She smiled, her sky blue eyes sparkling. "I’m sure you have been, but you don’t owe me an explanation," she told him. "You’re here now, that’s all that matters."

" I need to ask you something."

"You’re very troubled, Buck," Jasmine began.

"Jazz," he interrupted. "Let me just ask you this. No analyzing okay?"

Jasmine nodded.

"Why does Lilly want Raven?"

"What did she tell you?"

Buck shook his head. "She lied to me."

Jasmine furrowed her brow. "Why?"

"I don’t know," he admitted. "She said somethin about how she’s sired too many…" Buck stopped as Jasmine began to shake her head. "What?"

"She did lie to you," Jasmine confirmed. "She killed, Buck. She killed a protected one."

Buck’s brown eyes turned violet, as he stared at the burning embers. "A protected one? Who?"

Jasmine took a deep breath. "Alexander." She’d said the name so many times it was as if she was saying her own. Alexander was Lilly’s protected one. Each vampire had mortals that were untouchable, or protected. Alexander was her most trusted, most loved. He was also Jasmine’s brother.

Buck ran ivory hands through his lush black hair. The walls were closing in on him, it was hard to breathe.

"Here," Jasmine said softly. "You need this."

She squatted down, next to the chair Buck occupied, her hand resting on his knee. He was her protector, savior and best friend. Jasmine was well aware of how hard he’d take the news, but he wanted to know.

"I’m so sorry," he said, his eyes not meeting hers. "You must be furious."

"No," Jasmine replied. "Sad, but not angry. I know Lilly will see that justice is served."

"Do you think she did it?"

Jasmine thought for a moment. She stood up, and walked to the window. Dark clouds, giving the night an eerie look half hid the full moon.

"There was a time that I wouldn’t have thought Raven capable of not killing. When she’d just been embraced, she would kill senselessly. Then she chose her victims very carefully, but lately she’d stopped killing. Not everyone knew about it, but we’d talked, and she told me she was done…"

"But without the hunt, how will she survive?"

Jasmine turned to Buck. "The same as you," she replied. "Come to places like this, try to appear human."

"Then why…"

She sat back in the chair across from him again, taking his hands in hers. "Alex left me a message the night he was killed. He said he was meeting with Raven. That she had asked for the meeting…"

"That’s not like Raven," Buck defended her.

Jasmine looked deeply into his eyes. "He said he loved her, and that he wanted to tell her, but he was afraid. Maybe he told her, and she didn’t like it."

"Jazz, listen to what you’re sayin’!" Buck began. He held her face in his hands. It looked so small, so innocent. He could see the despair in her sky blue eyes, eventhough she tried to hide it from him. "Raven wouldn’t do this. You’ve gotta believe me."

She sighed, blinking away tears that were threatening. Carefully, she took Buck’s hands from her face and asked, "Then who did?"

"Maybe we should find out," he replied.

Without a word, Jasmine stood and went into the other room. Buck finished the drink he’d been given, and blew out the candles.

"I’m ready," Jasmine announced softly.

Buck looked up. She was the Jasmine he’d remembered from long ago. A midnight blue velvet hooded cape hid the outfit he knew she now wore, a long black dress, red lace along the sweetheart neckline, and at her wrists. Around her neck, a red velvet choker with a silver heart dangling from it. Her chestnut locks flowed in soft waves down her back. On her left ring finger, a gold band, a symbol of her marriage to the coven. From behind ruby lips, he swore he saw porcelain fangs, but they disappeared as fast as he’d thought he saw them.

"We’ll find out what happened, Jazz," Buck whispered, pulling her close. "I promise."

Again, she blinked away blood red tears, only this time Buck didn’t see them. "I know, Buck. I know. We can’t trust anyone," she warned, and she meant it.

Chapter 3

The full moon was gone, long ago hidden by the dark clouds. A fine mist fell, not hard enough to drench a person, but enough to annoy.

Buck and Jasmine took the deserted trail to the rear of the mansion Lilly owned. A fog had begun to rise from the land, draping itself over the bare trees. The air around them was cool, and held watchful eyes. Hidden through out the forest they had to pass through, were Lilly’s guards, watching their every move.

