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IBM Software Maintenance for AIX Operating Systems
Entitles You to Remote Technical Support
Plus Current and Future Upgrades

Announcement Letter

Each new configured IBM eServer pSeries™ system with an AIX® operating system includes one year of Software Maintenance for AIX Operating Systems (SWMA). This support is also available for customers with existing AIX operating system licenses.

SWMA offers:

SWMA replaces the existing IBM Enhanced AIX Operating System Subscription (5771-AIX and 5773-AIX) offering.

Existing AIX subscription customers can:

Software Maintenance

IBM SWMA with one- or three-year contracts helps you to maintain software version and release currency. In addition, SWMA provides voice support during normal business hours. During the contract period you can receive all software product versions, release upgrades, and product refreshes announced including voice support. If you allow either the one- or three-year software maintenance offering to expire without renewal, a Software Maintenance After-License Fee option can enable reinstatement in the IBM SWMA offering.

For clarification or special requests related to the content or pricing of SWMA, contact your IBM representative.

Definition of Software Upgrade: An upgrade is either a new version (4.x.x to 5.x.x) or a new release (5.1.x to 5.2.x) of an AIX operating system announced as eligible under the IBM SWMA offering.

SWMA entitles you to upgrades from withdrawn AIX operating system versions and releases to currently available and future AIX operating system versions and releases. Software upgrades will not be shipped to you automatically. You must order upgrades you are entitled to through normal channels. Refer to the Ordering Information section for details on how to order.

Note: Software preventive maintenance releases x.x.1 to x.x.2 (modification level changes, updates, or refreshes) are available under the one-year or three-year SWMA subscription program numbers when supply features are announced or when content of an existing supply feature is changed. Preventive maintenance releases can be obtained by SWMA customers in the same manner as non-Software Maintenance customers. Refer to the Ordering Information section for details.

IBM may announce a product that can be substituted for an enrolled product. This product is neither a new version, new release, nor a preventive maintenance release of that enrolled product. IBM may provide those customers enrolled in the IBM SWMA offering access to this product at a discounted rate. The terms of this transaction will be included in the new product announcement.

IBM will not offer stand-alone upgrades as a standard product offering.

Contract Duration: The IBM SWMA contracts are offered for one or three years. The one- or three-year prepay option can be selected or purchased respectively, at the same time a license for an eligible AIX operating system is acquired.

Refunds do not apply if cancellation occurs during a one- or three-year contract period.

Customers are not required to renew under either the one- or three-year offering when the contract expires, but must use the after-license option should the contract expire and you want to acquire a new version or release of an eligible AIX operating system.

If the one- or three-year contracts are not renewed, the one- or three-year contracts will be removed from IBM administrative systems. Contract transfers within an enterprise are allowed.

IBM SWMA Prices: The IBM SWMA program prices are processor-based with price times quantity of active processors utilized.

Minimum Contract Value: None

Notification of Upgrade Availability and Ordering: Changes are currently underway to the Web server to enable customers to register for e-mail notifications when SWMA products are upgraded. Visit:

Upgrade Deliverables: Entitlement includes:

Adding New Licenses to an Existing Contract: New software licenses cannot be added to an existing SWMA contract. No proration is allowed. As new AIX operating system licenses are added, a new one-year SWMA contract will be included with those licenses or a three-year SWMA may be purchased. If additional processors are activated or added to an existing system, a new AIX operating system license (and the included one-year or optional three-year SWMA contract) must be ordered to cover those processors.

Adding Previously Installed Licenses to an Existing Contract: You cannot add installed product licenses to a contract that were not initially covered by an existing contract. These licenses should be added using the Software Maintenance After-License Fee program number plus new and separate SWMA contracts. The subscription and support expires when the originally dated SWMA contracts are not renewed.

Transition from Existing Enhanced AIX Operating System Subscription Offering

Until July 31, 2003, as existing one-year contracts for IBM Enhanced AIX Operating System Subscription (5771-AIX) under which you purchased subscription for AIX become eligible for renewal, you are encouraged to move to the new SWMA offering.

You will be allowed to move to the new offering by ordering the subscription/renewal and support/renewal features under the SWMA subscription and support program numbers without having to order or pay a penalty under the Software Maintenance After-License Fee program number. However, if required, you can renew your existing Enhanced Software Subscription for AIX offering contract for an additional one year or three years. To facilitate the transition to SWMA, discounts are provided. Customers are encouraged to take advantage of these transition discounts while they are available.

After July 31, 2003, as existing contracts for IBM Enhanced AIX Operating System Subscription (5771-AIX or 5773-AIX) under which you purchased subscription for AIX become eligible for renewal, you must move to the new SWMA offering to ensure continuation of entitlement. As long as the existing contract has not expired, you can move to the new offering by ordering the subscription/renewal and support/renewal features under either of the one- or three-year options using the new subscription (5771-SUB or 5773-SUB) and support (5771-SPT or 5773-SPT) program numbers associated with SWMA.

Remote Technical Software Support

Technical support is included as an integral part of SWMA. It can supplement your support staff with telephone support for routine installation, usage (how-to) questions, and code-related problems. This support applies to IBM entitled software only.

Technical support benefits:
