Here We Go


Her feet pounded on the asphalt.

Her lungs were burning.

She had to catch that bus!

She saw the engine start.

"Wait!" She yelled.

"Wait!" The tiny boy in her arms echoed.

She wasn't going to make it.

Her life was on that bus.

It started to leave.

"No! Wait!" Her tears streamed down her face.

"I'm here! Don't leave me! I came!" She shouted.

It was gone.

She stopped in the road, panting.

"Mommy, why cry?"

He was gone.

****************2 year earlier...

He brushed her hair out of her face. She looked so peaceful in her sleep, so calm. The pain was gone when she slept. It was the place she could escape the arguing and the pain. He wanted to be in that place, he wanted to take the pain away.

He couldn't do it. No matter how hard he tried.

He bent down and kissed her gently on the forehead. She didn't move.

He got up from the bed and walked to the door. He turned to look at her one last time.

"Good-bye, I'm sorry."

With that he closed the door gently behind him and left.

She opened her blood shot eyes and stared at the door.

"Good-bye." She said softly, rolling onto her side and crying into her pillow.


"Did you say good-bye?" Joey asked the sad figure sitting next to him.

"She was asleep, I didn't want to wake her up." His shaky voice answered.

Joey put his hand on his friends back, gently patting it. "It'll be OK. She'll understand, she just needs time."

"How can she understand?!" He asked standing up. "I don't even understand! Why am I doing this? Why?"

"You're doing it for the group." Lance said from his seat. "You're doing it for us, for the fans."

"Screw the fans!"

The bus went silent.

"I've never heard you talk like that before, JC." Chris said from his seat next to Justin. "How could you say something like that?"

He plopped back down in his seat, putting his head in his hands. "I don't know. I just don't know, what am I going to do. I love her."

"What do you mean what you're going to do? We're just going on tour. Did she give you an ultimatum or something?"


"Then what is it? Are you not telling us something?"




"JC, this is important! Look at me!"

He didn't move, he didn't turn to her.

"Why won't you look at me?! What is it?"

"I'm leaving. Tomorrow, the tour starts tomorrow. I don't want to start anything." He said his back to her.

"I'm not starting anything!" She yelled. "I have to tell you something! It's really important!"

"Fine! What is it?" He asked turning to her, anger in his eyes.

"I'm pregnant." She said, her eyes overflowing with tears.

He stared at her, expressionless.



"Say something!" She pleaded.



"JC?" Lance asked snapping his fingers in front of his face. "Earth to JC."

"I'm sorry." He said coming back to them.

"So...There must be something-"

"There isn't Chris. Let it go." He said getting up from his seat.


He went to his bunk and laid down. He hugged his pillow and cried himself to sleep.



"It's tearin' up my heart when I'm with you

But when we are apart, I feel it too

And no matter what I do, I feel the pain

With or without you


Baby I don't understand

Just why we can't be lovers

Things are gettin' out of hand

Trying too much, but baby we can't win

Let it go

If you want me girl, let me know

I am down on my knees

I can't take it anymore




Baby don't misunderstand

What I'm trying to tell ya

In the corner of my mind

Baby, it feels like we're running out of time

Let it go

If you want me girl, let me know

I am down on my knees

I can't take it anymore




Tearin' up my heart and soul

We're apart I feel it too

And no matter what I do, I feel the pain

With or without you


Tearin' up my heart and soul

We're apart I feel it too

And no matter what I do, I feel the pain

With or without you




And no matter what I do, I feel the pain

With or without you"


He let the music carry him away from the pain for the short time he could sing it. When it was over it came again. He ran off the stage and gulped down a bottle of water.

"Good show JC." Justin said walking past him.

"Thanks." He replied wearily.

He walked into their dressing room and sat down at the mirror.

"She called for you, again" Joey said holding up a piece of paper. "You really should call her back."

"I just can't right now." He said with his head on the counter. "You wouldn't understand."

"You could try to explain it to me. I would listen. I would help you." He said sitting next to him.

"You can't help me with this." He said simply. "No one can help me with this."

