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The Church of the SubGenius

Sect of the Barcode Scanners
"humble and loyal" Insane Rogue Genius schismatic sect founded August 1999

The face of J.R. "Bob" Dobbs and other graphics seen here
are copyrighted trademarks owned by
The SubGenius Foundation, Inc.

The Rev. Thaelo Blue
Rev. Ourobouros Rex

co-mininsters for

Prior to 1993 the greater Champaign-Urbana area had been without SLACK and was in grave danger of being destroyed when the saucers descend. Now you can be redeemed. If you have an ounce of sense in your mush-brained Pink head you will repent and embrace your savoir J.R. "Bob" Dobbs and be spared the burning death that awaits all Pinks on X-Day.

In Illinois you can hear the Holy word
of the Mother Church (The Hour of Slack) only on...

Thursday nights 11pm
WEFT - 90.1FM
with your host
Insane Rogue
Mark B

You must, therefore, listen and prostrate yourself before the altar of "Bob" and become one with the Mighty Church of the Subgenius as guided by Sacred Scribe Reverend Ivan Stang and other Hiearchities. (see photo --->)
Learn the secrets of the Church and how to become part of the party on X-Day next summer. Join with the Sex Goddesses and be Ruptured in the Glory of "Bob" or live your stinking Pink existance until the flames of destruction swallow you!


Follow this link to the Shrine of our "mutha' Church


Repent and receive Salvation

Send $1.00 to the Church of the Subgenius
P.O. Box 140306 Dallas, TX 75214

For your further enlightenment please click here
Philosophony and Dogmaschism of the BarCode Scanners

[link underconstruction]

To learn about BarCode implants
and how to obtain one for your own
personal salvation and protection--
Contact the only ordained Subgenius ministers
in the greater C-U area :
Rev. Thaelo Blue
WebMistress of this site
Rev. Ourobouros Rex
Host of the Hour of Slack, WEFT-Champaign

Don't be caught without salvation
when the Sex Goddesses arrive....

--- July 5, 2000!!!---
yeah we're still waiting
...get over it..
there's always July 5, 2001!

Earth----We must GET OFF!!!
Pull the Wool Over Your Own Eyes!!
Get Your Ship Ready!!!

A Place to spend your twilight years--
The SubGenius Retirement Home.

Visit our site and see what we can offer you
whether you "retire" from
your Conspiracy job now....or later.

What is this mysterious structure?

It exists as part of a university sports/entertainment complex
at a well known midwestern university...
ok, it's at the University of Illinois Urbana campus.
But after much investigation we have uncovered
the information we suspected was the TRUTH!--
that this, the so-called U of I Assembly Hall, is really
a fully powered escape vessel awaiting instructions
from the Xists to take off and rendezvous
at the SpacePort in Brushwood on X-day.
The Pinks who infect it like so much gangrene
will burn up in the flames of its engines when it
takes off into the flaming sky on that glorious day.
It seats about 30,000 but only those with
their SubGenius ministers card will be allowed to board.
Will you be with us???????

*Graphics obtained from the website of the Church of the Subgenius are copyrighted trademarks of the SubGenius Foundation, Inc... and used here with gratitude.*

Free counters provided by Honesty Communications.

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