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The Catholic Apostolic National Church

All things are yours…you belong to Christ… and Christ, the unique foundation, belongs to God”. (1 Cor. 3:1-23)


Welcomes You!





His Eminence,

Robert Matthew I


Archbishop of the Province of the United States

The Most Reverend Andre J. W. Queen, SCR


 Vicar General of the Province of the United States

Very Reverend Fr. Jerome Dominic Kwasek

National Church Office: (401) 495-5400


The Catholic Apostolic National Church is an international, autocephalous Catholic Family of Faith, headquartered in the United States, with provinces around the world. We are a sacramental church, embracing the fullness of Christianity as expressed within Catholic understanding. We stand, holding fast to the teachings of the ancient faith, in a modern society that is often hostile, towards Christians in general and Catholics in particular, and choose to obey the timeless message of Christ rather than yield to the "Spirit of the Age". We posses the great gift of apostolic succession, which we have in common with our Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox brethren, which blesses us with a valid priesthood and Eucharist.


The Catholic Apostolic National Church is not part of the Roman Catholic Church. We are a self-governing sacramental church, which celebrates the Western Liturgical Rites. Our parishes use the ancient pre-Vatican II liturgy (Tridentine) as our normative liturgy, and express Catholic worship and practice in a conservative, traditional manner. In a society that rewards collaboration and moral relativism, we maintain our unrelenting faith in our profession of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We live our faith in our everyday lives, and welcome you to join us and do the same.


The Faith, Theology, Liturgy, and Practices of the Catholic Apostolic National Church are both ancient and Catholic. The Catholic Apostolic National Church was established to maintain that ancient faith and holy worship, in a society that seeks to minimize and marginalize God's place in our lives today. Come and join us, as we practice the faith of our fathers. Dominus vobiscum. Email us at: .



Click on the links below, for more detailed information about the Catholic Apostolic National Church.

·         The Patriarch of the Catholic Apostolic National Church

·         The Archbishop of the Province of the United States

·         The Vicar General of the Province of the United States

·         The Office of the Ecclesiastical Charge d' Affairs

·         The Office of Religious and Catechetical Education

·         The Office of Pastoral Care of Priests

·         The Office of Hospital, Hospice and Emergency Services Chaplaincy

·         The Diocese of the Military Services of the United States

·         A Historical Overview of the Church

·         The Latest Church News & Information

·         The “Society of Christ the King, A Religious Order

·         Our “Statement of Faith

·         Discerning A Vocation in the Catholic Apostolic National Church

·         Christ the King Theological Seminary

·         Christ the King Theological Seminary Book Store

·         Links And Listings Of Our Provinces & Parishes

·         You've Got Questions? We've Got Answers!

·         Fixed and Movable Liturgical Calendar of the Church

·         Links to Other Sites of Interest



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A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Religious Church Organization

ESBN: 44210-060126-961342-75

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