"How do you know? We might be able to do something-"

"YOU CAN'T HELP ME!" JC shouted throwing a bottle at the wall behind Joey.

"Listen I don't know why you are blowing up at us, but it has to stop. If it doesn't we wont be able to get through this tour." Joey said getting up angrily.

JC sat back down and saw his reflection. He yelled at himself and smashed it with his fist.

He was an idiot. He was losing everyone close to him, for what?

For her.

He broke down and cried. His hand throbbing painfully.


She felt her stomach, it was growing. It didn't show yet, but she knew, it was growing. She looked longingly at the phone, wishing he would call.

She had been calling him for a week.

He was always too busy to talk to her.

He never answered his phone.

As if one cue the phone rang.

She jumped up and ran to it.

"Hello! JC!?"

"No, sorry Chloe, it's me."

"Oh," Her voice was sad, she sat back down on the couch. "What do you want?"

"Don't be to excited about me calling. I know you love me and all but gee, calm down."

"Shut up Chris, I'm not in the mood."

"Fine. Look I wanted to know if you would want to come out and visit us for a while. I know there's something going on between you and JC, but we really need you to come out here."

"Who's we?"

"All of us."


"He doesn't know we're calling."

She sunk into the couch putting her hand back to her stomach. "I don't know-"

"I wont take no for an answer."

She smiled. "Then I can't say no can I?"

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes. But if JC doesn't want me there I am leaving."

"Fine, at least you're coming!" He said loudly, she heard cheers coming from the background.

"I take it everyone else already knows."

"Yeah, we're glad you're coming."

"I hope your not the only ones."


JC rolled out of bed. He wasn't the same anymore.

She had changed him.

He had always been in control.

Now he was so lost he could barely think to get up in the morning.

She had changed him.

He used to be happy and alive.

Now he was depressed and barely able to get himself to eat.

She had changed him.

Yet, he still loved her.

He loved everything about her.

They just were having a hard time.

That's all? A hard time?

Who was he trying to kid?

They were in trouble, he knew it. But...She was pregnant. He couldn't just leave her. Not now. She needed him just has much as he needed her.

He loved her. She could never change that about him.

He would always love her.

How could he have left her?

Would he go back to her?

He didn't know why he didn't just get the next plane and go to her.

He didn't know why he was acting the way he was if he loved her.

He loved her.

She loved him.

They were being ripped apart and he didn't know why.

She wasn't pushing him away.

He was pushing her away.

He didn't know why.

She had greeted him every day with the same warm smile.

She had always been there for him. That never changed.

What changed was the arguments. The stupid petty arguing.

Yet, he would always love her.

He remembered the way they had met...It was at a concert. She was hired to help with the clothes for that day. The minute he saw her he loved her. She had smiled warmly at him and gave him a towel to wipe his face.


"You're drooling." She laughed and handed him a towel from a rack near by.

"You're beautiful."

She laughed again and walked away.

He ran after her.

"Wait! What's your name?" He asked grabbing her arm.

"Chloe." She held out her hand, which he took.

"That's a wonderful name."

"And yours?"

"Oh! JC!" He said swiftly.

"Nice name."

"It's a nickname." He said smiling.

"I know. I...I have to get back to work." She said pointing to her back.

"Oh, yeah. Me too." He said.

She smiled and walked slowly down the hallway.


Two weeks later they were going out.


She stepped out onto the street and looked for her ride. Where could they be? They told her they would meet her.

"Chloe?" A voice came from behind her.

She turned a man in a trench coat was looking at her.

"Yes, that's me."

"Chris sent me. I'm Jack, follow me."

"Thank you." She said following him to a limo. "They didn't have to send a limo." She said climbing in.

Chris always overdid things.

She smiled. There was a note on the seat. She picked it up.

Chloe- Hey like the limo? Sorry we couldn't make it. We couldn't get away, JC would have found out.

She smiled, JC. He was probably working them like slaves for the show.

We couldn't think of an excuse for leaving by ourselves without him. We are excited about seeing you. Can't wait. Hugs and kisses.

Chris, Lance Justin and Joey

She looked out the window and watched the trees go by, wondering what his reaction to her being there would be.