"Evening, Cesar," Buck greeted.

The older vampire eyed the two of them suspiciously. "Buck, Jasmine. What brings the two of you here tonight?"

"We wish to witness the execution of the woman who killed my brother," Jasmine replied. Her voice was full of anger.

Cesar’s eyes locked onto Jasmine’s. She grinned pure evil, her eyes changing to a transparent amethyst. Buck felt chills run along his spine as her energy escaped, washing over him.

"Go on in," Cesar ordered, breaking his gaze.

Buck didn’t say a word as they walked down the hall, towards the main room.

"Oh don’t tell me you’re in shock!" She whispered. "You learn a lot of tricks doing what I do! Besides, they respect me."

Buck smiled. "And that whole possessed looking grin, that had nothing to do with it?"

Jasmine shrugged. "It was fun though!"

Truthfully, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d done that. So long ago, she’d stopped killing and using her gifts. She never even tells the fledglings that she’s one of them. It felt as thought she’d been freed somehow.

Buck took her hand in his. The Jasmine he’d learned from was back. There was a time, after Lilly had turned him over to Jasmine, that he resented her. He was sired by Lilly, and he wanted to be taught by a vampire, not a witch. Jasmine was patient with him, and they’d become like brother and sister.

"There she is," Jasmine whispered as they took their seats.

Raven stood in the middle of the room for all to see. She’d been dressed in a black robe, her ebony spirals piled up on top of her head. Her eyes were scared. For the first time in her life, she was truly afraid.

"She didn’t do it," Jasmine whispered, causing Buck to leave Raven.


Jasmine stood and began to run towards Raven.

"Jazz," Buck yelled. Jasmine continued, ignoring him. "Shit!" He cursed under his breath taking off after him.

Jasmine got as far as the guards that stood before Lilly’s chamber.

"We need to see Lilly," Buck said. His voice was stern, all curiosity over Jasmine’s reaction had disappeared. He knew in his heart that she knew what she was doing.

"She sees no one," the guard informed.

"She’ll see us," Jasmine replied as Lilly emerged from her chamber, their eyes locked onto one another’s.

"Juan," Lilly said. "Allow them to pass."

Dutifully, Juan obeyed. His eyes followed Jasmine.

"Eyes forward," Buck ordered. "A guard never looks any other direction."

"Buck," Lilly said sweetly. "Stop playing, and come with us."

He followed Lilly and Jasmine, only as far as Raven. "Everything’ll work out," he whispered, brushing away one of her tears. "I promise."

Raven smiled weakly, through her tears. "Don’t make promises you can’t keep."

Without another word, he entered the largest chamber. In the center of the gray walled room was a simple desk and leather chair. A bouquet of lilly’s in a silver vase sat in the corner on a small marble table. In the back, behind an Oriental screen was an onyx coffin with gray satin lining. Along the wall, a low table with various religious figurines and candles.

"Please, have a seat," Lilly offered, sitting down in the leather chair. "What brings you here?"

Lilly was all of sixteen. Jet black hair framed her pale face. Large black eyes surrounded by lush black lashed had melted hearts before her embrace, and still did today. Her nails were painted a midnight blue, and Henna tattoos adorned her hands. Buck was still in awe over her. How could someone so small, sire so many?

"Raven didn’t kill Alex," Jasmine said.

Lilly arched her brow, questioningly. "Really?" she purred. "And you know this how?"

"I read her thoughts."

Lilly smiled. "And she was thinking about how she didn’t kill him?"

Jasmine stood up. "I probed her memory, all right? There’s nothing about killing Alex, nothing!"
"Sit down, Jasmine," Lilly said softly. "What do you propose we do?"

Buck sat quietly, observing the meeting of the minds. He was also in shock. Only a vampire had the ability to read others’ thoughts, or probe minds. But Jasmine wasn’t a vampire, was she? He thought he saw fear in Lilly’s eyes when Jasmine explained herself.

"Set her free," Jasmine said. "Whoever tries to protest, that’s the killer."

He didn’t agree, but there wasn’t another plan.

"Buck, you’ve been quiet," Lilly said, looking into his eyes.

"I’m sorry," he began. "I don’t think Raven did it. Have you told her what you’re doing this for?"

