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"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16

Bethany's Pastors' Kid, Missionary Kid, Christian Teen website

Hey everyone! Welcome to my Pastors' Kids (PKs), Missionary Kids (MKs), and Christian teen (CT) site. I started this site cuz I don't think that there are enough sites like this. I really like to meet other PKs and MKs. I think there's really a need for good sites w/ chats and stuff. So that's kinda my mission statement... = ) But anyway, it's very much under construction, so please be patient. One more thing - if you're not a Christian or a teen, don't worry about it. You can still use everything on this site! (If you're not a Christian, may I ask you a question?)
Now, get exploring!

Christian organizations
Other Christian sites
Christian music links
Voice chat!! Where it says to type in the name of the room, type PKMKCT
How I'm a PK/MK
Youth Reachout - About my summer 2000 mission trip to Australia!

About me

More to come!

Also, check out my links site, Bethany's Links. And you can mail me here or here if you have any questions, comments, or just want someone to talk to. I luv to get mail!


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