The limo turned into the lot of a big stadium. It stopped and Jack let her out.

"Thank you."

"I'll drop your stuff off at the hotel. Here is a pass to get in."

"OK, thanks again."

"No prob."

She smiled and turned to the stadium. She took a deep breath and walked to the back door. A guard stopped her then smiled.

"Hey, Chloe! It's good to see you back."

"Hey Jerry!" She said hugging him. "Where are they?"

"Sound check." He said pointing to the curtain.

"Thanks Jer." She said walking to the curtain and opening it. She heard JC voice blaring through the arena.

Baby I don't understand

Just why we can't be lovers

Things are gettin' out of hand

Trying too much, but baby we can't win

Let it go

If you want me girl, let me know

I am down on my knees

I can't take it anymore

She smiled, he always sounded good. She quietly walked to a seat and sat down, not wanting to bother them during sound check. The song ended and Chris cheered.

"It's over!"

Lance smiled and saw Chloe sitting in the middle of the stadium. He waved, making sure JC didn't see him. He motioned for the others to leave.

They were alone.

He was about to leave when he looked out and saw some one.

He squinted.

His heart stopped.

"Hi JC."

He froze.

She walked closer to the stage and smiled.


"They called me." She said pointing off stage. She heard a bang and running footsteps.

"I-" He wasn't sure what to say.

"I wish you would have called me." She was in front of the stage now. "I waited a long time."

"I'm sorry...I just...I didn't know what to say to you. I don't know what to do." He said crouching down.

"I...Do you care? I mean I'm pregnant JC."

"I care...I just I don't know what to do."

"Oh and you think I do? How do you think I feel? I need you and you run off. You don't call me. You don't say good-bye..."

He jumped off the stage and hugged her.

"I guess I'm just new to this." He said beginning to cry.

"Yeah well I am too. I need you JC. I need you."

The words floated throughout the stadium.

I need you JC. I need you


"When are you going to tell them?" She asked as he took off his shoes.

"I don't know, it's going to be hard."

"I know, but I'll be there."

He smiled weakly, "Did you tell your mother?"

She looked down at the floor, "You think telling the guys is hard..."

He put his arm around her and let her lean into him.

She got her strength from him.

"I'll be there for you. I wouldn't let you do it alone."

She smiled and closed her eyes. Feeling his strong arm around her was all she needed.

She got her strength from him.

"So...When are you-we going to tell them?"

"I don't know."

"Come on." She said getting up and taking his hand.

"What? Now!" He said still on the bed.

"Yes!" She said pulling him, "Now, let's get it over with."

"I don't know if I am ready..."

"You're as ready as you'll ever be. I'm as ready as I'll ever be!"

"Fine." he said getting up.

They walked heavily to the door.

Her hand gave him the strength he needed.

He got his strength from her.

"Here we go!" She said opening the door.

"No pun intended right?"

"Yeah." She laughed squeezing his hands.

They walked out of their room together hand in hand prepared for whatever was going to happen in the next few minutes.

Lance, Justin and Chris were sitting on the couch.

"Where's Joey? I need to talk to you."

"We need to talk to you." Chloe corrected.

"Right, right. We need to talk to you."

"I'll go get him." Lance said giving the others a weird look.

Joey walked out of his room a minute later and sat down in a chair next to the couch. JC and Chloe stood before them, hands still locked together.

"Now, what is this all about?" Chris said to them with a worried look on his face.

"Well...I don't really know hoe to say this so I'm just going to come out with it. We, " he said picking up Chloe's hand. "We have a problem, well it's not really a problem. It's a thing that is going to be a problem to us, as a group. In our career."

"You're scaring me, just say it."

"Well, Chloe's...She's pregnant."

The room fell silent.

Chloe felt weak.

She got her strength from him.

JC's heart pounded in his chest.

He got his strength from her.

"Somebody say something." Chloe said her eyes welling up with tears of pain.

"I...I have to go...I have t go out now." Joey said sitting up.


"No, I have to go out."

"I think I am going to go with him." Chris said following him.

"You know what I think we're going to go with them." Lance and Justin said getting up from the couch.