Lilly looked from Buck to Jasmine. "She doesn’t know?"

Jasmine became furious. She removed the hooded cape and stood up. "Lillianna," she began, using Lilly’s real name. "Have you lost your mind? That poor woman is out there because she’s wanted for murder, and she doesn’t even know about it? How irresponsible can you be?"

Lilly was reduced to tears.

"I give you power and control, and you treat it like a toy!" She raged. "Maybe I should’ve chosen someone else!"

"I’m sorry, Jasmine," Lilly said, pulling herself together. "I can do this."

Jasmine had berated Lilly in front of Buck, forgetting he was even there, or that he didn’t know that she was a vampire. "I owe you an explanation…"

"Damn right!" he said. "What the hell’s goin’ on?"

"I sired Lilly shortly before I sired you…"

"How is that possible?" Buck asked, suddenly wondering what was true in his life anymore. "You’re a witch…not a vampire."

Jasmine smiled, bearing the fangs that he thought he saw before. "I’m so sorry, Buck."

"But, Lilly sired me."

"I drained you," Lilly confessed. "Jasmine is the one who gave you the gift."

He was speechless. For all this time, he’d thought he was sired by the sprite he saw before him. Instead, it was the one who’d secretly captured his preternatural heart.

A knock on the door brought their attention back to the matter at hand. Before his eyes, Lilly became the confident queen he’d always known.

"Enter," she commanded. There was strength in her voice, and a fire in her eyes.

It was Cesar. "We are ready."

Without a word, Jasmine donned her robe, and followed Lilly. "C’mon," she said, turning to Buck. "This is our chance to save Raven."

Chapter 4

The great chamber grew quiet at the sight of Lilly, their false leader. Buck knew he could never tell anyone what he’d witnessed. He saw Raven, scared and afraid. He wished he could tell her that everything would be all right, that she’d be freed. He hated seeing her like this.

Lilly took her seat on the gilded throne, a step above everyone else. To her right, sat Jasmine, only down a step. Behind her, Buck.

"We have gathered here," she began. "On this Halloween night to bring about justice. Justice for the death of Alexander my beloved protector…"

"Enough with the theatrics," Buck heard in his mind. He smiled, slightly, knowing Lilly had heard the same thing.

"Raven," Lilly said, her voice soft and gentle. "You have been wrongly accused. For this, I apologize and set you free."

Raven’s eyes darted from Jasmine to Lilly to Buck. "I’m free?"

"Yes," Lilly said, smiling. "These proceedings have now closed. You are all dismissed."

Jasmine and Buck left Lilly’s side, to free Raven.

"What was she talking about? I thought…"

Buck smiled. "You’ve gotta stop doing that!"

"C’mon," Jasmine urged. "We’ve gotta get you home."

Silently, they left the great home that occupied Lilly and her Coven. Rain began to fall again, hard and steady with no signs of letting up. They neared the Teardrop, and something wasn’t right.

"Do you feel that?" Buck asked.

Jasmine didn’t say anything, her sky blue eyes scanning the night. It was there, an energy that wasn’t a part of them, an energy that didn’t belong.

"We we’re followed," she spoke the obvious.

Before anyone could respond, a figure emerged from the growing fog. Dressed in black from head to toe, she’d blended with the shadows.

"Drucilla," Raven whispered her name.

Drucilla openly hated Raven, but never attempted to confront her.

"Got you’re whole little brood together, huh, Jazz?" She hissed. Amber eyes peered at them from behind black Ray Bans.

Jasmine eyed her carefully. Drucilla was a loner, but even so, she was dangerous. She reveled in the kill, loved the hunt.

"Cat got your tongue?"

"What do you want, Dru?" Buck asked. He wasn’t afraid of her. He was older, quicker and smarter than she was.

Drucilla ran a black nailed finger along his jaw. "Sure are a pretty one, Buck," she purred. "Too bad you won’t stay that way…"

In one fluid motion, Drucilla pulled a stake from under her trench coat and plunged it deep into his shoulder.

Liquid brown eyes became violet, glowing from a fire deep within. "Your aim hasn’t improved much!" He hissed.