"You guys, please."

Lance put his hand up to silence JC.

JC turned to Chloe and hugged her pulling her close to his body.

"God, I think I just pulled the group apart.


"She's pregnant." Justin said staring at the table.

"I don't believe it. How could this have happened" Lance said looking to the others.

"I think that's obvious, Lance." Joey said sarcastically.

"Shut up Joey, this isn't the time to joke." Chris hissed.

"Don't tell me to shut up! I'm just trying to lighten the mood up!" Joey yelled, standing up from the table.

"Guys, come on. Yelling at each other isn't going to get us anywhere." Lance said putting his hand on Joey's shoulder pushing him back to his chair.

"He's right ya know." Justin said. "We have to talk bout this, this is big. What does this mean for the group?"

"I don't know guys. This might mean they get married. Will we lose fans?" Lance said.

"I don't think that matters to me." Joey said. "I want JC to be happy. If this is the end if our career, I will be sad, but JC's friendship is more important to me. You guys are my brothers."

"Yeah, you're right."


"I would miss this though." Lance said wearily.

"Let's not think that will happen let's just wait until we run into whatever we tun into."

"Good thinking. Let's go back up before they lose there minds."

They opened the door to find the two bodies clinging to each other on the couch.

They rose when they saw them standing by the door.

"That was quick." JC said wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Don't worry JC, we're behind you all the way."

JC almost collapsed.

Joey hugged JC and then Chloe. The process was carried through 3 more times.

"Do you guys know what you're going to do?" Justin asked. Chris hit him.

"It's OK Chris." Chloe said from the couch. "Really. We haven't talked about it yet."

"Well, why not?" Joey asked.

"I-I don't know." JC said feeling uncomfortable. "I don't want to talk about it." He left the room quickly. Chloe out her head in her hands, the tears coming.


He hasn't come back.

Where is he?

She had passed the dressing room for what seemed like hours. The others near by.

"What time is it?"

"It's almost time for the concert is what time it is." Joey said angrily.

"If he doesn't come-"

"I'm right here." Everyone turned to see JC quickly walking to changing his clothes.

"Where have you been?" She asked her voice quivering.

"I'll talk to you after the concert, I can't do it right now."

She looked wounded. The pain on her face reaching out, slapping him.

He walked over to her and hugged her warmly.

"Trust me, it's OK. It's all going to be OK."

"How can I believe you when you always leave me like that."

The words shot him in the heart.

He squeezed her briefly and walked to the door.

"Shows about to start."

****************5 months later

She put the music box on her stomach and laughed as it was kicked off.

"JC! Come here! Look at this!" She shouted, placing the box back on her stomach.

He emerged from the bathroom, wearing only a towel. His hair still wet from the shower he had just taken. He sat on the edge of the bed and smiled. The box flung off her stomach again. He bent down and kissed it.

"I love you." She said softly.

"I love you!" He said kissing her.

His eyes were distant.

The baby kicked again.

"Oh! I couldn't forget you, baby. I love you too." He said to her stomach.

They laughed, she ran her hands through his hair and looked into his eyes.

His eyes were distant

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" He yelled sitting up on the bed.

Justin's head popped in the door.

"You have to get ready, we're leaving in a half hour."

"Thanks Curly."

"Well, you ready for this break?"

"You don't even know!" He said kissing her again. "I'm going to get dressed now."

"Good idea." She said hiding her emotions.

He came out 5 minutes later dressed and ready to go.

"Let's go!" He said helping her up from the bed.

15 minutes later they were all on their way to the airport.

"I can't wait to get home!" Chris said loudly.

"Me too!"

They got out of the limo and made their good-byes. Each telling Chloe's stomach to be good.

JC lead her through out the airport finally getting to their gate, 4 minutes before it was going to leave. They barley made it to their seats.

"You OK?"

"Yes," She said doing her best to mask her pain. She didn't want him to know that she knew.


She sat at the window watching the snow fall waiting for JC to return.

He left her again.

Always for his career.

The career that was taking him away from her.

He saw his car pull into the drive.

He came out, he looked tired.

She slowly got up from the window and walked to the door.

When he opened it he said hello.

There was no hug.

He walked past her and up the stairs to the living room.

A tear fell to her cheek and she walked back to the window.

He left her again.


Her rage overcame her, she threw the bottle at him.

He ducked, missing him by an inch.

"I told you! I have to!" He shouted.

"You ass-hole! You told me you would be here! You told me everything was canceled! I NEED YOU HERE!"

"CALM DOWN! There is nothing I can do! It's my job!"

"Screw your job! You should be here with me! You leave me every time you say you're going to stay! It's supposed to be your vacation!"

He ran to her and grabbed her arms.

"It's my job! Vacations are always cut short on vacations!"

"I might have the baby while your gone! What would you do then? I want you here when that happens! It's your son we're talking about here!"

"I'll try to be here. I'm leaving now Chloe. I'm leaving."

"If you walk out that door don't even think about coming back!" She said glaring watching him pause at the door.

He turned back to her with pain in his eyes. He was being pulled in two directions.

One side was stronger than the other.

"I love you." He said as he opened the door and walked through it.

She felt her knees give out and she fell to the floor, letting out a sob.

He was gone...again.


"You really are a prick you know?"

"Joey!" Chris said shocked.

"No, he is. He left her!"


"He left her."

"I didn't leave her."

"You did and you know it."

"I didn't leave her." He mumbled.

"Just keep telling yourself that."

"I love her."

"You have a pretty strange way of showing her that."

The phone rang.

"Hello? What?....When did it start?....OK...We'll be there as soon as s we can."

He hung up.

"She went into labor."

"Oh god! Let's go!" Lance said excitedly.

"I-I have to stay here."

"WHAT!?" Joey yelled.

"I have to stay here. I have to mix this song by 3:00."

"How could you think about that now? Chloe is having your baby!"

"It's not that important. I'll be there later OK?"

"Oh my god! You are such and ass-hole!"

"I'm staying here." He said flatly turning back to his work.

Joey was about to jump at JC, Chris caught his arm.

"Let's go."


"What do you mean he's not coming?" She said the tears flowing down her cheeks.

"He's not coming."

"But...He-He said he'd be here!"

"I'm sorry." Chris said holding her hand.

The pain her heart was feeling was almost worse than the labor pains.

He's not coming.


"It's a beautiful, healthy baby boy." The nurse said gently handing Chloe her baby.

He was gorgeous. His eyes, his little hands. He had a full head of hair!

She felt his fingers and watched him squirm in her arms. Tears of joy rolled down her cheeks.

He was completely hers.

He would always be hers.

Except one thing...

His eyes...

He had JC's eyes.

She felt rage overwhelm her.

He wasn't there.

If he wasn't there for this, he wasn't going to be there at all.

Even if he tried.

He lost his chance.

She heard 4 excited voices and looked up, smiling.

"Wow! He's and smushed!" Justin said

She laughed , "Yeah, but he's beautiful isn't he?"

"Yes, definitely." Joey said examining the small fugure in her arms.

"Did you name it?"

"No not yet. We-I couldn't think of one."

The room fell silent. One name hang over all their heads.


"Maybe Lucas. I like that name."

"Yeah, that's a nice name."

"We can call hime Luke!"

"Luke! I am your father!" Justin caught himself. Too late.

Chloe's face turned pale.

Chris hit him.

"I'm sorry-"

"It's OK. Listen guys I'm tired..."

"Understood, come on. I'll get the nurse." Joey said leading the guys out into the hallway.

"Luke." She whispered caressing his head. "Luke."


"What is it?" He asked as the others walked through the door.

"Why? You want to know?"


"It's a boy, JC. A beautiful boy."

JC's heart filled with pride.

A boy.

His heart sank again.

"Did she say anything about me?"

"This isn't study hall, JC."

"Shut up Chris. Did she say anything about me?"

"Not to us, but her eyes said it all. She's mad JC. Very mad." Joey said.

"And she has a right to be." Lance added.

"I know that." JC said flatly.

"Why didn't you just go?" Chris asked, annoyed by the whole situation.