In seconds, Jasmine had Drucilla by the throat. "Did you enjoy killing him? How’d you do it, Dru? Knife, bullet…"

Drucilla laughed. "I did it slowly," she corrected her. "Drained him a little at a time…"

Jasmine never let her finish. One squeeze of her hand, and Drucilla was no more.

Buck stood in the rain, looking down at the vampire at his feet. Her eyes had become a midnight blue, and she stared straight ahead. A smile was still on her ruby lips, chilling him to the bone.

"C’mon, " Raven said as she went to leave. "It’s over."

He turned to his sister. He’d removed the stake, and the wound was almost healed. "Is it?" he asked. There was something about her, something in her eyes.

From inside, a man in his twenties emerged. His blond hair was tied back into a ponytail, ice blue eyes sparkling. He knew in an instant who the man was.

"Alexander?" His hushed voice echoed in the silence. "I thought…"

Raven laughed and put her arm around him. "You’ve gotta stop doin’ that!"

"I told you," Jasmine sighed. "We can’t trust anyone."

Raven stood between Alexander and Buck. She kissed his cheek then his forehead. "She wanted you," she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck. "No one can have you, but me…"

Buck couldn’t escape as Raven kissed him. This was wrong. An innocent woman had died.

"What’s wrong, sweetheart?" She purred.

Finally, he pushed her away. He didn’t say a word, he just turned and ran.

Chapter 5

A banging noise woke Buck from a sound sleep.

"Buck!" he heard from afar. "C’mon! The night’s wasting away!"

Carefully, he opened the coffin lid. Drucilla's smiling, pale face stared down at him.

"Damn! ‘Bout time!" She said. "I’m starving!"

He vividly recalled her death in front of the Tear Drop.

"Hello! Master Vampire! Running Buck!" She said, waving a black nailed hand before his eyes. "What’s up with you?"

"You’re supposed to be dead…"

Drucilla laughed. "You were under some really heavy shit!"

Buck tried to shake the cobwebs from his head. "We were at Lilly’s…"

"Yeah," Drucilla agreed, handing him a wine bottle filled with crimson. "She had us in her chamber bragging bout some exotic blood Lexi’d gotten somehow…’

He shook his head. "I drank it?"

Again she laughed. "Oh hell yeah!" She hugged him. "Dear, you were seriously fucked up!"

He smiled shyly. "I don’t remember a thing!"

Drucilla took his hand. "Let’s go get you cured."

He couldn’t tell her what he’d experienced. Hell, at this point, he wasn’t sure who he was.

"Let me ask you somethin’," he said as they walked through the cool Chicago night. "Is Jazz a vampire?"

Drucilla tried to contain her laughter. "A vampire?" her amber eyes sparkled as she fought to control herself.

He knew the answer, but he needed to hear it. "Yeah."

"Honey," she began, taking his face in her hands. "She’s a witch, always has been. Remember, she owns the Tear Drop?"

"Just checkin’," he answered. She was hiding something. He couldn’t remember anything after arriving at Lilly’s, but he clearly remembered fangs on Jasmine.

"Stop worryin’!" Drucilla said as they entered the Tear Drop. "Go get us a table, I’ll get our drinks."

Behind the bar, Jasmine doled out the alcohol and blood. She watched as Drucilla approached. "Well," she asked, retrieving a bottle from under the counter.

"He doesn’t remember a thing."

Jasmine poured a soft pink powder into the crimson liquid. "Give him this," she instructed. "Whatever he does remember, will disappear."

"What about Raven?"

Jasmine replied. "She’s gone. Lexi won’t bother her again."

Drucilla grinned. "He remembered you had fangs."

"By tomorrow, last night will be wiped from his memory for good."

The two smiled triumphantly, clinking shot glasses.

"I’d better get back to him," Drucilla smiled. Carefully she wiped away a drop of blood from the corner of her mouth.

Jasmine watched her return to Buck, running her tongue over her fangs. What Buck had seen the night before, was not meant for him. Her brother had become the scum of the earth, and deserved to die. Raven was free now, able to live her preternatural life as she saw fit. As for Lexi, she and Lilly made sure the coffin was locked tightly when they buried him alive. Nothing was too good for her rapist brother!

The end