"I don't know! I have been asking myself that quetion all day. I love her, I want to be with her. I want to be with our baby. I just-I don't know why I didn't go!"

"Well you should have thought of that before, because you can't change anything now." Joey said sitting angrily on the couch.

"You think I don't know that Joey? Do you think that I don't realize what I have done? Do you think that I don't know what a mess of things I have made! I do! I realize what I've done! I just don't know why I did it!" The agrivation in his voice showed.

you can't change anything now


She rocked Luke to sleep in the rocking chair, humming God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You.

He was asleep.

His little mouth was curved in the shape of a smile.

She kissed his fingers and slowly picked him up and put him in his crib.

She smiled and leaned over him, watching as he figited while he slept.

She left the room and walked downstairs in her bath robe.

She grabbed a glass of milk from the fridge and went to the living room. When she turned on the TV she saw his face. She growled and turned it off.

He hadn't even called to see if they were OK.

The phone rang,

"Right on cue." She thought.

"Hello." She said.

"Hello, don't hang up."

It was him.

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Because...I...Just don't! I want to know how you are. How is the baby? Did you name hime?"

"We are both doing just great without you. His name is Lucas."

"Lucas..." He repeated. "I like that. Can I see him?"

"OK let me get this straight. You don't come for his birth. You aren't there for half of the pregnancy and all of the sudden you want to be his daddy. Why the fuck should I let you?"

"I'm his father. I know I wasn't there, but I am so confused-"

She heard a crying from upstairs.

"I have to go JC, I don't have time for this, my baby is crying. Don't call here again." She said hanging up the phone not giving him a chance to say anything.

my baby is crying


"She wont talk to me!" He moaned throwing himself onto his bed.

"She has a right to not want to talk to you."

"Shut up Jo! I'm sick of you rubbing it in my face! If you want to make me feel like shit, do it in your head."

"She's a good girl JC."

"I know."

She's a good girl JC

He grabbed the nearest pillow sqeezing it.

Crying as he drifted into sleep...

"I love you!" She cried her arms outstreched for him.

He ran to her.

She dissapeered.

He looked everywhere.

He started running.

She was gone.

He called her name, screaming for her to call to him.

She was gone.

She saw a light in the distance and heard her calling to him.

"JC....JC....!" The voice grew faint.

He was so close he could almost touch her.

Feel her touch.

She disinigrated before his eyes.

She was gone.

She had been in his reach.

Now...she was gone.


"No, no. Don't grab mommies hair baby. Not mommies hair." She said.

They were in the supermarket buying diapers.

Luke cooed.

An elderly woman gave Chloe an odd look. She could read her thoughts.

Probably thinking that she was immoral or somthing.

She rolled her eyes and kept on.

She heard hushed voices and turned.

"Oh my god!"

2 men ran up to her.

"How did you guys find me here?"

"We figured it was the only other place you would be." Joey hugged her.

"Whoa, baby!" He said as she turned around and let Lance and Joey play with the happy Luke.

"He likes you guys."

"Really?!" Joey said smiling.

"Yeah, he usually hates strangers."

The group fell silent.

"So...where's JC?" She heard herself say before she could stop herslef.

"He's at the hotel. You do remember we're in town right?"

"How could I forget? My neighbors have a teenage girl, she blasts your music."

"Oooh! Lucky you." Lance said laughing.

Luke cooed.

"You guys are coming to the house right?"

"Of coarse, do you think you would have any time in your busy schedule to make some of your apple pie?"

"Thought ahead...It's cooling in the kitchen." She said smiling.

"Great, we'll go get the guys and come over. We have a few hours to blow before sound check."

They exchanged breif hugs and Luke recieved a few kisses. Then they left.


"Can I go with you guys?" JC asked walking after them.

"I don't know, she...She'd probably kick us out." Chris said more to Justin than to JC.

He smiled.

"Well, I'm going whether you let me or not."

"Fine, but if she kills you, it's not my fault."


"Come on Luke. They're going to be here soon." She said picking him up from his crib.

He started to cry.

"I know baby, I know your tired, and hungry. Momma'll feed you."

She walked downstairs and went to the kitchen, pulling the bottle out of the microwave. She put the bottle infront of Luke's face. He greedilt grabbed it and began to suck.

She laughed and slowly walked to the living room. The doorbell rang.

She quickly ran to the door and opened it.

Excpecting to see 4 faces she saw 5.


She almost dropped Luke, the bottle leaving his mouth. He let out a warnign cry. She put the bottle back to his mouth.

JC took a step forward, his eyes on Luke.

She protectivly pulled him close to her.

"You have no right being here JC. I don't want you here."

"He's my son."

he's my son.

The words rang in her ears, pouring into her brain.


He stepped forward, reaching out his hand.

He gently placed it on Luke's head.

"He's beautiful." He whispered, his eyes filling with tears.

"I know." She choked.

She looked down, the bottle was empty. He was asleep.

"I have to put him to bed."

"Can I help you?"

"No." She said, "Just go to the living room and sit down. Welcome to my house guys, I'll get your apple pie in a second."

She walked up the stairs, leaving JC on the steps cold and alone.


"Why can't I see my son?" He asked angrily.

"He's not your son, you made that known when you ditched us." She said chopping an onion.

"I didn't ditch you! I...I just didn't come."

"Same thing!" She shouted as the knife cut into the onion with a loud bang.

"God! Just give me another chance! I want to be with you...and our baby."

"His name is Luke."

"Luke, just let me have another chance!" He pleaded grabbing her hand.

"JC, I wouldn't do that...I have a knife." She glared into his eyes.


"Why should I give you another chance?"

He felt dizzy. She had opened the window for him, but would she let him in?

"I love you, both of you."

"I don't know if that's good enough. You loved me before and look waht you did."


A high pitched cry came from upstairs.

"You stay here!" She said slamming the knife to the table.

She ran up the stairs into Luke's room and went to his crib.

"Hey baby, you decide to get up at the worst times!" She lifted him into her arms, too busy with her baby to realise JC in the doorway.

He watched them with fascination.

They were the two people he loved the most in the world and both were out of his reach.

She began to hum, it was God Must Have...

He smiled.

She sat down at her rocker and began to sing it.

"Can this be true? Tell me can this be real? How can I put into words what I feel."

She heard a laugh from the doorway.

"You never could sing a note!"

"Shut up!" She said trying not to smile.

"Oh come on."

He walked to where they were sitting and knelt down.

He caressed his head and looked into his eyes.

Luke squealed.

They looked so alike.

The eyes...

She watched them in wonder.

A giggle from father, then a giggle from son. It went on for a few minutes, she smiled.

"You should go now." She fell out of her trance and stod up.


"It's late JC, just go."

"What about me, can I have another chance?"


He looked deeply into her eyes, "Believe me. I love you. I swear to GOD that I will never hurt you or Luke, ever. I would rather die than hurt you."

She tried to search his eyes, something was in there. It sparked.

"Don't tell em what you are going to do now. I'll call you. Please don't make up your mind now."

She watched as he bent down and kissed him on the forehead then left.

She looked down at her son.

His eyes...


She rolled over in bed, her mind swirling.

If she didn't give him another chance, they wouldn't die. She could make enough money for both of them. She had enough love for him...But he wouldn't know his father.

If they went...

She stood and walked to Luke's bed and looked into his cradle.

His eyes...

********************1year later.

"Why can't you just believe me! I wouldn't still be trying to reach you if I didn't care! I've already missed a year of his life, just let me show you!"

"JC I know."

Luke ran into the living room being chased by Justin and Lance.

He giggled, holding Justin's shoe.

"Come on give me the shoe!" Justin shouted.

Luke giggled again and ran under the coffee table.

"Luke, be good, give Justin his shoe." Chloe said to Luke, giving him the warning look.

"NO!" Luke shouted angrily.

Joey walked into the living room, wondering what all teh comotion was.

"He has his shoe." Lance laughed pointing to the coffee table.

Luke ran out from under it, to Joey. "DADDY!" He screamed.

The blood drianed from CHloe's face. She ran to Luke picking him up.

"No baby. Not daddy. Not daddy." She pointed to Joey.

"Who daddy?"

She knew the day would come where he would ask her,but she wasn't ready to make the decision.


"Who wants a cookie!" JC shouted getting up from the couch, swooping the little body into his arms, carring him to the kitchen.

She felt weak.

She needed to sit down. She needed to sit down.

She stumbled to the couch and sat down feeling short of breathe.

She knew...


"We're leaving tommorrow." He said at the door.


"I want you to make your decision. I want you to come with us to Florida."


"Don't interupt me, just think about it. If you want to be there come tommorrow morning, if you don't I wont bother you ever agian. I promise. But please think hard, I love you."

He turned and walked to the limo, getting in, he never turned around.

She wasn't sure what to do.

He had saved her that day.


He had saved her that day.


She woke up.


She bolted up and looked at the clock.


They were leaving in 30 minutes! It wasn't enough time!

She ran to the closet and started throwing clothes into a bag.

She ran to Luke's room picking him up.

"Morning honey. It's time to get up." She put on his coat and shoes, running to the downstairs closet.

She threw on her shoes and an old jacket then ran out of the house.

Her feet pounded on the asphalt.

Her lungs were burning.

She had to catch that bus!

She saw the engine start.

"Wait!" She yelled.

"Wait!" The tiny boy in her arms echoed.

She wasn't going to make it.

Her life was on that bus.

It started to leave.

"No! Wait!" Her tears streamed down her face.

"I'm here! Don't leave me! I came!" She shouted.

It was gone.

She stopped in the road, panting.

"Mommy, why cry?"

He was gone.



He sat in the back of the bus, his head down.

She hadn't come.

He fought back the tears in his eyes.

His heart shattered.

His head lifted.

He looked out the window, to the street.

His eyes widened.

He saw a figure fading into the horizon.

"WAIT!" He yelled running to the front of the bus.

The bus driver swerved.

"Kenny, turn around. You have to turn around!"

"But-We have to get to Denver."

"Just do it!" JC screamed.

"What are you doing, JC?" Joey asked putting his hand on JC's shoulder.

"She came!" His eyes overflowing with joy. "I saw her!"

"Kenny turn around!" Joey screamed.

"OK, but when we're late don't blame me." He sighed slowly turning the bus around.

"Step on it!" JC shouted.

He saw her slowly walking to the curb.

Hurry! Hurry! I have to catch her!


She was going to cry, she knew she was.

She set Luke down and let him walk beside her.

"Mommy why cry?"

"Oh baby, mommy's just sad. I'll be OK, sweet heart." She said bending down and hugging Luke.

"Luke make mommy happy!"

Chloe laughed. Her voice shaky "Yes, baby. Luke make mommy happy."

She got back to her feet and started to slowly make her way back home...

Without JC.

She heard the sreech of wheels and turned quickly.

It was the bus!

She lifted Luke and ran to it.

JC emerged from the other side of the bus and ran to her.

"You came back!" She shouted happily as JC hugged her.

"Mommy?" Luke said struggling between them.

"Luke, hi. You want to go on a trip?" JC asked looking into the boy's tiny eyes.

"Trip!" He said agreeably.

She set Luke down and hugged JC again.

"I'm so sorry I took so long."

"I love you!" He said his eyes brimming with tears.

"I love you."

Luke ran up to the two of them and grabbed their legs, sqeezing them as hard as he could.

"Love you!"

JC laughed and picked him up.

"We love you."

Chloe looked at them both, smiling at her.

Their eyes were the same.

There was something she hadn't noticed before too.

Something that made her heart swell.

They loved her the same.

She put her arm around JC and rested her head against his shoulder.

"Tell him," She whispered into his ear. "Tell him you're his daddy."

JC smiled.

"I-I don't know how."

"Luke," She started the two of them staring at her. "This is your daddy."

He looked at her still smiling, then at him.

"Daddy!?" He said wondering.

"Yeah, daddy." JC said his heart filling with pride.

Chloe ruffled Luke's hair and grabbed JC's hand.

The three figures slowly walked to the bus, hand in hand.

One small boy.

One man.

And their woman, their love.

